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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Those are fantastic looking!! We are working to make Salty a new set of stays using a busk. If we can we will photo the progress and post shots here.
  2. looks good lass ....you're going like gangbusters on this!!
  3. Your stays look quite nice lily; hopefully we'll get to see you in them soon
  4. we used to make our own brass polish with a mixture of 2 parts white vinegar and one part each of flour & salt ...works well!!! cheap as all h@#l
  5. ANGELINA's Harford Rd. Baltimore best crab cakes in Maryland 10 years in a row .....Baltimore Magazine gave them the "All-time Best Award a few years back .....And in the cellar is a Shebeen/Gaelic Pub one of the great unsung little establishments of all the Mid-Atlantic went to check them out on-line the restaurant has closed but they are still selling the crab cakes on-line -expressed frozen overnight ANGELINAS
  6. K... here are a couple of them: the ornaments on the fobs are watch keys since the watches didn't have winding stems like the more modern watches do
  7. this is what i have used on most of my personal weapons for about 30 years: Renaissance Wax The British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Royal Armories (Tower of London in London & Leeds, National Army Museum, Imperial War Museum, the Wallace Collection, H.M. the Queen's Royal Armorer (at Marlborough House), the Guards Museum (Wellington Barracks), the Gurkha Museum (Winchester), the Military Museums at Aldershot, Royal Green Jackets Regimental Museum, the Gunsmith at Chatham Historic Dockyard (Kent), the Johnny Armstrong Gallery, and Museum of Border Arms & Armor (Scotland), National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Belgium: Musee Royal de l'Armee et d'Histoire Militaire-Brussels. USA: Gunsmith at Colonial Williamsburg, the Smithsonian, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Academy of Art-Honolulu, Texarcana College-Bladesmithing & Metallurgy, Rockfeller Restorations, and many many more institutions around the world these folks can't get it too far off the mark
  8. Still awaiting the arrival of these items after almost TWO MONTHS!!!
  9. the waistcoats look nice ...not that they would ever fit me
  10. We found some decent wooden buckets @ dixie gun works site ...they need to be treated with either brewers pitch or wax ...ask willie wobble how important a good bucket can be
  11. A few things I have done with stays in the past and I had the lass who did Salty's jumps do for us; 1. I usually use buckskin instead of bias tape as I have taken from what some of the extant examples used and hand sew it into place, cutting strips about 3/4 of an inch in width. 2. The fit is determined by the shape size and weight of the woman wearing them; often a woman of a more slight build will unfortunately have the more tube look in the stays. 3. for ease of entry and exit the practice of the hand-sewn grommets offset to accommodate spiral lacing rather than a crisscross pattern allows more simple egress from the stays. While cleavage is a good thing (God knows I love to admire the delicacies of a lovely woman) too often it needs to be modified slightly to assure the proper fit of the garment for the period clothing that will be worn over the stays. Great first attempt and you should be proud of the results!! Don't despair but I suggest you try again and lengthen the torso by few inches or so. and who knows you may find another lass our here is just that much shorter waisted than yourself who might want to take this pair off your hands to assist in financing some other sewing projects for your period kit. Well done and keep up the good work and desire to get it right!!!!
  12. I know for a fact that some of the photos on this guy's myspace belong to Pete @Middlesex Village Trading Co.
  13. aye silkie we all know how that story goes: "No Shit, there I was ....."
  14. Good news Pyrates the calories from RUM don't stay in your system they are shed within 24 hours of consumption beer and other sweet drinks contain sugars and carbohydrates that will pack on the pounds Rum, 30 ml -0 grm of carbohydrates So drynk up m' Hearties Yo-Ho!!!
  15. "You absolutely do not want to be so loud as to cause ear damage !!!!! This seems to be an on-going problem with some people that seem to think that it is important to have the LOUDEST gun on the crew, or some other such foolishness. This is an extremely bad practice from several standpoints. It is EXTREMELY inconsiderate to your fellow pirates to deliberately do something that is causing discomfort and a high likelihood of permanent ear damage. It is not at all amusing, and if you seem to get more than a few complaints or remarks about how loud your weapon is, you need to lower your powder charge or change your loading procedure. If you are causing ringing ears, you can also leave yourself, your re-enactment group, and the event open to personal injury lawsuits by members of the public. A few such incidents can get firing banned from our events. THINK !!!!!! Excessive charges, if carried to the extreme, can blow a gun apart with all sorts of immediate and on-going consequences. Don’t be the one that brings trouble on to everyone !!! Measure your charges, and keep them reasonable." >>>> Cascabel AMEN!!! Better 1000 lighter loads than the one that gets somebody hurt!
  16. Thank God you're alive lad!!! Cars can be replaced but there be too few fine men about! You are in our prayers lad; it was plainly not your time yet ...there be bigger plans for you!
  17. As if my secret santa recipient didn't figure it out it was michael bagley and since kate is such a good friend we also sent her a little something
  18. I may have a lass in my life but at least for now I'm still single; hate to let a good relationship degenerate into a marriage
  19. OK ....the first time it was difficult because it was a child of 8 or 9 who was strapped with explosives running toward me ....I drew my pistol and fired 3 rounds he dropped and blew a 12 ft wide crater in the concrete... I went around the corner of the building and puked my guts out because of my religious beliefs that "thou shalt not kill" But when in the field it became second nature to kill a suspected enemy, man, woman young or old it never mattered and I was good at what I did. It was kill or be killed. The range factor had no effect on me either; in fact at times I might have said I took particular pride in the souls that departed on my knife. I didn't go out to kill just any random person but there was an enemy and a mission and I wanted to live to get the hell out of that Hell so I did what I had to to survive ....My nightmares were always that I wouldn't react fast enough and it would be me the next time ... Would I prefer to never be in that situation again; DAMNED RIGHT!!! Nor do I want any of my children to have to go through that either. I will admit that when I came back to the states I was dangerous to be around. People got badly hurt when conflicts arose usually over some woman. Whether I actually knew her or not. The mindset to react to a life or death situation is a powerful stimuli. So for some PHD to say that you have to be crazy to have no remorse for killing I don't think they have ever been in or lived through combat situations.
  20. Do You gents mind if Hamish and i come in for a bit to get some men only time ...the little guy is fussed over by every woman who passes by
  21. You're right about the use of words like hate, sometimes it is just a bloody shame that some don't care about the greater good of an event. Recently while at PIP, I had to speak to a group of "Day Pirates" who showed up at a camp next to us and began shouting mid-day about "pass out the rum and give us some beers" .... For them it was just another excuse to see how drunk they could get before the public was off site. One complaint from a concerned visitor could put the kibosh on the beach encampment if it was made to the park superintendent (you know the old cry "Why can they drink in the park and we're not allowed to???) So I do understand what you mean William!
  22. Do I get to flog him before the hangman has at him???? (What do you think, Dutch??? Grace????)
  23. As of today it is 1 pound to $1.53 US
  24. this one isn't brass but they are pretty nice i've seen them GG Godwin
  25. I still think Hugh jackman as Blood ...Vincent Elbaz for Lavaseur He did a version of D'Artagnan in 4 Musketeers and I think perhaps Ben Kingsley as Bishop
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