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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. I told my wife about this upcoming episode. I told her the show was going to take a woman and make her live for awhile with a family that was totally into pirates, and talked like pirates, and turned every topic slowly around to pirates... She was going to be immersed in a veritable sea of All Things Pirate... I asked her "Can you imagine how horrible it would be for that poor woman?" And she just stared at me....
  2. No, my wishes suck. Not that I wished for things that suck.
  3. See you soon Kendra! Best wishes! (I used my "thinking" voice again... did you all hear that one?)
  4. Shhhhhh... Hey, everyone! We can talk about Kendra behind her back in only a few more days!! Excellent!!! She'll never know!!! Uh.. oops... was that out loud?
  5. Security Nazis at Bristol Renaissance Faire
  6. Would it be utterly inappropriate to state that I plan to spend the evening watching my DVD copy of the XXX porn movie "Pirates"? It would? Okay then, I won't mention it. Actually, it's "Talk Like A Pirate Day," not "Somthing Else Like a A Pirate Day" ... and this Pub is generally PG-13 content, so forget I mentioned anything.... Now, where's that "DELETE" button? Ah, here it is -- Oh wait! No---
  7. Alas.. it be a work day, and I have not decided whether I am wearing my entire Pirate kit downtown Chicago (on the Metra train) or not... Actually, everyday to me is "Talk Like A Pirate Day" and my coworkers (and wife) are rather sick and tired of it. If nothing else, it's Grogtinis in the evening!
  8. Sausage & mushroom pizza (brought it home from the local pub) and washing it down with Grogtinis (my third... another in the shaker right over there....) Yes -- if you have been paying attention, This is the exact same post from the day before yesterday. Hey! It worked on Wednesday.... so why not repeat the success on Friday?? The only food prep was mixing the martini....
  9. I admit it, and I am sorry... As I mentioned to you, I picked up my "tin" tankard at a CW reenactment for about $15. Lightweight, it is my favorite, but it will crush if I land awkward on it (ironically, the more I drink...) I picked up a brass tankard (with wooden handle!) for $5 at a flea market. This was my favorite before the tin one. What's the Colonial tankard shaped kind of like a snail? I have one of those -- $5 at an antique store. But it's so freaking heavy -- worse than the astrolabe. Then I have several glass-bottomed pewter tankards, which I actually use at home for my Guinness. These are readily available at antique stores and flea markets everywhere. Again, $5 is the going price for used tankards just about everywhere... but there are better deals to be had. Then there are the super-tall Playboy aluminum tankards. Ubiquitous at flea markets. I picked one of them up for my son, but the etched Playboy bunny logo has got to go. I saw a wonderfully authentic "blackjack" (tarred leather tankard) at Heathrow airport, a souvenir of the Tower of London (I did not see them for sale at the Tower itself!), but it was over US$50. Still worth it, IMHO, and I regret passing it up. Rateye, at my last few reenactments this season, if I find another tin one, hell, I'll buy the damned thing for you. Then we'll have to go out drinking again so you can get it from me. See? a Win-Win scenario.
  10. I wish.... that I had wishes as altruistic, as caring, and as wise as those posted by other people. In retrospect, my wishes suck.
  11. Have fun storming the castle!
  12. Koo koo ka-choo No.... Wasn't thinking straight, I guess.
  13. I couldn't help but look at the crowd and wonder... "Where's Waldo?" I need to stop purchasing the small crap. I have bagpipes next on my shopping list, then a blunderbuss after that. With all these freaking astrolabes I have been picking up, I will never get there....
  14. Sausage & mushroom pizza (brought it home from the local pub) and washingt it down with Grogtinis (my third... another in the shaker right over there....)
  15. Aside from my ex-wife, I don't think I ever completely fell out of love with any person who I have ever been in love with.
  16. I actually got some pictures. Here are a few. The Nina is in the foreground... Most of my shots are of the rigging... and I took far too many. So, here is one. I shall not bore you with the rest. While trying to get a picture of the Windy, a gull sailed within my shot. Turned out pretty cool... I also got a shot of the Windy with the Chicago skyline as a backdrop...
  17. Yeah... dealing with the arthritis in my hands (actually the balls of my thiunbs) and my knees may be the "Physical improvement" part of my wishes.
  18. Looking for this as a ringtone (unsuccessfully) is how I uploaded Davey Jones' Musicbox tone from PotCII. Yahr Har Fiddle Dee Dee....
  19. Or maybe some really tasty kelp?
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