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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Makin my way up the inclines to the main deck I am with the needed dread cup of coffee! I reverse my order and within reach of the galley pot a brew I release it from its lanyard to pour a fine sup of boiling conspire. I head to the main deck now in full care and pomp. Arriving with the worse for none I look about for the Captain and the Quartermaster and see niether. Lookin up I see Ciaran in the crows nest me waves I return his silent hello when his fist with point has its focus to sea. Grabbing the rail and peering the direction of his stare I see it on the 'orizon the open sailed mast and atop it.... The flag of a danish merchant. I look back up to Ciaran and he shrugs I mouth to him I'll address the situation he gives me a thumbs up. I return to the drop and announce sail ho! just once (thinkin to meself I wonders whats the next step Eh?) So I sits down and waits fer the muster! Take a sip of jo and looks up to Ciaran who again is thumb up and now peering through his brings em near into the jungle ahind us!
  2. http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/pirate/index.html the innaugural pirate event in Corona right cha here and well worth the effort ot be there on Saturday night. When the sun goes down and the candles come on the world is transformed from the abyss of today into the magic of yesteryear. Plan on attendin this one fer certs! And we'll see ya there.
  3. Killian yer burgandy attire was worth seein ye agin! though me duties makes me a losing affort fer conversation what made me the worse fer wares was I nay not ever found you throught the days return and missed that chance to catch up upon the pirating of the faires laft to adourn our ale needin systems! Huzzah! Mayhaps soon me friend! twould like that chance to share at the ale stand are you going to Big Bear? or Corona? (What was cool was Tom shows up in San Diego right (the man who produces the Corona events and he's not on anyones most cherished list but I asked him ifin I was working fer him there at the gate and he nay not did give an answer? looks as if I'll jes have to party that weekend shucks (big huge frown) I can't work....... HUZZAH!
  4. Arrrgghhhh! it be a blessed day of steam and rice, long walks on the beach with much conversations, steak on a stick and plenty of grog!
  5. yar patric and hows the goal findin its mark? ya gotsta be gettin close to yer need? Can't be thinkin the dog isn't missin the likes o you sir! been thinkin every day yer post will shows up and yer nay with need I see???? Hope the cooks life is worth it! Missin ye
  6. Being able to roam the streets and shops of town without ever taking back the steps needed to arrange departure from the Dog. Goodly, the Monsignor finds a need to feed and he's thinkin only about his most favorite, steak, eggs, hash browns smothered in gravy and a side of tomatoes and cottage cheese. God save the Queen. Ergh King, Ergh god bless this fine establishment! That's it! Huzzah!
  7. Sorry to have been so within myself yesterday that I find this conflict now addressing my fears as sleep comes with much difficulty. I thank you Swan for the kindness and Rummy too as well it should ever be. This day begins in the way of the wind as she has shown her nerve and sends it with abandon. Red skies adourn our 'orizens and nothin worse fer seafarers than red skies in the morn. Well ceptin lookin ahind you and seein the Watch Dog in yer wake huh? Ha ha ha ha! Good crew this crew! I believe I'll say a blessing giving this day its verse! God grant the strength to our crew to see through the little things knowing that the larger picture is always the inner goal. Give them the power to decide their fate with your guidance. Amen.
  8. I had spent the best part of the day in scriptures learning why I must love and not hate. Give and yet not expect to receive and turn my cheek from sting of ones hands gathered blow. I think on this last one almost all the day. If I am struck and I think as if that turning to offer my other cheek is going to save a place where it be that I might find eternal peace then so be it. I will do my best to teach this lesson almighty one. (Thoughts turn into prayer) I just don't think anyones gonna get the betters of me or me friends and that saves the need to allow such disgrace through lack of honor in battle. The ways I feel good lord that ifin yer askin me ta not do yer duty with the likes o these here mates o mine. Than yer best be askin me to show by example as well the reason why it is practice of move and movement response to that move is so vitally needed when battle comes a crashin in around yer feet. And then realizin that bein prepared includes every muscle and every sense a warrior has,then too, almighty one! I have left many to dangle on the plane of death wishin it were 'ell they were already in. And that of the righteous I had never known blood given and blood taken, Huzzah! in your name I shall continue to give more than I recieve. Amen Sits up as if coming out of an Eastern meditation looks at the roster to see whos in the basket! Too thinking that this evenings venture into the night will hold an even more magical surprize of astonishment and surprise. alas lookouts are sceduled and full up! Allows for such depression and resolves to never allow such trivial dissapointment to get one so down again. Heads below where 'is cot is and sets out to stop in the galley fer an ale!
  9. Having had no response to me questions to the quartermaster and the surgeon about any need for a cup of coffee I went ahead down to the galley and poured myself a carge tankard full and made my way back down to my cot where I was to involve my morning in the study of the word. The quiet and solitude giv'n was all the more to me liking and as the morning flew by I was found nye on noon ta be still with thoughts involving the safety of the ship and it's first endeavors pon the ocean blue. Coffee gone I rose to seek nourishment of somekind hoping anything was prepared to me liking? Fer I was with a mighty hunger.
  10. Aye good morrow Quartermester, a glorious day is it not? (Not waiting for Dorians answer as I knew my interuption of thought was rude and so arrogant of nature I return) And Tempest is this day wondrous? I'll be lookin in on the galley ifin iehter of ye would you care for a cup of hot coffee?
  11. I'm leaving right now for this weekends major league party, so batten down yer hatches and hide the women and children! One of the boys is back in town! Arrgh!
  12. Aye good morrow as well John! Storm brewin! I can feel it in me bones seems they always ache the day afore! Cabin boy! I heard yer request and I have no problem with yer requestin the transport I does find it most neccessary that ye go with another as orders call! Take Ciaran when he is off duty in the crows nest won't you?
  13. waking earlier than my norm I ease out of my cot and slip into me clothing and boots quietly I makes me way down the corridor up one, two, three and onto the main deck. A glorious day souf breeze of the ocean with a blue sky only heaven could paint. I lower my head in prayer. Gos keep yer eye on this goodly crew, allow their unity as one to prosper and flourish in your name i pray. Amen. Glorious day indeed! Looks up and thinks about climbin up to the crows nest and sees Ciaran peering out over the side glass in 'is eye lookin out over the strand and onto the ocean. (Good man that Ciaran. Good man indeed.) Glorious day indeed!
  14. Aye Ciaran i had no recolection of that but I do know that the ships carpenter has made a great effort to preparing many new barrels and I can't think of anythin better than new wood and sweet water we must return afore weighing anchor and fill these new barrels as well. Again kind sir you have been most admirably taking my care, I thank thee. But alas this day has met my ending and I feel tired beyond memory. Good day sir (I sat back and turned to lie back and .........)
  15. As I get there the quartermaster (Dorian) is making an exit and we face each other as he takes pause filling the door with his stately frame and then says "aye Monsignor you are still up and about eh?" Yes a said my cot I must have forgot and left it here in the sick bay and then just sorted it all out and came to reclaim it. (He turned left the door and said) very well good evening then rest well and was off! I turned and looked into the sick bay to see Armand bendin over a locker and Tempest walking towards me from the side room where my cot I could see was still there (Thank you, God) She looked me over into my eyes and made me look side to side, follow her finger and then she checked my ears and whumped me up the side o the head! then she said "it was a good thing you did not eat all that the cabin boy left you two days ago. Good as you could have killed yourself with the degree of cramping and sickness that should have followed such disregard for orders. You are iether lucky? or just smart? I think lucky...." I said I had came to retrieve my hammock and would be about fer a few days and that I would still be taking it way to the slows. I grabbed the hammock, bowed said grammercy and made my exit.
  16. having the persistance to stay and sit through a most enjoyable lite sup. I retreat to my own bunk and find my cot has gone missing (never thinking twice about it i was on it in the sick bay) I mumble aloud "where is my cot?" to no avail my words go unheard on the steamy air on second decks aft quarters. I rally my senses only to become beleaguered with the thought of needing it and not having it I walk down the way and up and see the sick bay and it dawns on me. My cot be there, yes it must be, it has to be! I'll jes go and fetch it....
  17. Aye Quarter master( as I walks up and I put me hand upon his shoulder) "ye knows I were jes kiddin ? right? by the by... Has the barrels been filled with the sweet water from the stream we found over where Ciaran saved me life? There are new barrels for just this task of clean and sweet water reserves It has been accomplished? Ciaran led the party back to find the stream right? (all interest on the Sampson drills is the Quartermaster so, I get the feeling maybe I should find a place less busy and think of the Galley to answer me callings to a suppertime destiny! Turning upon me departure) "Dorian I'll be in the galley" Anon
  18. Well done quartermaster and I would, errghh, should like to volunteer sir. That is to hold the hose sir fer ergh well, the cook, carpenter, surgeon and well yes. Forgive me but I must say it and just let it all out sir. Yes, everyone of the lasses that wilst allow such a thing. Is thar a list starting fer the likes of which I might enlist then?
  19. (Lookin about to me watch guards from the shallows) "Did you both hear that? Captain says leave the ship fer not! Best hither too" (dried dressed and returned in order)
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