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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. yarrrggghhhh! I love the picture of all of us in the petting zoo cages! That was cool! (closest thing the faire had to a brig! Ya know the more we thinks abouts it the more things we coulds do with the empty booths next year like make a brig fer a kodak moment stop !!!!!!ya know a couple large skeletons chained against the wall. lots to write down here and there
  2. Nice pics Rumba could I have looked any more crazed? Damn what was I thinking? Oops sorry meant to write drynking?
  3. Aye indeed ya knows ya would! the World knows o my love and i'm smitten!
  4. Having recieved word of the losses incured from the devastating fire aboard the Danzig Trader, I went below and changed into my robes. I felt as though it was not only my duty to usher these brave mens souls towards God's heaven but it too was my right to do so. I asked that word be spread there would be a burial service for those lost at the high noon. Spending those hours I needed to find just the right passages to recite I was ready by the eleventh hour. I prayed
  5. Yar it were hot and you know what Christine? Martina did bring a kiddie pool with her and there were times when the everneeded submerged noggin were there fer the dunking. Next year lets get a Pyracy.com boothe??? with a waterfall! Like the one in the Moonlight Lagoon! I forgot to mention the singing voices and talent of the Port Royal Privateers much enjoyed group the New Providence! Well done matey's! Lady Alyx and Captain Grey how is it that I missed the likes o the two a you? Mayhaps tallships in Dana point in two Sundays? Petee yer a lucky man indeed! Nice family and Killian nice pics mate! To everyone there and those that couldn't make it. Though HOT as it were, you are all great and giving wondrous mates. Grammercy (and though it be a true Pyratical name as Red Skeleton would end his shows) "and may God bless"
  6. Damn Phil! When it be I marry me Rummy I would give me gold fer you ta do the speaksing of this fine assort o words at our weddin. Ye nearly brings tears to me eyes ye does. As it is and ferever shall remain, you sir are "the man".
  7. Screamin Hot! Otter than 'ell it were, (and I know, cause I sells it)!
  8. 106 degrees on Saturday and though the drynkin weren't slowed a bit the bottles of water in betwen each ale did in fact allow the challenge of the next days Sunday involve. Billy Bones! You are the master of exchange. Cascabel, we will certainly be with many more opportunities sir. Black Hearted Pearl, you are a human being with known and unkown ways about ye. Rumba Rue, Boats ye make me proud ta knows ya! To Killian, Petee and all of me friends out and about, there in P R P, Stranglehold, Rat Bastards, tis the likes of all of your unsellfish efforts that gived the weekends tour of patron involve what it is suppose to be all about. Grammercy your friendships are my resolve.
  9. Stationed atop the quarter deck and being a part the formiddle welcoming committee of the Quartermaster and meself to all those coming on board for nourishment and hygiene. The afternoon turned evening was taking it's toll and by late night my effort to remain with duties dropped my ability to nill. I asked Dorian if I could leave me post as exhaustion had done me in and he presently addressed me to find suitable replace. So I went below and finding Tito entertaining the Dutch crews in the galley with Christine singing along. I asked him to assist on the quarter deck with the Quartermaster. I then went to me quarters where I slept hard not hearing noise one. I slept for what seemed days, dreaming of grassy hills, birds on wing and thousands of butterfies. A springtime blitz of pollen and headaches caused by my sinus attacks. Though when I woke and sat up I was rested and hungry. I rose went aloft to find it was still not quite dawn yet, I asked Christine what was the hour? Thinking it was thirty from wence I dropped off yet finding it only four and twas all me body needed. Funny thing this inner need. I ate and adjourned the main deck to see the lights on the Danzig Trader fully lit and crews working on both of the waterline holes with temporary patches of lumber and many of the Naval compliment I could see was working as well. Aye Good Morning Swan I said as I sees her up in the basket. It's going to be another beautiful day it is!
  10. you guys knows whats yer doin right? Tito and Willie must a been partners afore each roll and movement as if choreographed by a dance teacher as I am still working on being seen by Ciaran. I gots me hand up and I knows they sees us full sail and its billowin right at the Watch Dogs hind. (smiles to meself haven't thought of a dogs hind in years) Sails roll up and a sharp tack off the rear of the ship and sails up tack back to the larboard and right into the windward side of the Dog. Willie runs up front and throws a rope up and PEW is there and ties us off. Whew! Have a Cutter Captain! Tito (I turn to say me piece) Make sure you let the master gunner knows ye screwed up the merchantmans guns below and that our only heavy worry's aren't heavy but the swivals. Willie you stay right here on this cutter until you are relieved sir of duty by either the Captain or the Quartermaster.
  11. Boonie lass me own troubles are so superficial in compare. Yer friends be here and yer shoulders ta lean on well they be Mad_Jacks I'll jes say whatevers whenevers we're here! What's the bastards e-mail address!
  12. Dude when I get there I'll buy the leeches and we can throw back all the perch, sauger, muskey and pike and just look fer the largemouths. I finds em me amigo and I gots secrets to finds em too.... No not explosives..... (turns and looks right and left) secrets..........! I used ta be realllllly good at this....... Like ridin a bike right?
  13. Having for the betters of two bells been thanked and thanked again for the short and sweet service by every man on board I began to worry why I had not seen my captain their captain or the likes reappear on the Watch Dog's deck, Now mind you having the best reaosns in the world for entering into and enjoying the likes of this pirates life I went on back to school where I knows I would be of a much .... Higher assistance. So having known the likes of certain death fearin mens needs to absolve their own sins having just seen the possibility of death becoming and all to real to the end of their own day. And I mean this days might have been their end. I figured every damn one of em would be in my care and while I was holdin them real close to me heart and guidin them into the love of God. Me two mates Willie and Tito were down below wreaking havoc with the abilities of the guns to work propersly. About that time I realized that I needed to get off this ship and fast. I decided I would feign an illness and be assisted off the ship I would then ask if mayhaps the cutter might assist in me own return. I'm looking down at it when I gets the wink from Willie standin on the deck of it! I mouth "where is Tito" and he points to the rail under where I'm standin. I look down and he's hangin there on the last tether connecting the two blade in his teeth and he winks at me. God damn these guys are good! I bestowed my best of wishes to the many and stepped up to the rail one leg over then the next and down into the cutter I went Tito was slidin down the ropes comin in from the aft. Well without even a nod or a wink, we were under sail and coming out and about from the other side of the Merchantman and headed toward the Watch Dog. I was shaking my head in disbelief and staring right at Ciaran so as he'd know it was us comin!
  14. What was the reason given the application was denied? " The Board has reviewed your applications and after receiving information from members we have decided to decline your applications."
  15. I wasted about as much time putting the prayer vigil together so it would be the chance I waited for. I wished to see the formality of the two captains meeting and I was without much humor as I watched that poker hand get played. Across the water. I almost wished I had gone with them. The first mate had passed the word and so that any sailor or navy personnel wishing to have a small gathering ( a service ) of the lords on main deck should be makin their ways up for it promptly. I turned around to face the betters of a eighty men. Half in uniform and the others the crew. I opened with a prayer and went into one of my favorite passages about being spared (saved for another time) as it were seemingly fairly important to these men: I said From Romans, looking down Romans 9:25-29 Concerning the Gentiles, God says in the prophecy of Hosea, "Those who were not my people, I will now call my people. And I will love those whom I did not love before." And, "Once they were told, 'You are not my people.' But now he will say, 'You are children of the living God.' Concerning Israel, Isaiah the prophet cried out, "Though the people of Israel are as numerous as the sand on the seashore, only a small number will be saved. For the Lord will carry out his sentence upon the earth quickly and with finality." And Isaiah said in another place, "If the Lord Almighty had not spared a few of us, we would have been wiped out as completely as Sodom and Gomorrah." We never know what the almighty has in store for us or how we will be challenged each and every day. We believe he will make the best decisions for us always as our trust in him is unending. Shall we pray then? Heavenly father you test our being and we answer your call. Give us this day.....I closed in the lords prayer and the echo was most impressive
  16. Not in the best o moods today! I was trying to join this fishing club. And this morning I found out from their secretary that my application was denied. Now mind you I know this secretary I have fished events where he has and I am not a drug user and never never drynk on the water. I always wear me life vest in gear. I teach kids how to fish. I have never stepped on anyones toes in compitition ever. I am always on time. I always do more than what is asked of me. I always shre everything I have and own. Just a bit depressed this morning.
  17. Amos and Andy Me left and me right but oh! so! nuts at times
  18. Smolders were all that I could see and no fires were even aglow below but much of the waterline on the side I was on was heavily damaged and would not make it through a storm (50 navy marines on this ship it boggles meas to how in Gods name did we not get fired on?) We made the fore castle and with three around him, a man I hadn't seen yet stepped away from them and right at me. Taking off his hat and in a semi bow I offered my hand as it should be and it was taken. He told me his name was Captain Scully ( i wandered is that short for something?) and he added that he had already had his valuable cargo offloaded onto the longboats and as he was involved in telling me this I sees that the three that had just previously surrounded his council noticed our barge already tying up the three of his long boats. They interupted our conversation to show their captain what was happening and he turned fast to me and said, what is this? Captain I answered calmly, what would you do to save these? We are with the needed capacity to help you out of these most un forgiving events. Take my long boat you your staff here go (I looked up pointing to the Watch Dog) Go see for yourself if we cannae give your men and cargo a chance to exist and in the means mayhaps we together can repair your ship up in the shallows. Here now let us get a move on as this day is long but here the weather changes in a heartbeat. Let me guide you to my launch. He turnde to his confidants. They were heated in descript, I sensed rising temperatures and backed away so as to be not confronting. It must have worked moments after I turned my back to them all but one, the Ships master, were to return to the Watch Dog. We boarded them and six of my crew returned with them I along with three others stayed on board to assist with varied this and that. Mostly I wanted my eye on the one in charge. I had Willie and Tito go below and see what if any cannons were ready to fire on us while I asked questions of the likes of the ships master. I asked if they would like a service where I could get my eyes on all of them marines and crew and he bought it. I called it a vigil, the days prayers of ships safety and rework.
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