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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Shave? I think not! But it's Wednesday and they cost more on Wednesdays....As the week gets longer the prices get higher but the consolation is....... Saturday is the only free day and night! Speaking of which??? Question??? Why is it that in english we add night to all the weeks names that end in day? Why don't all pyrates make a stand now to save energy and waste by addressing this issue and making the norm Saturnight or Monight you know? It's not like a rocks I Q wouldn't figure it out???? (well I know a few people with brains like a bag of hammers that might not ever put it together though....) nevermind
  2. Oh, thats Sahara Is that the Clive Cussler book with Dirk Pit???? Read it years ago didn't see it yet!
  3. "So are children in yer future?" Now that tugs something somewhere with some women. but! you can take it either direction. answers being: Absolutely not! you say perfect then. Answers being after they study you sizing yer potential up and down they say: Yes or maybe. You say they will all be beautiful. I know I'm going to hear about this so let me just say I'm sorry Rummy I love only you and I haven't used it in a hundred years (but it was one o me faves)
  4. Ooops sory to have bothered ye lass! mayhaps jes a Guinness then? (walks over and pours his own pint mumbling I hates continental)
  5. Like Scarlet says ifin ye just climbed out from under a rock!!! Yes, indeedy OJAI is this weekend!
  6. Me ole son the producers of Ojai does four faires a season! Two in Escondido and two in Ojai one each local in spring and one each in fall. They are really nice folk. i was saddened by the change in yer contract awares and will fer certs make the most of me attempt to bring them to yer show Saturday. Can't wait mate... I think they are at http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com
  7. watch it's direction fer the next bells toll and she never once wained straight into port then on the moment of need did vere off to assist the Dancig Trader by then we were the best of twelve leagues gone. Nice brings 'em near we have in the basket indeed. I prayed for the safe harbor for the crew, officers and Christine on the Danzig Trader. By the time Swan had come up into the basket for her shift we were completely out of sight of all including land and sea birds. I made my descent to the deck and then headed directly to the galley. there seemed to be the entirety of the ship gatherd singing shanty's and toasting to this wonderful ship, officers and crew. I joined in.
  8. Sail ho! Off port three points and headin due north sir headin into Montserrat! Nine maybe ten leagues out has not seen us as I can tell! Looks like a cog sir a fisherman!
  9. you know the Pattersons had an issue about many of our pins when we went up to work the Novato faire by you and we had to remove a many of them (they were distasteful they said) I said rats and plagues are good things? but we saw and even bought a few more there they are worn in hats on bodices and on doublets. But why is the rum gone?
  10. Where ye from ye rat bastard? Dover sounds likes the long way home. I know there are going to be a flaming bunch of parties and guild yard pot luck dinners but we'l be out in the estranged employee camping and parking (under the palm trees lined lake road)0 across from the rv enclosed parking area that's part of the lake properties) Anyway I'd like toas offers up a warm welcome to the fine bretheran of this here fine establishment to seek the green aerostar van (with the halibut in the back window) the patio enclosure next to it should be some right fine drynkin all into the night stop by fer a hearty hand shake and a nightcap won't you all? Oh in case the lot a you were unawares there is a Rite-aid (fer yer liquors and beers) in town six and a half minutes from camp! I am really looking toward meeting you redd oktober damn cool indeed! Huzzah!
  11. With the pork gone and three pans a bread Constance was up to a new task one where I could be a bit more flexible (so-to-speak) I asked if she wouldn't mind taking over the complete supper as I were about to take on my shift in the basket and that if she wouldn't mind as the roast became close to done the big difference atween decent and magnanimous is the wine in the sauce and then showed her how scraping all the juices off the wall of the pan it cooked in is what gives sauce its flavor. After she were quite the practiced scraping fool I too showed her the basting mixture I had made. So onto the beans, having let the water absorb into the little critters I put them back onto the fires to cook and soften but not until I added twenty six ounces of ale, salt, pepper, garlic and pork strips. Also I reminded her that using only 1/3 of the juices from the roast will need to be added to three quarts of ale brought to a boil with herbs and the leeks added for the soup. I told her if she wished to bake fresh rolls dinner should be pulled together around end of first dogwatch. I showed her that adding those hot fired peppers and mango into a right nice salsa fer side color and spice might prove the betters addition fer the roast and her efforts. I made my farewell and then the captain walked in and says good job you old coot and I had to beg off and went below to aquire my thicker cover for my watches. Went above and asked Ciaran on his way down ifin he'd stick his eyes into the galley every so often.
  12. I have this two part set of buttons on one is two thimbles hanging it says nipple armour. on the other it says official nipple armour fitter! God I hate faire.....NOT "what happens at faire stays at faire" "faire happens"
  13. that would mean having to enjoy yourself at faire ! Nah nevermind too many of those skank dogs wanting to pick up on you and take you out to write bad checks on them....
  14. I took out the roast and started rubbing the pork grease all about the outside of it massaging into the each and every nook and cranny I could involve. Adding three crushed and minced and pulverized garlics to my finger tips I pushed poked and certainly found every place that would easily allow such a build up of fragerance and flavor within the roasts structured being. I dropped the roast into a fired hot pan and began the sizzling spatter of brazing the meat fast. salt, pepper turning it. I was still terriblt burning the piece of meat when Constance pulled out the second pan of corn bread. I turned off the fire and added three cups of wine and four cups of water put the lid on and set it to slow cook in the back. Turned and tore off a piece of this dillusional causing bread I been smelling the betters parts a me memory. It were fine it were..........I was thinkin that as it were basting would be a ways off so I poured a grog fer her and meself and toasted to a reason fer delicacy run amuck.
  15. I went down to the hold where the water was stored and had a new barrel brought up having used the most o what was left in the standing one. I too then found the sacks of potatoes brought one of them up and the onions they looked a tad wet and maybe parts could be used but I wasn't going to count on it. A nice garlic clove jumped into my hand and I brought in a pitcher of white wine to mix with the garlic and butter to baste the roast with. Ms smith came by as I was turning about and asked if she wouldn't find out what time the captain should like his supper? Then Constance opened the oven took out one pan and put in t'other. golden brown corn bread and she was slaving soft butter to its top as a coating and cutting off rows that were being taken as they came do by the crew. I handed one (large) piece to Ms Smith. She took a bite peeled arourn in a half swirl o lace and leather and was off... Waving as she dissapeared I heard her muffled grammercy.
  16. the corn bread Constance was making was causing quite the commotion on board. I am not sure if the flavor I was smelling was maple or honey buy whatever it was was making my eyes cross with hungar.
  17. Damn nice a you Constance God will do right by thee. The tack I brought out a short time ago is almost gone and I am boiling this here water to make beans soups with lamb and leek fer main meal would you like to throw a pan of corn bread in? And I should think the cutter will soon be back on board as our speed has greatly diminished we should bring out some dried beef as well lass. Grammercy
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