I love the way your eyes sparkle especially when I catch you staring at me and forget what your doing lost in a dream of love and lust.
I love the smile on your face that causes that cute wrinkle above your nose as I see you are thinking about a night of passion and lust.
Aye! Swabbie deck master 204! Ye might make it matey! keep yer eyes open and yer nose clean and you'll make first mate in no time! Ray! Owsabouts a tankard a Guinness fer me and the swab here?
I've been known to purchase a few things on line and I have bought two hat blanks and sox from this place and they seem pretty inexpensive in areas and outrageous in others but try this on for (size)
What I found to be exciting was the way the company actually got inside the ships crew offering a look into the infra structure of the certain tasks and duties of (for the most part) each of the wood workers (during repairs) and blacksmiths making braces. the doctor and the truly captivating things always going on in depth in the background which captured my romantic immagination. I never witnessed the close to look at the real work the company did so well you could almost smell them.
Christine, I am with hopes you might come before noon and say hi on Sunday as we will be packing a tad early so as to make the drive to southern for dress rehearsal.
I have to get something new started
He saw that his brother had sworn on the wall,
he hung up his eyelids and ran down the hall,
his mother had told him a trip was a fall
and don't mention babies at all.
alone, solemn is the ways we think about all day
what we could have changed what would be the way
the days are getting longer and all's warmin too
a nice time to fall in love Springs here for you
"Silence" Writen by this wierd guy way off into the future
It is not that can be heard
a graceful sound undone
in this labyrinth of noise
I am beside myself with joy
thinking of the storm afar
an wondering where you are
delicately I hear nothing!
The tide last evening came in high as I remembers the moon was a sliver of it's own self. The water though it was warm and there were sharks parolling the reef jes outside me pitols range. I took a few shots anyway. I did see a most wondrous display of clouds pon setting sun. Worth its weight it were.
I think that the Gentlemen of Fortune has many valid points. The Buffet look will enable much less BS about that which you need not delve into. Excelent and well wishes.