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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. two bottles of rum and what I said!
  2. Thar be a big Pirate Faire in Bakersfield comin up! In June!
  3. Swab! A goodly cap'n surrounds 'imself wit a crew which knows the ins an outs of 'is ships capacity in any circumstance. Grammercy fer the pint. Somestimes from yer arse is where the best thoughts comes from! An cap'ns deligate better then any other men living!
  4. William It took me the betters parts of months ta gets from the beginnings to the never to end last post and congrats to ye and we all be of happiness and admiration fer a fine youngun to grow into the boots of a captain of free men. Free men 'pon the open sea of life! Huzzah! and to the Tsunami Kate as well, Huzzah! Can I gets me a pint o Guinness in here?
  5. gets outs yer discs on yer backs porch. Gets yerself a nicely (large) bottle o' yer favorite rum and sits back and close yer eyes whilst ye have yer own concert in Jimmy's honor! Ye parrothead you!
  6. So I'm walkin out on the strand thinkin a goodly two and a half hour walk by the time I get down the shore I can head back lookin fer big shells. I brought a nice ly duffle in great antic i pa tion hoping the low tide will bring them into site.
  7. "Mr. Saturday Dance" Steve Tyrell
  8. "Mood Indigo" Benny Goodman Orchestra
  9. If I could just ad two pence worth from me peanuts gallery, This particular faire is in rolling hills where granite rocks and a creek bed terrain covered in huge oak trees and pepper trees. Some cactus and all green (from our way over abundant winter of record water fall) meadows and dry beds, but though mostly in a valley where without a breeze it can get very hot it was more than perfect with a cool breeze all afternoon and chilly nights where every star came out to say hi and share in passions play. As for the faire it had to have been a record patron attendance as the battles crowds were heard for miles not to mention parking was closed before 1:30 p.m. People were parking on streets and walking a mile to get in. Vendors were exhausted sitting in empty booths (tents) actually sold out! The faire actually ran out of beer! It was HUGE and perfect. Thanks to Christine for making the connection to CaptPhil for a coast to coast first from faire, Bloody Mary Bonney for dancing the legs off all the belly dancers. Rhumba Rue for a gracious hospitality and most of all my Buttercup for seeing a reason for loving me.
  10. The fun at faire is in the company you keep and I was kept more than busy! Fun would then be an understatement! It was righteous! Mad_Jack Have you been watching Ghostbusters again?
  11. There two things better than wenchin and ale! I just haven't found 'em yet! Huzzah!
  12. Imaginary? As in to whom?
  13. The Beatles White album (the whole way to work)
  14. Twu wuve is what bwings us togewer today! Arrrggghhhh! Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!
  15. Gots me lorien_stormfeather
  16. "Them There Eyes" Lady Day (Billie Holiday)
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