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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *starts spongin the gun*
  2. HOLD ON TA YA TANKARDS MATES!!! FIRE!!!!!! * lowers linestock to touch hole* KAAAAAABOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oi, swan ifn ya please could ya top of me tankared mate. *blows on slow match*
  4. Aye master Diego. * Runs below deck, returns with bucket holding half charge, and slow match in the other hand, puts charge in cannon and rams it, pricks the charge, runs out the gun, steps back and light slow match and blows on it.* On you word master diego.
  5. *climbs over side of deck,Fills up tankard with rum, walks up to the quarter deck, takes a seat and lights his pipe." Ahhh this be the life.
  6. *stops half way up the peir to hear what diego has ta say* " thinks to himself, the guns can wait" * runs back toward ship*
  7. Ah, there ye be.... Nay, bring th' swivels o'er ta th' pier... inspect 'em well an' a'ter we careen we'll fix 'em were needed.... Aye, quartermaster. I'll away the long boat, ta load the guns from da peir. *Turns ta kendra* Duty calls ship mate, see ya in a few.
  8. Tis alot calmer than yesterday, with the flamin daggez incident .
  9. Aye, ahoy thar. Don't see much mate, just white caps and gulls. Still it calms me ta look at em.
  10. *looks around at the empty deck* Ah this be nice * continues puffin on the pipe and lookin out the spy glass out ta sea.*
  11. *walks off to the bow of the ship, sits on a rail and lights pipe, pulls out spy glass and looks out to sea.*
  12. Aye Quartermaster, should we load and fix the swivel guns in place, or should we be wait till we careen da ship?
  13. *Startled and a bit drunk, roles/falls out of the hammock, getting soaked in bilge water, slowly looks up to see Diego standing over him* Aye....uh....there master Diego......I a was just down er checkin da level of da bilge.
  14. *looks around to see if anyones watching. Sneaks off down to bilge with bottle of rum. Sets up a hamock, lies down, takes aswig off the bottle, tilts tricorn over eyes and ZZZZZZ*
  15. *Climbing back on deck, this time even more out of breath than last* * mutters under breath* "This is gettin ta be bloody ridiculous, we need ta be gettin a powder monkey er a cabin boy er some sort a erand runner." Quartermaster, da warehouse keeper says ten pieces o eight per will do just nicely.
  16. *Climbs over the deck and runs down the peir to the said warehouse, ta negotiate the sale of six swivel guns*
  17. HUZZAH!!! ta the new shipmates.
  18. *Climbs over on to deck, slightly out of breath* Quartermaster sir, the keeper o said warehouse, as six swivel guns on hand. He wouldn't give me a price, on account I didn't know how much we ad ta spend. Trade wise he said he did'n need notin. He mentioned runnin a line o credit or takin a small percentage o or profit. Said he needed ta talk ta someone who could make those type o decisions and such. I did'n tell em the venture o this here ship, said it was a merchant ship an I did'nt our cargo.
  19. Aye, *makes his way over the ship and down the peir to said warehouse*
  20. Quartermaster, the ship be good on the type a shot ya requested, but I'm not sure on hows ta go abouts gettin us us swivel guns.
  21. When is San Diego.
  22. Thank you diego, I try. I be turnin over 3 pistols, a blunderbuus, two cutlesses and a rapier. I be thinkin thats it.
  23. Very well Master Gunner... But... 'ow's 'r supply o' grape shot? Chain shot? Canister? An' by a quick look about I sees we be lackin' a fer cannon n' swivels... An' by th' by, Master Gunner... not ta get off on th' wrong foote, but please address me properly... Thankee ... My apologies Quartermaster Lasseter, I'll go down below and check on all items requested.
  24. No worries there ship mate your safe an'in good hands now.
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