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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *climbs over the rail and down the side of the deck to the long boat, walk down the peir to the warehouse to retrive the six swivel guns*
  2. Me livers not what it used ta be mate, I made sure o whilst in the service. HAHAA
  3. Aye, swan ya be a life saver indeed. Thank ye mate. *eats the olives, and shoots back the drink* Oh, I'm startin ta feel better already.
  4. *slowly sits up on the deck and raisees one hand to the side of his head. * Oi me bloody achin head, who hit me? *slow stand up and walks over to the rail and holds on keeping his balance, with a long mone he stretches.*
  5. Can you camp there even if your not working?
  6. *arms and legs crossed, tricorn over face, ZZZZZZZZZ*
  7. No worries there swan, I actually enjoied da view. * lays back down and ZZZZZZZZZ*
  8. *falls back, hitting his head on the deck*........ouch. *just lays there* Oh....whats a nice views there is from heer.
  9. Eye "hicup"? AYE!! "brrp. Thans ya kindly fairsh shwan. Youis beins a right goodlyship mates,"hicup". Oi, Diego thas beins rums in tha dar flasks"brrp"
  10. *slowly lifts head and eybrow* "hicup" shes a "hicup" mermaids? * shrugs shoulders and takes another long drink * "mummbles mummbles"
  11. Um......maybes I should just stay her fers a bit. *lifts tankard up slowly * I could be usin "hicup" a refills ifn ya be pleasin. "brrrp"
  12. Aye...."hicup" master gunner...."brrrp"....wenchin. Just lets mefinsh thish her bottles "hic up" then I getsh ush some powders" hicup" and "hicup" ball. HAHAHA * tilts head back and finishes the bottle* * slowly stands up. wavers alittle bit, takes a step, then THUD face first on the the deck* ........ouch.
  13. True sad partys are the worst. Maybe we should blow sumpin um. "hic up"
  14. *tilts tankard all the way finishing of his rum, grabs bottle, about to pour another full tankard, looks at bottle, looks at tankard, throws tankard to the deck and drinks from bottle.*
  15. *sits down on the deck, back against the mast, pics up tankard and takes long slow drinks* Bloody hate loosin shipmates
  16. Whats all this we got another hand wantin ta leave, OI! I bloody hates loosin mates.
  17. Aye* helps hoist barrel up to the deck*
  18. No worries mate, I thinks they should hold over just fine.
  19. Aye I'll help ya swan, * sets tankard down and follows swn *
  20. Aye here's ta not bein sober. *finishs of tankard and extends it ta swan* ifn ya please swan.
  21. I don't need teasin and a flirtin, yous a good shipmate. I just don't understand.
  22. *pulls out flask with rum and hands it to diego*
  23. * slowly pics up linestock and artillery bucket and walks to go store them*
  24. * slowly lowers tankard and watchs kendra* Wait don't go. Spiritual hinderrence? What does that meen? Us sorry sailors need every scrap o scripture we can get. Your not hindering me spiritual none, and I don't thinks ya should go. Besides who else is gonna tease me. If theres nothin I can do ta stop ya, .......well I guess, if ya must ya must . *looks depressed, takes another drink from his tankard*
  25. *takes a long drink from tankard* Oh that was good.
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