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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. That be no good mates.
  2. Dorian, Master Gunner Petee here , I checked on the stores fer the cannon, we got plenty o shot, slow match and powder. The powder be dry and siffted and the shot be clean and round.
  3. *Surfaces with a pile of seaweed covered, pyratical items. Grabs a line and starts haulin himself up and over the side o the ship. Throws the seaweed covered items on deck and starts puttin back on his own gear*
  4. *Dives down to the deep in search of daggez belongings*
  5. If ya got a good hold o em I'll dive down and grab his gear. CArefull though, seems like he dont got his wits about em. Three sheets he be. Smells like rum more that the norm.
  6. Oi, this hear sailor be gettin a we bit havy, please someone haul em up.
  7. Well looks like someone got a gaf on em.
  8. Sorry Diego, couldn't get a gaf on em in time, he started going down.
  9. *Keepin Daggez afloat ties rope around his waist* Heav em up.
  10. Oh bloody hell. * takes off boots and gear and jumps over board with rope in hand.*
  11. Aye, welcome aboard Jack, it be a pleasure ta have ye as one o me shipmates. *hears a scream and splash, runs and looks over the edge of the rail ta see Daggez floatin in the water and steam comin up all around him. Throws him a line." Aye, somone give me hand pullin up Daggez.
  12. Aye, thank you.
  13. When can we see some more info on this event.
  14. I see nothin wrong with that mate, but this here bein a ship o free men o da sea, me thinks we should be puttin it up ta vote.
  15. Check the Gallery link at the top of the page, Shipmate. There be LOTS of us there !!!! >>>> Cascabel Aye, I know I'm just lazy.
  16. Com'n mates thars gots ta be mor'r ya.
  17. Aye glad ta see tha crew be growin, what positions thay be fillin?
  18. Aye, with bells and whistles.
  19. So does that meen that it might go on saturday, but definatly on sunday. Or does it meen that Sunday's date is already taken so they can't do it sunday and they might still do it saturday?
  20. YYAAAARRRRR!!! Yes
  21. "looks around ta make sure no ones lookin and sneaks back down in the bilge for a nap and a nip"
  22. I dont get it.
  23. I would have to say oil wax coated. It just looks and feels so authentic. But its all up ta you mate.
  24. Aye, welcome abord the......What was this ships name again?... anyway welcome aboard William. Good ta have ya.
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