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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *after finding a cup of coffee, he goes and sits down on the beach, sips coffee and puffs on pipe, watches the activity around the watch dog.
  2. *sponges the gun and douses the slow match* I loves me the smell o powder in the morn, *pulls out pipe and lights it, walks down the battlement in search of coffee*
  3. *opens the artillery bucket and pulls out the charge and wading and rams them. Using the vent prick, he pricks the charge and primes the touch hole. He then runs out the gun and goes and picks up the linstock and lights the slow match and lowers it to the touch hole* KAAAAAAABOOOOOOM!!!!!
  4. *hearing the commands of the captain, petee turns around and swim back to shore. He then walks up to the two palm trees where his hammock is tied and puts on his boots, shirt, waistcoat, bandana and hat. Then picks up his sash, belt and baldrick, and makes his way to the cannon position with the 22 pounder.*
  5. *taking notice that the days work has not yet begun, he takes of his shirt and slowly jogs down to the shore and jumps in the ocean and begins to swim.*
  6. *hearing the blast from the cannon, petee sits up quikly causing his hammock to flip over, dumping him onto the sandy beach. Laying there for a few seconds to look around and get adjusted to the morning sunlight and his surroundings , he slowly stands up and brushes off the sand.*
  7. Not the plot from cutthroat Island, the theme music.
  8. Aye aye sir, I'll train em up good sir, ifin he needs it. Sir ya flater me, I wouldn't be the gunner I am ta day ifin it wernt fer you sir.
  9. Aye sir, thank you sir.
  10. Oh an Capn, I still ave all me arms from when I went ashore an got this here knot on me noggin, since I dont know who arm master o arms be, I didn't turn um in when the ships surgeon attended ta me wounds, was wonderin at this moment since we be ashore an all if I could hang on to um, at least just while I take this watch?
  11. Aye sir, they appear to be spot on. Just itchin ta make something go boom sir, if ya know what I mean. Figured since the surgeon won't let do any o the work on the ship, I could double check the status on these here guns, and keep a watch on the fortifications.
  12. *Slowly rises out of the hammock, yawns and extends his arms, stretching. Looks around at all the work being done on the beach in the cove. Stands up and walks to a cannon enplacement next to the entrance of the fortification. Starts inspecting the artillery bucket and its contents, then starts looking down the chace of the cannon, as if to check its aim.*
  13. The area is on a hill top with a good breeze and theres shade and misters everywhere. Besides if any body there is getting too hot I will be more then happy to get them wet.
  14. *after thorough inspection of the cannon positions, fully satisfied. He walks up and down the beach looking for a place to tie up his hammock. He stops in front of two palm trees that bent and crossed each other. After tieing up the hammock, he pushes on it, testing its strength, and then slowly lays down, and tilts his tricorn over his head.
  15. *walks up and down the fortification inspection the cannon positions for readiness and fields of fire.*
  16. *with a look of shock and his jaw dropped, thinking to himself, how did she know that? all he could do is nod his head*
  17. Morning mam, aye, I feel likes I've been off me feet fer too long. I'm feeling much better, almost fully healed I'd be safley betting. Thanks ya knidly once more fer the taking care o me.
  18. Aye, thank you kindly Armond, didn't mean ta go making ya get upset. Just needed some fresh air and ta stretch me legs is all.
  19. *he holds out his arm and lets Armand escort him *
  20. *looking a little confused and puzzled, not realy understanding the words being yelled at him. He slowly nods his head in agreement, and mutters* aye.
  21. Aye, a blessed day it be indeed. I belives the ships surgeon has work the will of our lord, since I be almost fully recovered.
  22. * notices diego and walks over* Morning padre, looks like we be at our spot o careenin. * scans over the fortified cove.*
  23. *goes back down to the galley to get a cup of coffee, looking arond to make sure nobody's watching, he pulls out his flask and pours a shot of rum into his coffee filled tankard and heads back up to the deck.*
  24. *feeling a sudden stop of the gentile rocking motion, Petee slowly opens one eye and looks around, sits up and streches. Ruubing his head, he notices that he is almost fully healed. With another stretch and yawn he slowly gets out of his hamock and goes above deck.*
  25. I think you mean HUZZAAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!! HEHE
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