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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *Makes his way down the beach to where his hammock is tied. He then takes off all clothes, except for his breeches and runs down to the shore line and jumps in the ocean and begins swimming.*
  2. *with a large smile on his face , he turns to see the quarter master,* Oh sorry sir didn't see ya there, right, gun maintanence, the gunnery crews and meself will get on that right away sir.
  3. *Stands up and stretches after running out the big 18 pounder Culverin, walks over and picks up the linstock with the lit slow match and lowers it to the touch hole.* KAAAAAABOOOOOM *The big gun jumps back violently, jerking the ropes tied to the mooring rings tight.*
  4. *while loadind the wad and charge, he makes mental notes of the new gunners* Why thats another full gun crew there, we should be able ta fire of two broadsides within a minutes time. *big smile *
  5. Five more minutes, Five more minutes, * wakes with a start* Oh must been dreamin, mornin allready? Well lets wakes um up if they aint already. * Sits up from his hammock and puts on his boots. Lights his pipe as he walks to the gun emplacment over looking the entrance to the cove.*
  6. Aye, aye sir I'll muster what I can sir. *turns and makes his way to the gun implacements*
  7. I feel ship shape sir. Ready ta do what needs ta be done.
  8. *Stands up, when he notices the captain and diego talkin* Oh sorry sir didn see ya there, I really get into it when I be cleanin me pistols. Kinda spiritual like if ya know what I mean,...well that and the ale.
  9. *holsters his pistols in his belt, and walks up to the drift wood to examine his handy work, witch is starting to look like swiss cheese. He looks up at the sun and trys to judge what time of the day it is. Looking around on the beach he notices that it is deserted, he makes his way up to the galley and pours himself two tall glasses of ale and walks back down to the two palmt rees were his hammock is located. Sits down with his back against a tree and takes a long swig of ale and begins cleaning his guns.*
  10. *starts reloading and priming his pistols, when hes finished, he walks back to his firing point turns and this time raises both pistols at the same time.* KAKABOOM
  11. *sits up from hammock and picks up pistols from the ground. starts to reload them from last target practice. Stands up and walks twenty paces out and turns around. raises his right arm and takes aim.* Boom *then his left arm* Boom *holstering the pistols in his belt, he walks up to the drift wood hanging from the palm tree and examines it.*
  12. *waking up a little grogy and confused, dreaming about an old girlfriend yelling at him* Huh? *lifts his head to see both, the surgeon and Diego walking away from him, but in different directions.* Hey, was somone just talking to me or was I sleepin?
  13. Aye, the pipe, I almost fergot. *picks it up from the sand packs a bowl and lights it, then hands it to Diego*
  14. Aye, padre, I'll gaurds em wit life. Oh, an I be feelin a whole heep better, but I guess its up to da surgeon ta tell me that Im cured.
  15. *comes running back to the fire, out of breath* couldn't find em,...must be in town er sumpin.
  16. *jumps up and runs off in search of the captain and the quartermaster*
  17. I don't reads much o da spanish, can ya translate? And I can't recon I've seen that Isle e'fore.
  18. *eyes wide, with look of anticipation* Its a beaut, whats it say?
  19. *walks over Diego by the fire, pulls out a leather pouch of tobacco and pulls his pipe from his tricorn and hands them to Diego* Here ya go padre. What that ya find there?
  20. *looks over from investigating his target* Aye, *he shouts back* Be right there.
  21. *after sharpening his cutlass, stands up and walks down to the shore, looking at pieces of drift wood, he picks one up and then throws it down, after doing this a couple of times, he finds one that satisfies him, he walks over to the two palms where his hammock is tied up and hangs the piece of drift wood to one of the palms. Walking back about twenty paces he pulls both pistols from his belt, and raises one,* BOOM * and then the other* BOOM * he holsters his weapons and goes to inspect the piece of drift wood.*
  22. *Once finished with his pipe, he compacts his spy glass and sits down on top of the cannon stradling it and pulls out his pistol and begins to inspect it, once staisfied, he puts it back in his belt and does the same to the other. Once finished with his pistols he draws his cutlass and a wet stone and begins to sharpen it.*
  23. *while at watch over looking the entrance to the fortification, pulls out pipe and lights it, then draws his spy glass and looks down the road that leeds to the cove.*
  24. * after he finishes his bowl and the rest of his coffee, he stands up and makes his way to the fortifications to take up the watch.*
  25. Mornin, and tis a beaut at that. Welcome abord, good ta have ya, we be need in all the able hands we can muster. *tips hat*
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