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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Yuch. Id rather drink the bilge. True Christine every thing in Cali always seems to be a might sweeter.
  2. Where ya be workin that be makin ya so dirty lass?
  3. Thanks ye kindly dear willam
  4. Aye, I most likley be buildin another.
  5. Willam I posted those pics of the cannon fer ya. They be in the rabble rousing. Sorry ta tease fer so long mate. Could I have a pint if ya please.
  6. They have got some other pretty cool statues.
  7. Ive seen that before somewhere. I think it was on one of those jack sparrow renactors sites. He be part o the pub.
  8. Oh and she be a loud one.
  9. These be me tools o da trade.
  10. Shes not done yet Just gotta add the wheels and axles, and a few minor adjustments. Enjoy
  11. This place is just crazy.
  12. What in davy jones locker are ye to talkin about
  13. HArd ta say, does look like flowers though. Wait ya now what it is, its a burnt up center piece with pine cones flowers and plants.
  14. Thank ya capn's thank ya kindly.
  15. "Starts diggin in" Aye, I pint would do nicely. " Mouth stuffed full of shell fish"
  16. YAARRR, ok this seriously be makin me hungry and I only gots ten minutes till lunch.
  17. Sorry sorry didn't mean ta step on toes. CAnt really tell what that is , look s new though.
  18. Aye good to see the old bastard back.
  19. Aye I also be part swedish. Oh what is it with all the darn Libras in this here pub.
  20. The recording said they would start again sometime in august.
  21. 1-818-725-2905 This is the number for the casting agency. Its a recording, but it gives a little info on whats going on. They say that filming will resume again in about a month and a half.
  22. Heres a couple sites that be givin so good info. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...iendID=11385434 http://www.orlandomultimedia.net/pirate/pi...rateupdate.html
  23. Anything from the "Toucan Pirates" would be a good buy, I havn't heard anything from Billy Bones, I'll have ta check em out.
  24. Screw kids I want one for myself.
  25. http://www.danielswoodland.com/images/pira...ate/pirates.htm
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