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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. and cause my weekend was crap i'll take it
  2. to creepy for me
  3. nightmare before christmas the rudalof speacial um.... sleepy hallow edward sissor hands the tenth kingdom interview with a vampire the list just keeps growing
  4. *walks over to z and hugs him ruffling his hair* just thank god that your pretty
  5. *slides a pint to rouge* there ye are love! *turns to z* Z? you gonna live?
  6. *raises her tankard and trys to smile*
  7. those prices seem high to me for some reason hmmmm....
  8. wow i think i had a pair of vans once didnt really like it
  9. enough to make a diffrence i'm sure
  10. wow that was interesting...
  11. ah that be great rogue
  12. tis true tis true! however finding at the park makes it all the more challenging.
  13. well thats cheerful. Anyway i've been told so many thingsabout nersury rymes over the years i just tend to agree with whose ever speaking at the time
  14. lol right....
  15. oh you mean ryan? the guy i liked yeah he was the cutie i thought you ment his friend
  16. oooh cali i'll be checking into it
  17. i dont have one yet working on that but its last on my list
  18. and no laura he wasnt
  19. i got the wallet back they found it! yea anyway he called today
  20. good luck to ye missy but seriously i know what thats like and i do hope that it all turns out alright
  21. You mean those not be true? Avast I need to hang me teachers from me yardarm! *pats El Pirata on the back* there there i'm sure theres a cowboy dancing right now to the nutcracker (lol....i'm sorry i cant type that word with a straight face)
  22. well my trip to disneylamd twas quite eventful lol i lost me wallet and picked up a man. It twas so much work though i mean i practically had to beat him over the head with signals. I did feel bad though cause i guess his friend really liked me but i just wasnt interested and he spent most of the night sulking.
  23. lovely but i just bought anouther chamise and my mother would kill me.
  24. wow.... now if i was old enough to drink.... ah say la vi
  25. oh lordy lordy lordy i cant really invision any of the two colliding sorry and the whole pyrate ninja thing rediculous pyrate did have a code but it was more of something that you fallowed when you wanted to unlike ninja's whom are taught stict ideals and moral codes (boshido)
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