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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. very nice *claps*
  2. looks fun
  3. *walks in and looks around smiling* well it looks like the week from hell is finally winding down.
  4. I thank ye for the boost of confidence lol. To tell you the truth i think it might have worked theres been a weird change in the las couple days. All the guys that have been using me for the past couple months told me i was being either a real bitch or just plain no fun anymore. I had to laugh. I mean they didnt expect me to be there litte toy for ever right? I think they are afriad of me cause i grew a new spine which makes sence because its a lot stronger then thiers. In fact when one of them heard that i have the house to myself this weekend he started his same old song and dance but when i told him i was already having company (i'm lying) he acted all hurt and was practically i dont know begging to come over. I think he just wants to play with my playstation .
  5. Holy shit! i'm only going for a vacation this summer for one. And as for the girl you know from the beach of long she is only an illusion i dont have that confidence in real life. I'm just a 19 year old coffee maker. Thats why i go to the fair, to regain that feeling of goddess in a bodice. I wish i could be as beautiful and confident as she is but truth be told i'm not so i guess thats that. As for the library or jiffy lube neither.... guys suck and i'm sick of chasing them. All they want to do is make me sad. I really need to get back into the beer wench buisness (lol) cant beat the attention. However i get three weeks away from the welps at school so i got a little plan to make a good impression next semester. Oh i am so clever. Okay so i i'm not. But you guys are right i'm not myself. I think its all the stress lol well marry christmas. A thought just hit me while i was writing this, if there is a part of me that has that fire deigo described whose to say i dont have it the whole time i just dont let it show. Why? what am i afraid of? Oh great now the questioning begins.... again.... Seriously though i kinda agree with ya diego i need to be that girl. I need to show my confidence, even if that means digging it out from six feet under. One things for sure no more drinking.... for a while (as bad as my writing is its twice as bad in real life). And i need to cut the cigs.... i cant breath....
  6. i'm leaving for ireland away from this place of broken dreams!
  7. Mary breaks down crying covering her face. "Only 7 months and 3 days!"
  8. *helps Mary to a place to sit with the group* Aye Mary what be troublin ye now lass? he has a girlfriend!
  9. still single
  10. Mary stumbles in with a bottle of rum half gone and totally sloshed almost crying.
  11. Thank you again tito i want it to but damn it i'm to shy to call
  12. thank you tito and to diego i mean the love madness and once again i spoke to soon for i saw one of me mates today that decided to sail into me port after almost a year absence. I hate being the wench waitin at the docks but i cant help myself... He threw his arms around me and i could of cryed i was so happy. Then he tells me how much he misses me and wants to go back to our school. Then starts in on the time he met my ex husband and how it really crushed him. At that moment i wanted to grab on and never let go of him but i settled for his numbers instead.
  13. Mary swirled her scarf in the air and laughed then settled down by the water. "Sorry i just finally be free from all this madness!"
  14. Mary laughed as sashays in with her dancing scarf
  15. i dont think anythings going to change he's been my friend for a long time
  16. Still friends with my first freinds with benifets
  17. *looks at laura* I'll be fine when i stop falling in love with me mate.
  18. Mary walks in obviously heavily intocicated *again* "Did i miss something?" she slured "No?" she shruged and sat down by the water holding her head.
  19. *blushes*
  20. Well my friend Frankie came by last night (he's me mate with benefits) and we went for a walk and i was sitting on this stone table in a park and recited the joke and he started laughing and replied with a "Really?" needless to say i had me a bit of fun last night.
  21. *sighs* throwing a stone into the er and watches the ripples
  22. Rogue i ju8st wanted to thank you for the joke cause it lead to the funniest situation last night
  23. i'm so using that today!
  24. Mary smiled as she walked to the edge of the lagoon and looked out at the water. "Mak ready Mak ready me merry men all our good ship sails the morna" she whispered as she sat upon a large rock and sighed.
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