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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Bangerang is proof that i've watched hook to many times... anyway with the new character i'm working on "petra pan" has the same hair as rufio and when i was having my mom look at my hair she came up with always saying BANGERANG
  2. dont rightfully know good food and good music?
  3. tired and sore
  5. *comes in for her rare visit* ahoy there ye singles how faire ye all
  6. *walks over to the fire and sits crossleged warming her little hands.*
  7. missing someone
  8. sorry to hear that christine i know how ye be feelin many many of my vacations went missing cause my boss decided to make me stay even though i was the first to ask for the time off and even the it was understood that it was okay and good
  9. *sigh* i dont want to clean out my car
  10. chips but soon some eggiewegs and lovely tids of toasties
  11. if you need a response to that would be "keep sailin boy-o"
  12. for some reason my music is changing the way i feel first i was listining to country and felt all happy then switched to linkin par and now i'm a little angry/hurt... but i dont know at who... weird
  13. playin tech support/admin assistance for mommy from home
  14. eating chips drinking soda and downlaoding musica
  15. whiter shade of pale procol harum its in remeberance of someone....
  16. Mr. starbucks has been working me fingers to the bones
  17. That will be fun! How about at the Ale Garden? She not be old enough yet to drink. yeah sure rub it in
  18. alright i'm going to schedual a meet up
  19. hey i've thought about it
  20. Eh they just act big and bad
  21. you dun wana i see them all the time i dont really much care for them and am vocal about it, they are not my cup of tea at all.
  22. well this one i'm out
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