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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. It is a very interesting bit of information. I am curious though, the percentage of spanish pirates during the GAoP. I looked a list of pirate nationalities and there only seems about 20 or so listed. I saw that there are records for 1717-1756. And it was thought that the picture we are discussing is circa 1725. I would love to see the 1717 picture. GoF
  2. What? No Pictures????? How about an after action report? GoF
  3. The latest in boots... SEE BLACK JOHNS POST BELOW FOR GRAPHIC I got this a few days ago, and here is the history on it. "VESTUARIO Y EQUIPAGE DE UN MARINERO DE LOS NAVIOS DEL REY (CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT OF A SAILOR OF THE SHIPS OF THE KING)" 1725 gets it pretty close, though the very end of, the GAoP. No doubt that some of the items would have been used earlier, but hard to say how early. This reminds me a lot of the picture of the French guys at the native swimming hole. Complete with boots and capotes. GoF
  4. ***PRIZE UPDATE*** We had a glitch awhile back with the first contest, which resulted in some of the votes being deleted. To make it fair, we suspended the contest until I had enough energy to re-create everything. In the mean time, a lot of you have done sig graphics, and quite a lot of them are pretty darn good. So the contest will be back on. I am in the process of acutally hunting down sponsers for some prizes. Loyalist Arms has offered a $25 gift certifate to a winner! If you are thinking about a flintlock, please take time to check out their site! http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/ne...roducts-01.html Track of the Wolf Has graciously provided free catelogs for all the Winners (1st, 2nd & 3rd) in each category. If you can't find something in their store you like, you don't like guns! Contest rules. You must be nominated by someone other than yourself and it must be posted in this thread. Nominations end on MAY 5 Do not canvass support for your pic in this thread. Depending on the prizes I get (or can secure) we may have several categories... Most original, Most Historical, etc. I can say that the prizes will at least include a Pirate T-shirt, Pirate book, re-enacting gear etc. Good Luck. GoF
  5. Don't forget to add your X to the pirate map! http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub GoF
  6. What????? Hey K Ramsey.... I am not sure that the picture I posted is the thing you and your husband should be the most concerned about at the pub. Somebody is bound to encourage alcohol comsumption in INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT by buying him ar round, and If you have not done so, you might check into "Way to a Pirates Heart" or "Beyond Piracy", and "Rable Rousing" for some really racy post, pictures, threads, and games.... I mean, hey, if I was a 10 year old boy I would be making a B-line to the "Adult Game", "The Dating Game", Courting in th Kitchen (Subtitled "tales of debautchery, or harmless fun"), The Hot Tub, and I would definately check out the thread on the "Adult Pirate Movie" (complete with links). I guess in comparison, a girl in a tricorn with clevage and 1/8th of one nipple showing IS probably too much... You might just want to make the whole pub off limits.... GoF
  7. You know John... I am trying to be a little more lenient with those that are "authentically" challenged.... and I was starting with the girl in the cocked hat..... Oh well... GoF
  8. awwhhhhh phoey! considering the rarity of cocked hat pornography, I would have thought it might be better appreciated. Sorry Gov'nor GoF
  9. Ed Porter If you check out my first post in this thread, I linked to some 1770-80s cocked hats that I think would be very similar to a 1760s cocked hat. Good luck GoF
  10. ok.... let me be a little more specific. Its kind of relative or maybe even a semantics issue... By that I mean: The word barrel itself, was a measurement unit which was equal to 31.5 gallons and was half of a hogshead (63 gal). The size of the hogshead is about the size of a 55 gallon drum to give folks perspective. I am guessing that its the barrel pictured by Lothar (earlier in the post) and a hogshead in the other camp posting. If your quote is using barrel in the "measurement" sense... then indeed as far as we know all Barrels were wooden bound during (and around) the GAoP. The "largest casks" are indeed huge, and probably not found or made by a cooper on a ship ... Chaldrons, Weys and Lasts (288, 320, and 640 gallons respectively) are the largest of the standard containers. I can see that a "last" would be e so big that wooden hoops are impractical due to the size of the wooden hoop needed to contain the contents. Iron probably wasn't cost efficient to produce for smaller containers. Of course, depending on the contents (beer, wine, or dry goods) some containers were varying in sizes... check out the cool chart here: http://www.footrule.com/1/conversn/oldengu...r=homepage&ac=0 So, its my bet that ANY "wooden staved container" that we would be using for GAoP re-enactment purposes should have wooden hoops. Unless... Pete uncovers period pictures of iron bound 70 gallon and below containers (pre-1730s). GoF
  11. uhmmmmm...... someone sent me this link to a cocked hat.... can we recruit her? gof
  12. I have both the early (#701) and the later (#702) patterns now. I am working on a #701 pattern review, but just for starters, the earlier justaucorps uses less fabric (3-4 yards) opposed to the 5ish yards of the 1700 style. This is due to the fact that the later one has the skirts. Also, you need about as much lining material too. Since I am a fabric whore, I buy it when I find it and its a little more difficult to get a 5 + piece of fabric than it is to get a 3-4 yard piece. So I have piles of fabric now, one for early justaucorps, and one for later ones according to the size of fabric GoF
  13. I think Kass maybe traveling this month ( I understand she is delivering batches of patterns to vendors) The size chart goes up toa size 54 or "the maximums" are: Chest 54" Waist 50" Hip 55" Hope that helps.... GoF
  14. Lots of interesting things to digest. One is that barrels of the GAoP period are wooden bound, not iron bound. What a bitch. GoF
  15. Capn Mac That is a good question. I took a cursory look into it, and its a hard one to peg. The majority of the hats of the 17th C, up until about the 1660-70s seem to be the taller "pilgram" style. In the 1770s, we see the tricorn style hat, but not cocked up on three styles. Most of the hats we see through the 70s and 80s are "un-cocked" tricorn style hats like in the picture 1685 and the second 1687 above. It seems that they started cocking the front, then cocking the front and back, and in the 1680s cocking on three sides. If anyone else can add (or subtract) to that, please do so. But if I had to venture a guess... I would say that it didn't become a wide spread fashion until the end of the 1680s to early 1690s at best. GoF
  16. Jib There seems to be a fashion amongst the English (lower classes?) for wearing the tricorn "Backwards". There are a good number of GAoP and surrounding era sailors wearing their hats this way. I think that is what is being depicted. GoF
  17. That "cramp" posted above wasn't a cramp but some sort of muscle tear/injury. I have had to put the breaks on the running which usually is the death nell for my diet/lifestyle change. But oddly enough. I have kept up the "good eating habits" and continue to loose weight, albeit a little more slowly. So far 15 gone....and another 40 to go! GoF
  18. Just out of Curiosity Tom.... why? Do you have some felt lying around that you need something to do with it? I would have thought that there might not be too many ways to make it cheaper for 17th / 18th century. Felt, is made from wool which is layered, wetted, and agitated to bind it together into a cloth. The cloth is then stretched and steamed over a form to get the hat shape. I would imagine that "pieces" of felt would be re-incorperated into the felt making process again to make another piece that is would be large enough to make an entire hat. GoF
  19. whatever floats your boat.... I think your best bet would be joining the POTC costume forum on Yahoo Groups. If they haven't solved your problem, no one has. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/potccostuming/ try tarnishing these a bit http://www.woodedhamlet.com/buttons_clasps...ermansilver.htm http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=753 a google search for "domed brass buttons" gets you http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=domed...G=Google+Search gof
  20. Hard to say... the only extant tricorns that I have seen (in Museums) have been from the rev war period. Here is one and another If anyone has any links to earlier cocked hats, please share them. I have a bit more on my website, but the page needs some updating. Its kind of hard to put your finger on any kind of trend as at some dates, they seem to be wider brimmed and other "thinner", then later, wider again. Personal preference? I think that I would say that is true for crowns as well. Some are taller, others are "flatter". The blocks of the period, i understand, were round and not oval... if that helps any. Take a look at My Webpage and the graphic below for some ideas. GoF
  21. I added a page to my website on footwear (still work in progress) but I have covered the shoe buckle and its variants for GAoP.... Take a look here: Gentlemen of Fortune's Footwear Page GoF
  22. Somebody had asked about shoe buckles a while back, and I promised I would go into more detail, so here it goes. For GAoP, sailor shoes should have a narrow buckle. Shoe buckles start to come onto the scene in the 1660s, and were very small at that time. Period shoe buckles for GAoP can be the same size as knee buckles, and its my belief that shoe buckles are often mis-identified as knee buckles. First thing you have to do is get those big ass buckles on shoes of the Rev War period out of your mind, because they keep you from having a proper perspective on the evolution of the shoe buckle. Before I continue, here are the parts of the buckle: Now the buckle attaches to the shoes via the buckles chape and the shoe's latch. The latches are two pieces of leather that come together over the instep. For the GAoP, there are three styles of chapes. Stud chapes, Anchor Chapes, and Loop Chapes. Ideally, you want a buckle between 1/2"-1" for 1670ish to 1720. The closer you get to 1720, they can be a little larger, but smaller buckles were still being used at that date. I have had some made and have them for sale, see the link below to check them out (or PM me) If you want to know more about buckles and see some examples, go to my Pirate Footwear Page, Its still a work in progress, but I have posted examples of what buckles should look like. Here is a taste.... Hope that helps GOF
  23. Any good places to get a sword belt? GoF
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