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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. Nooofrigginway. You actually made those astrolabs? Dude. Nice work. Seriously though, what would you have to charge to be interested in making another/GAoP era backstaff? Greg
  2. Ok.... don't forget to play nice! Do any of you guys have pictures of yourselves using these items? That would be cool to see. Greg
  3. Thanks WRW! Greg
  4. I saw a really cool ships log from a German Midshipman that was for a 6 month period during 1938 (i think) from the Horst Wessel (now Eagle). Interesting that the Nazis used it to train young naval officers as well. The winning bid was well over the 100 euros I bid on it..... Greg
  5. Kudos to all involved. I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Sounds like it was a good event. Definately, the Archangel has some of the best looking pirates i have seen. Greg aka GoF
  6. Ok.... well we seem to know where we can get it now... Does anyone who bought it care to give a REVIEW of the magazine? Greg
  7. Red Weasel.... What??? no pictures???? Greg
  8. If anyone is interested, I have a (1) brown monmouth cap left. Made correctly with bulky 2 ply 100% sheeps wool and hand spun. If there are no takers, Its off to e-bay. $35 shipped. Greg aka GOF
  9. **snicker** Greg
  10. Let me know if you find anything, as I have been looking for one myself. EcoDragon used to sell hemp sandles, but sadly, they went belly up. The Gurkees are nice, but made with synthetic rope and are glued/melted together instead of tied, but they might give you some insight as to how to make a pair. Maybe some of the knot tying rope experts can give some insight here. Greg
  11. I think I am finally back up and running... after all my crazy summer.... Anyway. Just a few comments. JUST $75 for 65 button holes???? That is a little over $1 a button hole. Since they take me about 20 minutes each... that would be like $3 an hour to sew em' Good deal! Best of luck with the new venture! Your stuff looks great! Keep us posted on all the latest developments.... Greg
  12. The GAOP is a pretty interesting and exciting time for fashions. We have the Baroque period Waning at the begining of the GAOP and the Rococo waxing at the end of the GAOP... and during there is a mix of styles... Hairstyles could be determined by 1) what date you want to do (ie 1695 or 1722) 2) Your age... older men seem to cling to the older styles 3) Your location.... fashions, in general, started in France and moved their way outward. So a man in Boston in April of 1707 would be "behind in fashion" of Somone in Paris during the same time 4) and your status. More money = the ability to follow fashions more easily. more to come.... Greg
  13. Stay tuned. I just returned from summer vacation.... And I am now back at Schloss Calder in Germany. I have been working on an update to Gentlemenoffortune.com which will include wig/hairstyles for 1690-1720 Greg aka GOF
  14. Since this is Plunder, I wonder if you mean "Item I found on the WEB and bought".... In which case it would be my original Grenadoe But if you mean "interesting places on the web" than I Can't say just one... So (in no particular order) Spanish Colonial Military Artifacts The Salacious Historians Lair The Costumer's Manifesto Greg
  15. Way to go Morgan! Thanks for taking the step forward and helping us learn the ropes! Greg aka GOF
  16. Thanks Mike! The Hogarth. The guy with the peg leg also seems to have open kneed breeches, but as you say, it could be unbuttoned breeches as well. The Matelot below.... could it be peticoat breeches? Damn my eyes, but there seems to be a lot of pleating to the front fabric... What say you? Greg
  17. I had read that about button holes... so I "practiced" a bunch. Probably 20 button holes on pocket flap etc and my sucess rate was about 40%. The short jacket pales in comparison to a justaucorps for button holes (which you well know), so I need to get to the top of my button hole game before I take the plunge. Greg
  18. Ok.. I got my Waugh for $20... and Montgomery for $45.... Probably my two favorite books. I made my short jacket from Waughs outlines combined with period pictures. It was a bitch, and took forever but I am pretty proud of it. Some of my buttonholes are frankensteinish.... but its more sailor made than tailor made. Nonetheless, I bought Kass short jacket pattern to make another and to see how her interpretation/research was compaired to mine. Hats off to Mad Mike though, because I think he has been taking the road less traveled (that is making/modifying his own patterns) too. Greg
  19. I tried in vain to find Picart Sailor image without luck. Since you found it in 20 minutes, could you post a link? Greg aka GoF
  20. Yeah Mike... I'd like to see it too. If I am going to post it on my site and give you the credit you deserve, could you link us to it, or post it on your site. I have searched and can't find it via google using the artists name, title in French or translated english title. Greg aka GoF
  21. I believe that one of the prints from the "cries of london" series has a dude with a headscarf and tricorn.... I'll have to look. here you go... 1687 More info http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/johnson/exhibition/104.htm greg
  22. Now come on guys... This post was for those that were dissapointed with POTC 2. Those that enjoyed the movie, are probably in the majority, but have several other threads to heap their praises.... Despite my fencing background, I quickly bore with yet "another" swordfight. If you love em' thats fine. If your heart races to car chase scenes, great for you too. But for me, they can get tiresome (Like the clone karate scene in the 2nd Matrix that went on and on and on....) I think Caraccioli summed up my take quite well... thanks. But as for the second act always being the "slow" one, I can only wonder why. Did they not spend enough on a good script and in production to make it worth while? Anywhoo... To each his own. If you enjoyed it, you are a lucky winner of the Hollywood lottery. GoF
  23. You don't have to buy em', but they are a bargain nonetheless. GoF
  24. I agree.... Maybe I just need a little bit more dialog in my old age. The sword fight on the wheel was interesting, and no disrespect, but a swordfight is a swordfight (I know you avid swordsmen would disagree.... ) just like a "car chase is a car chase". Hollywood has us by the short hairs, if a movie is sucessful, take the same recipe with the same ingredients, and serve it up again. GoF
  25. (oops! sorry about the spelling error!) The first one was "amusing", but I thought the second was a little tiresome. I am probably alone in thinking this, but Jacks antics were "fresh" in the first movie, but, now familiar with his character, they felt "overplayed" in the second edition. I had no problem suspending my disbelief and went into it with an open mind too. I don't think Disney will trick me a third time though.... Anyone else? GoF
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