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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. It amazes me that Pirate Pete knows so much about tokin' Now I know how he gets all his boot theories GoF
  2. Count me in! Greg
  3. Thats the first of 1st of 10,000..... hmmmmm can't sell the other 9999 either I guess. Posiedon, I think that it is generally accepted in the sword community, that stainless steel swords are for decoration only. If you really like the looks of that sword, and $250 is no big deal to you, than by all means, scratch the itch and get it. But I imagine that googling--- Frost Cutlery "Pirates Of Skull Island" would find it a little cheaper. Greg aka GoF
  4. I would like to see some scabbards for hangars/cutlass for GAoP (not for rapier/smallswords though). Anyone have any or can point me in the right direction? Greg
  5. Glasses (with side ear pieces) like modern glasses come in just after the GAoP. If you google "glasses history" you will get a lot of links and see lots of examples. The "period" glasses sold by most vendors are F&I or Rev War period. Greg
  6. Is the quote from the 1859 "manual" true fro pre 1730 grenades? While there is a wide variety of sizes of GAoP grenades, I would think that some were so small that it might have been pointless as a cannon round. For example, we know that there were period grenade launchers with 2.5 inch bores, would "they" have even bothered to make an "exploding" round for such a small caliber cannon? Or would they have made grenade shells for that specific purpose? Also, a lot of period grenades have a casting seam... would that be counter productive to a cannon shot? Just asking. By the way, Kudos to all the replicas out there... I will post some of my own too. By the way, does anyone have any clue what "shape" the stink pots would have been? Greg aka GoF
  7. ***SHOE BUCKLES AVAILABLE NOW!*** Take a look (also at my Footware Site) These were made up from an original in my collection. This style would be good throughout the GAoP, and will take 3/4th inch (or 19mm) latch. They are currently "IN STOCK" I got hit up for some heavy shipping/import/customs charges (I am in Germany) that were unforeseen, so I have had to raise my price a bit. Brass Buckles $30 Silver Buckles $35 Set of each $60 If interested, please send me a PM or E-mail. Greg aka GoF
  8. Wow! I can't tell you how happy I am to see these kinds of pictures. The crew of the Archangel is really moving the bar up by several notches! Since I am not familiar with who is who, could you post the names of the members (or PM me?) Thanks Greg aka GoF
  9. Well I wouldn't "copy" the ones that are already being made (except for the first one you did for sentimental reasons...) How bout doing a version of Black Beard or other famous Pirate Captains? or ??? Greg aka GOF
  10. also... Could it have been paint? Greg
  11. The red light district? Greg
  12. When should we start? How bout in two weeks? That will give some folks that are thinking about getting the pattern enough time....... Greg
  13. Captain E is ignoring us! By the way, where is your home port??? Greg (in Germany)
  14. That is an interesting question BP. I would imagine that with the amount of Spanish ships "plundered" from 1650-1720, there would have been a lot of weapons available. Try contacting the guy at this site http://www.artifacts.org/default.htm He, at least, might be able to point you in the right direction. Greg
  15. If you have been a member of this pub for any length of time, you will know that I am a big fan of "group projects". I have Reconstructing History's 1680s Justaucorps pattern (#701) and am going to make it my "fall/winter" project. If anyone else has this pattern, and a camera and wants to "join in" we can post our individual progress, and get help right here at the forum. Anyone else game? Greg
  16. Pat In another thread I made a similar argument. I can make a pattern myself that I feel is "correct" but just the info that comes along with the pattern from RH is worth the money alone. Plus, the pattern fee includes a lot of hand holding from Kass herself which, again, is invaluable. Opening up her pattern package is like a little mini Christmas as its packed lots of info. I own most of the male patterns now that RH does, trousers/slops, early justaucorps, later justaucorps, and short jacket. I think that you would be best served with the early justaucorps as it doubles as a waistcoat too! greg
  17. I'll echo the Bilge Monkey My excitment has peaked and fallen. Yes, I am sure its cool, but I am curious how those folks feed their kids. They have been working on this for YEARS!!! I know all games take time, but Its been far too long... and now they say next June. Ugghhh. Greg
  18. Is there a website with more pictures of the archangel's crew from this event (or any other???) Greg
  19. If you check out the famous fashion plates.... I can't remember who did them but they are all 1670s-90s, a lot have red heels and tongues... About halfway down on my websites' footwear page I have crop the important parts. http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/footwear.htm Greg
  20. My shoes are from Kevin... and I do like them. KG website is here http://www.kmgarlick-shoemaker.co.uk/ But when you are ready to get some authentic buckles... let me know because I have had some made up, have approved the sample (see below) and should have them ready to ship out by Mid October. Take a look (also, this is one of Kevin Garlick's shoes.) and These were made up from an original in my collection. This style would be good throughout the GAoP, and if I recall correctly, it will take about a 3/4th inch latch. Let me know if any of you are interested. Greg aka GoF
  21. And if we supply the wood? Greg
  22. I think that it is up to you.... With your kit, I say go for if you feel like it. A lot of fashion plates from pre-1700 are shown with red heels and tongues... And it can't mean that everyone had been to court. I don't think the lower clases would be that pretentious pre 1700 though, so if your kit is more basic sailor, I don't think you could pull it off well... till maybe post 1715 or so. But I doubt that common sailors would be that interested in red heels anyway. Greg
  23. Yes, Sarah is still making shoes (and boots). You can find a link to her site here http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/basic_kit.htm and more on shoes and buckles here http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/footwear.htm Greg
  24. Here is another question for ya Kass (or anyone else). When do we start seeing fold down collars as a common item? It seems that 95% of pirate re-enactors are wearing a "poet" style shirt with a fold down collar. Greg
  25. Do we know what the name of the 1709 DUtch picture and who the artist is? I would love to see it in color. Greg
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