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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. IN light of a resurgence in Authentic Pirate re-enacting, I thought I would bump it for the new folks. Greg aka GoF
  2. Well, GAoP is my first "sword" period. While I dabbled in 15th century for a while, I didn't own any swords. The ones I have owned have mostly been stainless, or crude indian copies of swords. I have been going to some arms fairs and militaria shows in Europe over the last few years and have had some opportunity to handle some real 17th/18th century swords and I am amazed at the contrast. The "real swords" are light (now I am talking period hangers/smallswords) and the blades and hilts are smaller and thinner than I would have thought. I am on Old Dominion Forges waiting list, and will try to find an original if I can find one at a reasonable price. Greg
  3. Bravo! looks like the League of Extraordinary 18th Century Gentlemen! Greg
  4. Welcome aboard! Finding a sword to use for pirate living history/re-enacting is the $64 dollar question of the day. I see you took pains to explain what you were looking for, but I am going to ask a little more information. You say What is your intended purpose with the sword? 1) There are swords for show, which would be highly accurate reproductions and originals that would not be use for blade on blade contact (though you could at a risk of your lost investment) 2) Swords that are made with the intention of using for blade on blade contact (which I will refer to as theatrical) and lastly 3) Swords that are made of inferior steel, not meant for contact or replicate any known GAoP pattern sword. There are very few good authentic GAoP era repros on the market. There are a few hangers from Godwin or Townsand (Black John has one). And a few smallswords out there... but not a lot. Most repros are of F&I and later era swords. Custom jobs can be had for $500 and more... $3000 seems pretty steep. I was at the Kassel Miltaria and Arms fair last weekend, and clam shell and other original period swords were going for around $1200-$1500. Greg
  5. I wanted to make this very easy for you guys to post pictures and give us the low down! So..... lets hear it! Greg
  6. Kass... You back? Of course, the Pub expects an after action report! Greg
  7. Well, our unofficial start date was Nov 1st so lets get started. If you are new to the project, you can check out the Topic Starter (on this forum) called "Group Justaucorps Project". You can join in at any time its not a race or contest.... So, my latest is I haven't decided which material to use.... even after a month of thinking about it. I got some more grosgrain silk... So now I have a some blue for the body and some scarlet for the turn-back cuffs..... My goal is to make something like this I still need some lining material though. Anyone have a cheap source for tafetta? PS This is the site that the plate above is from http://collectionsonline.lacma.org/mwebcgi...epage;id=500837 Its great for nice early justaucorps examples. Greg
  8. I am "addicted" to e-bay and search high & low for unusual things. Here is something that would make a great pirate flag. It is of appropriate size for such a venture as it is 6 feet wide and 18 feet long. Its the pennant or triangular shape. More info on pirate flags at Foxe's site http://www.bonaventure.org.uk/ed/flags.htm But here is the link to the e-bay pirate flag. http://tinyurl.com/y2ob064 I contacted the seller.... its Nylon. If it had been made of wool, I would be sniping it now. But for those of you that "it doesn't matter", its a pretty good deal. Also, you can't get 100% wool flag bunting now anyway. So if you have your own ship and need something to fly right out of the box, here you go! AND IF YOU DO WANT TO BID.... Please post here on this forum that you have bid on it. I think it would be a crappy thing to have a bidding war by members here at the pub. Greg aka GoF
  9. Expecting them in November... Will keep you all posted! Greg
  10. Had a good time at the market. Fortunately, I did not spend as much money as I thought I would. I did pick up some choice scarlet grosgrain silk for the justaucorps project. I met Tall Paul (again) and Small Paul, as well as meeting up with Kass and Ed. Here is a picture of Myself, Kass and Ed at one of the silk dealers.
  11. Bravo John! Greg
  12. Well, I fly out tonight! Hope to see some of our English brethren there! (i'll be there saturday) Greg
  13. OK... this is thinking a little outside of the box. good luck http://tinyurl.com/yxtj78 http://tinyurl.com/yczr7v http://tinyurl.com/y27bhq http://tinyurl.com/ybxp6l http://tinyurl.com/y25hbs http://tinyurl.com/y68fmc http://tinyurl.com/wkl2l http://tinyurl.com/ydcntz gof
  14. Thanks for the links and thoughtful research! Now, the trick is figuring out if they are cloth or knitted... I am curious as to what a pattern would look like for such a thing. Greg aka GoF
  15. From the red shirt thread in PLUNDER.... Well, then I should ask instead.... "Do you have, in your notes, personal collection, or links on the web, refrences to or pictures of GAoP era shirts with collars like that on the red shirt that this topic is about?" Just looking for shirts in general... for ones we can see 5 shirts and all are band or as I would say, standing collar shirts. Now, this is a 1731 refrence, so it could be claimed to be out of bounds, but, since we have used this picture in the past to support ASC clothing, I figured what the heck.... To get a better look, http://www.nmm.ac.uk/mag/images/700/BHC2567_700.jpg Then there is Our old friend Van Mieris. This is a good GAoP date at 1718. Of the two men that we can see... one definately has a band collar'd shirt (standing), the other one probably does (seated center), but it could be a colarless shirt too... A better look is here http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/images/aria/sk/z/sk-a-4941.z Van Meiris is great... always coming through when you need him! This is from 1690 and called "Militiaman with Empty Glass" Now this is cool on many different levelsbut for these purposes, I see another band collar shirt, striped ta boot! This is from 1700 if I am not mistaken So... I'll amend my statement posted earlier which was and say instead. There may be evidence of a fall down collar for GAoP use, but MOST of the time, sailors/gentlemen/males are depicted with neckkerchiefs covering their collar, so it cannot be determined. That being said. In the period pictures I have seen, where it can be determined, they are more than likely band collars. Now maybe I might not be looking in the right places, and i would welcome anyones insight into this.... But.... In my research, the band collar is the most common, and at least, its one that can be supported by readily available online sources. I would also add that one of the most respected pattern drafters of our period has provided a free shirt pattern that includes a band collar. So, if I am going to get a shirt, I would go for one that we know existed and everyone can agree on. And hopefully made of ticken or checked linen. Greg
  17. Kass... Do you have any links to "fold down" collar shirts? I think that I have seen more "inconclusive" pictures of shirts than anything else, as a MAJORITY of the time the collar is obscured by a neckercheif anyway. And wearing the neckerchief under the collar doesn't seem to be a GAoP thing either But maybe I should make a distinction. I think that with a tall band collar, it will "fall down" a bit, and not stay up straight like a short banded collar would be. But as for a shirt that is cut in the pattern to have a pointed fall down collar... I would really like to see the evidence for that.
  18. Thanks, it looks to be another winner! What does the pattern call for as far as meters/yards of material for the outter part? For the great coat and the justaucorps? Greg
  19. Dude... That is Friggin Cool! Greg aka GoF
  20. Again... we kind of need to know your intention to give you good answers to your questions..... I re-read your post, and when I see It makes me think that you just want something "piratey" to have fun with on Halloween or a festival.... And I DONT mean to sound smug or anything, as there is always room for one more pirate aboard ship, no matter what there focus is..... But with the tricorne, I think Hurricane gave you some excellent advice! and if your are intested in GAoP headgear in general... http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/tricorne.htm Hurricane's link takes you to here http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=249 For $20. and about 2 hours work, you will have a hat your will be so proud of, you will post pictures of it here on this site. If you search the threads, there are several on how to shape your own tricorn.... Good luck! Greg aka GoF
  21. As Hurricane put it, you are going to have to do some work to that shirt... In general, GAoP shirts did not have fall collars, there were stand up collars. And, there is a relation ship to the size of the collars and the cuffs for our period as well. And, the cut is more like a modern shirt trying to be a pirate shirt.... the sleeve seem should come down a bit from the point of the shoulder around 6". That red shirt has the "point" up around where a modern shirt has it. Its basically a big square with triangular shaped guss... oh hell..... just take a look here http://www.esotericcreations.com/index.php...rticle=12&mn=ht The cuffs look like (on the red one) that they are elasitcated.... I bet my paycheck its made of cotton too.... But hey, if you are just getting it "for fun, festivals and frivality" I think it would work. If you want to (now or eventually) have an authentic GAoP pirate kit, you will have to get a correct shirt. Just my two cents.... Greg aka GoF
  22. Ed Porter... What is your native tongue then? Greg
  23. Samuel Pepys diary online http://www.pepys.info/index.html GoF
  24. are you baiting us? As you say, its more than 100 years out of date. It would be like using a 1970s picture, complete with all the disco Paraphernalia, to guide you in your quest to re-enact the 1870s. If you like boots and want to wear boots, then wear boots, by all means. Greg
  25. Bellamarine Jugs (Bartmann Krugs), Rush lights or Betty Lamps for GAoP... or anything else for the 1660-1730 time frame. Welcome aboard! Greg aka GoF
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