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Silver Steele

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Everything posted by Silver Steele

  1. My resources were the "Sea Man's Vade Mecum" 1707. I was giving an answer from a resource around the time of the Golden Era. I do not recall exactly where I got the infomation regarding him being the #4 man on the ship. But I shall check my resources on that matter. Maritime Virtual History Archives So yes my answer was not for anything dealing in the Napoleon Era of the Royal Navy (around the late 1700's to early 1800's, 80 to 100 years past the Golden Age of Piracy) the time of which you speak and of which the Marine Historical Society deals with. And upon looking at their site, I see no mention of a Bosun, or Boatswains duties. And I was speaking of a pirates ship, as I seriously doubt they would have had a Captain, a 1st LT, 2nd LT, 3rd LT, 4th LT, 5th LT, a Master, a Masters Mate, a pilot, and about a dozen other Royal Navy officers that would be found on a Royal Navy ship of any era. I also looked at the Duties of Naval Officers, 1797 and I did not see anything regarding the Boatswain's position in rank on the ship. However, it concides with what I stated was the duties of the Boatswain, or BosunA Short Account of the Several General Duties of Officers of Ships of War Update: Upon looking thru my notes, the statement of a Bosun being #4 came from either Patrick O'Brian's "Men-of-War" or Richard O'Niell's "Patrick O'Brian's Navy".
  2. Bosun or Boatswain was generally the #4 man on a ship (Royal Navy). He was in charge of the provisions for th ship. Supervising the maintenance of the ship and it stores including the ship's boats, anchors and booms. (Food, water, gunpowder, shot, rope, wood, spare sails, etc.). He was responsible for inspecting ships sails and rigging each morning. He was in charge of all deck activities, including weighing and dropping anchor, and handling of the sails. He oversaw the duties of the carpenter and the cook. He was the person who, with the Bosuns call, would call all hands on deck. He reported to the Quartermaster. The Quartermaster was the ranking officer in charge of overseeing the general interests of the ship. He was the number two man on the ship. He was responsible for enforcing the ship's articles and administering punishment when necessary. He was generally in charge of the ship when it was not in battle and while in battle he generally led the men in boardings. He was also responsible for watch-to-watch navigation of the ship, under the direction of the navigator. He was the person that was responsible for counting the booty and splitting the shares with the crew. Basically, he made sure everybody had everything they needed to do their job. Kinda like a union leader between the union and the workers. I've got almost all ships positions listed on my webpage, but unfortunately, I've got it down for a couple of days for a revamping.
  3. I found a little blurb on an Italian Film site. They are crediting the song to Craig Eastman. IMDB says Eastman is a composer.
  4. If he is the captain of the "new ship" and sailing under your colors, and your orders, then yes, you are a Commodore. And he best be sharin a bit of the booty with ya! If he is the captain of the "new ship" and sailing under your colors, but not your orders, then you are not a Commodore. But he still best be sharin a bit of the booty with ya! Otherwise, he should think about gettin his own set of colors. (IMHO) If you give up your captain's post on your ship giving it to another, but stay on board your ship as it being your flagship, but both ships sail under your orders and colors, then you are an Admiral. I think.... LOL
  5. In the Royal Navy, a Commodore was not an actual rank I believe, it was merely a title/commission, and it simply meant someone had command over several ships. Just like captain, was not an actual rank, theoretically anyone could be a captain(like a Lieutenant). After three years of a captaincy, if one survived and distinguised oneself, then one could be called to be employed in the rank of Post Captain. That was a real rank. After that were Admirals, but they would never have command over a ship. The vessel would be under the command of a Captain (or Post Captain) while the entire fleet would be under the command of an Admiral. According to US Navy regulations in 1814, they were called a Commander of a Squadron, although they were like the Admirals in the Royal Navy. And also in the 1814 regulations, it seems that Captains and Commanders shared the same responsibilities. 1814 US Navy Regulations Clear as mud?
  6. (berp) Sorry about that lass. . . Does that mean I'm not getting anymore rum? Hummmm... well lets see here.................. *ponders* Okay, you can have more rum... as long as your a good little pirate!
  7. Actually the tales of Gasparilla are questioned as whether he actually existed. Kenneth W. Mulder, a local author of the area around the Gasparilla islands, stated that there weren't any pirate colonies around there at that time. And the treasure that washes up on the shores comes from the treasure fleets that wrecked in the past. (I can only assume he is referring to one of the wrecks of 1622, 1715 and 1733. I don't at this moment remember exactly around Florida they sunk.) Mulder also stated that the story of Jose Gaspar (Gasparilla or "Little Gaspar") actually had its roots in a 19th century real estate promotion contrived by a railroad. And that the Boca Grande area has two islands -- Gasparilla and Little Gasparilla -- named for a Spanish missionary, Friar Gaspar. The railroad people invented the saga of a marauding pirate. Yet another author, Jack Beater (The Life and Exploits of Gasparilla, 1952)states the man did in fact exist. That he was born in 1756, served in the Spanish Navy, and then turned pirate in 1783. In another book Beater wrote he stated that "Gasparilla and Little Gasparilla islands, as well as, Captiva Island were named after Gasparilla" and "In times past the name was well taken for this verdant isle Gasparilla is said to have quartered certain of his valuable female captives for safe keeping until their ransom money could be paid." These islands are west of Ft Meyers in Florida, I believe. As far as I know, there is no primary source documentation which proves Gasparilla ever existed, and he is generally regarded to some piracy historians as a fictional character. Either way... its just another one of those pirate myths that make pirates infamous. And here's a site dedicated to him. http://www.josegaspar.net/ Lady B, I have read the stories of Low cutting, cooking, etc with his prisoners, but I have never read anything about John Avery being as cruel. Would you happen to have a source of this so I can read up on it?
  8. ...for roasting marshmallows......
  9. ARRRRrrggggg!!! Everyone seems to think I'm a "Master" or "lad" when in fact I be a lass!!! But anyway, here's another pretty good link for running a ship in the 19th Century. The Boy's Manual Of Seamanship and Gunnery from the Royal Navy. - http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~p...M/Contents.html
  10. Try this site http://rumskulls.org/dailylif.htm http://rumskulls.org/organiza.htm
  11. I just read somewhere, a couple of days ago an interview with Geoffrey. He said that he suggested to the writers that there be a mutual love interest between him and Johnny (as Barbossa and Jack of course), they fight and he gets the girl. He said he didn't know if the writers (Ted and Terry) were going to do it though.
  12. I've got a few songs by them. They remind me alot of Shane MacGowan.
  13. There are few moments in our lives where we remember in detail where we were at a certain time on a certain day. I was sitting in the Dr's office at one of my pre-natal appointments and I remember someone walking in and said a plane had crashed in NYC. When I got home I learned the real truth of what had happened. I remember sitting watching in horror, tears in my eyes saying why over and over and over again. To this day, I still ask why. Many of us think of a battle as during a war. But on that day a call to duty rang out to many to go to fight the battle of battles. One that many had trained for but had never experienced. All victims, from the office worker, to the delivery person, to the men and women of the thin blue line, to the men and women of the red line, all will be remembered as 9/11, a day when everyone was just doing their job and became heros that will live eternal. 9/11 encompasses all that of what heros are.
  14. ROFLMAO Nigel, your killin' me with the whirled tour....... Let's just hope Frances isn't added to that one! Now they are predicting it to take a turn to the NW in a couple of days....... YIPE!!!
  15. Nigel where did you get that Charley avatar from??????!?!?!?! I'm thinkin' I'm gonna have to make me one that states: Alex(just brushed us), Bonnie (dealt with the remnants), Charley (head on), Gaston (almost head on, and still dealing with. As I type, the lights just flickered), Hermine (lucked out on, but just offshore), and as for Frances? GO AWAY!!!!! As for being single? This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use at your will. You can waste it on pain, sorrow and the past or you can use it for good for the present. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, in it's place is something that you have left behind.... let it be something good." - unknown
  16. I've played the violin for close to 30 years. Started as a wee lass studying classical but since my parents were from the south, I learned to "fiddle". My aunt use to play in the Boston Symphony Orchestra, so I had great teachers. I use to tutor violin students but gave it up as parents weren't serious about their children learning the proper techniques. Everyone seems to expect to be able to play "Flight of the Bumblebee" in a week. Can also play a little bit of viola, cello and bass. Tried playing a guitar about 19 years ago, but although I have long fingers, my hands werent big enough so banjos were out too. Same thing with a piano. Played a trumpet for about three years just to learn a brass instrument. My father played a mandolin, so thus I learned to, although it's been close to 20 years since I touched one. And I can sing alto.
  17. An advisory about the other storm offshore was just posted. "Satellite images indicate that the low pressure area located about 360 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras NC continues to become better organized. If this trend continues...Advisories will be initiated later this afternoon. This system is moving NW near 10 mph." Oh yippie skippie.........now where did I put those silly hurricane flags...... ****Update. As of 5:30pm Eastern, just after Gaston comes thru, that low pressure spot went straight to tropical storm, bypassing tropical depression. Hermine is located about 325 miles SE of Cape Hatteras NC now. Seems like one just after another, after another anymore. I'm thinkin' I'm just gonna take everything outside and put it in storage for the season!
  18. Things to do during a hurricane: 1. Reading all your old magazines by oil lamp. 2. Use moderate amounts of alcohol to make your own hurricanes. 3. Listen to music (as long as the batteries last and not listening to sounds of rain or ocean). 4. Sleep (until awakened by something hitting the house). 5. Sing a longs (when the batteries die). 6. Throwing sharp objects at people calmly singing Michael Row Your Boat Ashore. 7. Stealing batteries out of your kids toys for the radio to hear real music again. 8. Playing "Guess that Damage" as you hear things hit the house. 9. Thinking of your ex standing on the beach with a surfboard as the Hurricane crosses the coast. 10. Playing "Watch the ceiling" for leaks. 11. Playing "Guess the Date" for when you get the electricity, phone, and/or cable back. 12. Eating all the frozen food before it goes bad. 13. Going out during the eye to see where your forgotten outdoor items went. 14. Going out during the eye to see what new items you have earned laying in your yard from the storm 15. Playing "camp out" when you eat cold food. (Got sterno so I wouldn't have to do that one again.) 16. Playing "Whats that sound" when the batteries just died in your radio while the announcer was saying "Tornado Warning. Tornado sighted........(dead radio)." 17. Thinking "Maybe the storm surge dredged up some of that buried treasure out in the Atlantic from the wrecks off the coast and it's laying on the beach". 18. Spray paint the hurricane/tropical storm's name on the boards afterwards, realizing you've added 4 names in one year. 19. Thinking "Why did I EVER move to the hurricane magnet/captial of the world." (Actually Florida with 57 hurricanes in the past 100 years. NC with 26 and SC with 14.) We were under a hurricane warning this morning, but now it's been downgraded to a tropical storm. Just getting occassional downpours from the outer bands coming on shore. SC looks like its getting a lot of wind and rain! Wierd thing is, if you look at a satellite, it looks like another one is trying to form about 350 miles due east off the coast. (These links are active, meaing the image will change with time) http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USNationa...v=none&pid=none http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USNationa...v=none&pid=none We, on the east coast, may get lucky with Frances, as they are forecasting it to not head this way. Thats the good news. The bad news, it's expected to slow down, strengthen to a cat 5 hurricane, and forcasted to head towards Florida in the same area as Charley hit. But I'm still keepin' a weather eye out. Me don't like hurricane surprises!
  19. Instead of looking at the negative, look to the positive! Look at the advantages of being single! You get the whole couch to yourself. You don't have to share the TV and argue over what is on. You don't have to share the computer. You can get home from work at whatever time you like. You can lie in bed in the morning for as long as you like. You can take up the entire bed while you sleep. You get ALL the blankets! You get ALL the pillows! No snoring annoyances! Nobody sees what you look like first thing in the morning. You can turn on a light to get dressed in the morning, instead of fumbling around in the dark. You dont have to deal with being woken up from a light being turned on in the morning. You can go to bed when you want. Toilet seat, need I say more? No arguments over whether the TP goes over or under on the rack. You have half as much laundry to do. No walking in the bathroom, and finding a pile of clothes and towels in the middle of the floor. You don't have to check with anyone before going out. You can spend your money any way you see fit. You choose what groceries you want and what brands. If you want to drink directly out of the milk carton you can. You never have to worry if the milk carton has been directly drunk out of. You can slump around the house in any old thing. You don't have to deal with another persons grumpy mood. You don't have to deal with another person when you are grumpy. If you clean up your house/condo/apt/car, it will stay neat until you mess it upagain. You don't have to deal with, your NOT actually wearing that out?! You can be happy with who you are, not for what another person wants you to be.
  20. Tabitha, wanna borrow my old white shawl and granny glasses? And thank ya Master Studley for your kind comment. I have a saying, My true love either died a birth, lives at the south pole, or got kicked off his white horse and is suffering from permanent amnesia.
  21. I'm a single mom of two young children by choice. I made that decision when my son was seven months old and I was six weeks pregnant with my daughter. My son is now 29 months old and my daughter is 15 months old. I moved over 300 miles away from their father. They do not see their father. Some of you may think that to be unfair, but I will not let the kids see their father for what he is. A drug addict and the lifestyle that goes with it at the extreme end. It hasn't been easy, let me tell you. Especially when my daughter was born by c-section(just like my son had to be born), and I have no family within a thousand miles. There have been long nights and days. Am I seeking sympathy, certainly not. It was a choice I made and I am glad I made it. My children, even at their young age, have responsibilities. When I clean up their room, they are to stay in the room with me. I ask my son to put things away during that time, my daughter at her young age catches on and brings toys to me. I try to teach them that there are consequenses to their actions. My son is at the age of temper tantrums, and he gets sent to his room when he has one when he is not getting his way. He may run down the hallway yelling and screaming, but at least he listens and goes to his room when told. How many 2 year olds do you know that do that? When he is told to "have a seat" for time out, he may complain, but he does as he is told and he stays there until I tell him he can come out (usually a couple of minutes). People ask me if they sleep in their own beds or rooms (they each have their own room) and I say yes, unless they are sick. Many people seem shocked by that, or ask how I do it. They are put down at a certain time everynight, tucked in, the light turned out, and they stay in bed and go to sleep. Being a single mom isn't easy, lemme tell ya, and one day they will learn the truth about their father. They may be mad at me for a time, but as they grow older they will see their father for what he is. And I do have legal and permanent custody of them for reasons I will not get into here. The man stopped paying child support when I was seven months pregnant with my daughter, and to this day is over $5000 behind. He has gone thru eight jobs in two years, and was unemployed for 10 months of that time. He has moved no less than a dozen times during the same period. For holidays and birthdays, he has never EVER even sent a card much less a present. As I have said to him, if you can't be a positive role model, you wont be a role model at all. Before I found out I was pregnant, I accepted that I would never have any children and really had decided that I wasn't going to have children. But fates have a funny way of making themselves known, no matter what you do. (Not once but twice!) Did my life change dramastically because of children? Yes. Would I go back? Nope. Do I ever wish that I could go back to not having children? Nope. I love my children, and want the best for them, for them to have opportunities that I never had. Even when they manage to get hold of a bag of flour and have thrown it everywhere, you can't help but laugh with flour covered faces and hair. Certainly a Kodak moment. Do I wish I was married? Well, yes and no. Im extremely set in my ways, hard headed, strong willed, independent and I refuse to let my morals, ethics, or goals to be swayed. If I find a soul mate, so be it, if I don't, so be it. I'm not looking, and I'm not going to. Am I happy? Well, lets just say I am content. I have a family to take care of, to share love, and to enjoy and it would take a heck of a man for me to let him join my family. My only hope is that my children one day understand why I left their father and took him out of their lives.
  22. Blackjohn, respectfully, if I may give my humble opinion. To me there's a difference between using an image to show your spirit as a fan as it hurts no one and costs nothing. It's free promotion for Disney. An indivdual gains nothing from it. No one is "injured" in the process, although a copyright does mean that someone has the legal right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form. So yes, it may be pushing it, but again, no one is hurt in the process. As for the horror stories? A perfect example is Anne Rice. She threated to sue fanfiction.net for people posting their own stories based upon the Vampire Chronicles. You will find nothing there from her books. But when someone deliberately uses deception for personal financial gain, the buyer is injured. The buyer is under the assumption that an item was a real prop used on the set when in reality, it is nothing more than something you can buy off the shelf. It's nothing more than simple fraud. And certainly a copyright infringment. As for buyer beware? Yes, that may be true. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Although, there are other options. The Internet Fraud Complaint Center is a good resource as listed on eBay's site. The IFCC is to address fraud committed over the internet and is used to alert authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation. From their site a complaint can be filed. Ultimately, it is up to Disney to decide if this individual should be allowed to continue selling misrepresented items. And it seems to me that if they were serious on the matter, they would have stopped it by now. The mighty hand of Disney is powerful, and I'm sure their lawyers are much more powerful. *stepping off soapbox* Now, rum anyone?
  23. Your name: Me real name Occupaton: Quartermaster Ship Name: The Crimson Dawn # of ships you sacked: 148 How you died: A sudden drop and a short stop. Seems the Spanish or the English didn't like me very well. Oh well, at least I didn't loose my head to the French!
  24. I use to live in that area about two years ago near Morganton, and know the exact area they are talking about. There's a lot of history in that area and around the Catawaba River that has yet to be discovered. *Laughs at privateer* It's called the News Observer out of Raleigh.
  25. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.... I knew that picture looked familiar. You can buy that same saber on www.deadmentellnotales.com for $19.95. The seller on eBay is using the same pictures as used on the deadmentellnotales site. Here's the same saber: http://www.deadmentellnotales.com/page/DM/...M/PROD/S7/Saber I would tell your friend to start by giving the seller negative feedback, and reporting him to Ebay using the link from the same, and the link from the DMTNT site. She didn't pay much above what the other site sells it for, $5.00, but still, she was under the assumption that it was a genuine piece from the movie. It is false and misleading advertising and infringement on Disney's rights. And a piece of advice, if any sale says "buy it now", chances are there are more copies of the same item and the item is not unique. The Barbossa hat is gone, but he still has over 30 other items for sale as being listed as "Pirates of the Caribbean Props". He also has added to the drum as being "Pirates of the Caribbean Prop British Drum *REAL*".
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