Silver Steele
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And I just found this too.. October 28, 2004 - 09:42 Bahamas Gets Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and 3 Bahamas film industry receives big boost as nation is selected as a film location for major motion pictures. Disney has really opened the floodgates for putting the Bahamas on the map as a top film production location by committing to shoot "more than 50 percent" of the movies Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and 3 in this nation. The Tribune newspaper reports that Paul Quigley, one of three principals behind the $76 million dollar Gold Rock Creek Enterprises film studios being built in Grand Bahama, says his studio will be extensively used by Disney to shoot both movies, which have a combined budget of $400 million. Mr. Quigley says Disney's decision to use the Bahamas was "wonderful" for both his production facitlity and for creating an indiginous Bahamian film industry. Mr. Quigley said Disney executives, including Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and 3 director, Gore Verbinski, had been regular visitors to the Bahamas in the past two weeks, inspecting Gold Rock Creek's film studio location in Grand Bahama, looking at possible shooting locations in the Family Islands and holding meetings in Nassau. One island in the Exuma chain has already been identified as a possible location for filming of the movies, the first of which starred Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly. Mr. Quigley yesterday told the Tribune newspaper that Disney had already drawn up a production schedule for shooting Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. This meant that Gold Rock Creek would have to "go gangbusters" to ensure its "shooting tanks" - the facilities where water-based and underwater scenes will be shot - are ready for the beginning of May, 2005, when Disney plans to commence filming in the Bahamas. Craig Woods, the Bahamas Film Commissioner, previously said that this nation had barely scratched the surface of the film industry, despite After the Sunset and Into The Blue pumping a combined $20 million into the economy. Another film, Three, currently being filmed in Eleuthera, will bring an additional $940,000 into the economy.
It might or might not true. This was stated on Dark Horizons Jerry Bruckheimer talked a little bit about the upcoming "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequels whilst doing press promotions for "National Treasure" and revealed to LatinoReview some surprising information that shoots down some facts many considered locked in. Most notably of these is that Keith Richards is not in fact signed to play Jack Sparrow's father - "We don't have him yet". Bruckheimer confirms he has a subtitle for the second entry, but he wouldn't reveal it though he confirmed it is NOT "Treasures of the Lost Abyss" as previously mentioned. The plan is still to make Pirates 2 and 3 simultaneously if possible - "We'd like to. If Disney will write a check, we'll do it...We hope that we can do it as well as Lord of the Rings did it. That's what you shoot for. You only learn through making mistakes, so we'll watch what Back to the Future did and Matrix did and hopefully not repeat what they did". Production is expected to begin in March. "We dont have him YET" sounds like they do want him to play in it to me. Also sounds like the contract with Disney isn't quite sold yet on the idea since there is still "the plan is still to make POTC 2 & # simultaneously if possible".
Hows this? I'm still not sure what it is though. Looks like to snakes, but other than that, Im clueless.
*DING* Okay Ed, so now your saying that pirates wore earrings, and all pirates had parrots. Cheers! ....and for those of you who think Im serious in this post... WRONG! *ding*
Unfortunately Howard Pyle wrote his book about 150 years after the Golden Age and the book is generally accepted as a work of fiction. If you look at the classic plates of pirates, such as those at Beeji's archive, the pirates there are not wearing earrings. In Defoes Books, or Ellms "The Pirates Own Book", or even Esquemeling's book "The Buccaneers of America" there isn't an instance of an earring mention in any of those books. Im not arguing that they didn't wear earrings mind you, I believe that some did wear them. It's just proving that they did wear them.
For that, you're gonna have to prove they wore the stupid things in the first place. And trust me, Im always on the look out for such info.
Recently, this was a topic of discussion on another board. Here is what I posted at that time: One must remember that during the days of travel on the high seas, sailors would find themselves in lands of different ethnic groups than their own. History shows many different cultures utilized body piercing (and various other types of body modifications) for either ritual reasons, religous beliefs, medical superstitions or social status. Examples would be African tribes (since tatts would not show up on their dark skin), Asian cultures, and Indian cultures (American, Mayan, South American) just to name a few. Esquemling states in his book in reference to the Indians of Darien and their king or chief captain "In his nose he wore a large plate of gold in the form of a half moon, and in each ear a great golden ring, nearly four inches in diameter, with a round think plate of gold of the same breadth, having a small hole in the centre, by which it hung to the ring." Since many pirate crews were made up of African slaves, (speaking specifically of the pirates in the Caribbean region, using Blackbeard's crew for an example) it would be reasonable to believe that some pirates did wear earrings, along with other piercings in various body parts. As ships began finding themselves in the Med and in Asia seas, again, they would find themselves in cultures that did utilize ear piercing, again for social and ritual reasons. (Currently the University of Penn Museum is showing an exhibit on the history of piercing.) In Pyles book, although you have to kinda take some of what he says as fictional, he states "Two men were bending over him -- one, a negro in a striped shirt, with a yellow handkerchief around his head and silver earrings in his ears;" and "The vessel in which they sailed was a brigantine of good size and build, but manned by a considerable crew, the most strange and outlandish in their appearance that Barnaby had ever beheld -- some white, some yellow, some black, and all tricked out with gay colors, and gold earrings in their ears, and some with great long mustachios, and others with handkerchiefs tied around their heads, and all talking a language together of which Barnaby True could understand not a single word,". This supports my belief that some pirates that had backgrounds from different cultures could have infact worn earrings, considering that crews were sometimes made up of a motley crue of various nationalities. It would be not be unreasonable to believe that during times in history when piercings were the rage that some pirates did wear earrings, such as Francis Drake, which I have found several references to him wearing earrings. Have I found any paintings, drawings, or plates of pirates wearing earrings? No. The only reference I have found to jewlery is a painting of B. Roberts, and his infamous diamond cross necklace. So with all that in mind, would it not be reasonable to believe that a "few" pirates did indeed wear earrings, but that would have been the exception and not the rule. And if they did wear them, it would have been because of their cultural background, and not for use as a deterrant in combat. There is a reference to an old Dutch Maritime law stating that a sailor must wear a earring to pay for his funeral if he is washed overboard, drowns and washes up on shore. To this day, I still haven't been able to find a good source for Dutch Maritime law to research this statement. In reference to how an ear would be pierced in past history. One example I found is the Canela of Brazil who to this day still use a hardwood awl to pierce men's ears. (From the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution) The Bible also states the use of an awl for ear piercing. "And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl" (Exodus 21:1-6) I also found this tad bit of information also: In 1635, the ROEBUCK, under Captain William Cobb, was attacking shipping of the "infidells" in the Indian Ocean under the authority of a specious commission issued by King Charles I. In a deposition, a victim of their robberies took note of "the leftenant Franglee who hath a ring in his left hear." - From Pirates of the Eastern Seas, by Charles Grey.
You can view two episodes online at Like Television. Episodes Execution Dock and Dead Reckoning HERE
They may have tried to shut him down, but our friend piratesrus is still at it. Pirates of the Caribbean Jailer Keys Prop http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...2281806919&rd=1 Other items listed are Pirates of the Caribbean Prop Flintlock Pistol, Pirates of the Caribbean Dome Prop Treasure Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean Brass Dauntless Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean Prop Silver Plated Bar, Pirates of the Caribbean British Soldiers Prop Hat, Pirates of the Caribbean British Soldier Prop Musket, Pirates of the Caribbean Curved Cutlass NEW, Pirates of the Caribbean Prop Padlock & Key Set. Here's his list. Piraterus eBay Auctions PiratesRUs Ebay Store
I saw those too at the Wal-Mart here. IF your looking for them, they, at least at the local store here, were located up near the registers.
I just looked up the pirate rubber ducks. You can find them here Ducks What will they think of next?
Hey Christine, there's nothing at all wrong with dreaming! Dreams can come true! (Note the pun to a Disney song.) I'd be willing to help out Twig with his 10 year problem too! (He just looks like a real pirate in POTC, what can I say?)
OK guys who has one of these ?
Silver Steele replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Oohhhhh.. I want one! Humm.... maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas. I've been a very good little pirate! -
Psstt... Scurvy Dog, while your at it, and if your taking orders... pack Michael Berry up and ship him over this way!
If you haven't seen it, go over to Launch at Yahoo. They have it on their list. Terri Clark Videos at Yahoo
No, there wasn't any tab with it, just a straight song sheet. A search on the name only brings up five listings, with one being for deadmentellnotales.com for the song being listed in the "Book of Pirate Songs". You might want to email them and see if the book includes the tab. If not, it's gonna be hard to find the tab for this as this song came out of the Library of Congress' 19th century rare book section.
This is a rather old song that I happened upon called "The Pirate's Serenade" by Geo. A. W. Langford Farie. I am unsure of the year on this, although it was found in the American Memory from the Library of Congress. Come, love, come, come away with me, My bark is on the glossy sea; The moon is bright, on ocean's breast, All, save the Pirate, is now at rest. See how she rides the crested foam, To bear thee, love, to the Pirate's home; Then fly, love, fly, do not delay, We must be gone before to-morrow's day. Come, love, come, &c I dare not stay on this hallow'd land, I must away to my pirate band; they restless sit, all side by side To hail thee, love, as the Pirate's Bride. Come, love, come, &c Tho' my voice is rough - oh! do not start, For true and soft is the Pirate's heart. Thy home shall be on some fairy land, And thou wilt be Queen of the Pirate's band. Come, love, come, &c Come, love, come - ah, why that stern brow She smiles, oh, who so happy as the pirate now. My arms will bear thee to "that thing of life" And this night thou must be the Pirate's Wife.
Found this little tidbit from the QAR. QAR: Lab Update With the picture of the "hand grenade" being Hand Grenade from the QAR http://www.qaronline.org/artifacts/grenad-2[1].gif Two More "grenades" from the QAR
You mean this picture?
I thought they were sealing wooden barrels? Because it looks as if they are using wooden mallets to "hammer" on another tool around the edge of the barrel.
According to the Greater Hyde County Chamber of Commerce in North Carolina (which is the Pamlico/Albermarle Region of NC including Ocracoke Island), "he has been referenced as Thach, Tach, Teache, Tatch, Teatch and Thatch. Teach seems to be the accepted spelling since it was used by Lt. Maynard." As I have said before, I did not bookmark the site that used the spelling of Teague as it did not cite any sources of information for that claim. And if my memory serves me correct, it was a family genealogy page. Living here on the North Carolina coast, it seems that everyone and their brother, sister, aunt and uncle here claim to be related to Blackbeard. Not that there couldn't be quite a few people related to him, since he did have what? a dozen wives or so, and there were probably quite a few other women in various ports in the Atlantic and the Gulf, awaiting his return. With all that I am sure he was the busy little pirate. But yet no one can provide a bit of proof to the claim and they respond by saying "My mom (dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparents, cousin, great grandparents, etc, insert your choice of relation here)looked it up and told me." My impression of the page at the time was that someone was really reaching to try to place their family in relation with Blackbeard by making that claim. And does everyone really believe everything they read on the net? Would people even dare to make up stories on the net or post false tales of information? *gasp* For example, on the "Teach's Hole" Blackbeard Exhibit and Pirate Shop located in Ocracoke, on their guestbook, there are more than 4 entries halfway down the page (I stopped halfway) with people claiming to be related to Blackbeard. And this is just on one site out of the millions on the internet. http://www.teachshole.com/book.htm Here's another example where a person states "NC Smithwick's related to Blackbeard (Tynch)?" http://genforum.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/page...hwick::280.html
Please site your source on this. Primary documents if you can. I do not remember the site, and I did not book mark the site, hence the reason why I stated "can't remember where at the moment" as I thought the statement was pure rubbish, hence the "makes me wonder where people come up with this stuff". And how can I provide primary documents when 1) I never claimed to have made that statement and 2) the individual who posted that statement on their site did not post any sources. Thank you.
Amazon is going to be selling it, and is taking pre orders for the November 5th release date. I think you can trust to purchase thru them. But I understand you not liking to buy online, I like the instant gratification of paying and having it at the same time! I went to take a look at the Toys-R-Us site to see if there was anything on there about the Sparrow doll. I didn't realize they had moved their "store" site to amazon.com? (And the Sparrow doll is listed at the Toys-R-Us portion of Amazon.com and on the Amazon.com site itself as well.)
Christine after reading what you just said, this image poped in my mind. Keith Richards and Johnny Depp side by side in the movie, at the "Faithful Bride", waving their hands around, mumbling back and forth at each other much like the way that Johnny and Lee Arenburg did in one of the outtakes on the blooper reel.
http://dvdtimes.co.uk/content.php?contentid=12611 From DVD Times comes some details about the Special PotC 3 dvd set: Buena Vista Home Entertainment have announced the Region 1 DVD release of Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Lost Disc for 2nd November 2004 priced at $29.99 SRP. Released in time for the holiday season, this new set packages together the existing 2-Disc SE with a 'Lost Disc' containing 8 never-before-seen bonus features... “Becoming Captain Jack”: The film’s star Johnny Depp divulges revelations about fulfilling his boyhood dream of playing a pirate and his unique “take” on Jack Sparrow. “Becoming Barbossa”: Dive deeper into how actor Geoffrey Rush fleshed out his villainous character. “Thar She Blows!”: The film’s ship Interceptor is featured, from building it to blowing it up. “The Monkey’s Name Is Jack”: Meet Levi and Tara, the two tiny masters of mayhem who play the infamous primate pirate, and get Johnny Depp’s and Geoffrey Rush’s recollections on working with them. “Pirates Around The World”: A fun comparison of dubbed versions from across the seven seas. More “Fly On The Set” Featurettes: Join the filmmakers as they create additional key sequences from the movie. “Spirit of the Ride”: Johnny Depp, director Gore Verbinski and more of the filmmakers reflect on their earliest memories of the attraction and how it inspired the film. “Sneak Attack Animatic”: Before executing the movie’s sneak attack sequence, the filmmakers created animation based on how they visualized the scene – and here is the animatic for this exciting scene.