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Silver Steele

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Everything posted by Silver Steele

  1. Oct 15: From Yahoo! UK: http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/041015/242/f4mt3.html Johnny Depp has succeeded in his attempts to get Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards on board the sequel to Pirates Of The Caribbean. Richards, the inspiration behind Depp's superb portrayal of the mercurial Captain Jack Sparrow, has agreed to play Sparrow's father in both of the hit movie's forthcoming sequels which will be shot simultaneously. We understand that Richards has already had a costume fitting in preparation for filming which is due to start at the end of February and could continue for a whopping eleven months. Richards will join all the stars who are returning for the two swashbuckling adventures including Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Mackenzie Crook and, spookily enough, Geoffrey Rush who will be back as the evil Captain Barbossa - despite dying at the end of the first film - as well as director Gore Verbinski.
  2. I read on a site awhile back, can't remember where at the moment, but.... The statement of "Blackbeard being referred to as Edward Teach is grossly incorrect, as his last name was Teague." Just makes me wonder at times where people come up with this stuff.
  3. Initially planchets were hand struck. Upon weighing the coin, if the assayer found that the coin weighed too much, the coin was "clipped" to the correct size. The clipped bits were held in a bag and when the time came they just threw the entire bag with the shavings and clips on the fire and melted it back down. People picked up on this and over time they began to "shave" off a bit of the coin, and thus make a few bucks on the side. These coins were generally not very round unless it was a royal strike, but had a smooth edge. Around 1732 the planchets were machine struck, the coin was generally more round, and an edge was placed upon the coin to deter people from "shaving" off a bit. There is a process called coin "chopping" which is when a coin was "certified" as being an authentic coin when it was used in Asia. That was simply putting a "mark" on the coin. Yes a piece of eight was occassionaly "cut" into bits to make the correct change. I've got some stuff on my site regarding the history of the Spanish coin during the Golden Era, including pictures of the coins across the time.
  4. Seems to me that if it was obtained thru the Propstore of London, the individual would have a receipt of the transaction. And to scan that receipt, black out the original price, and upload it wouldn't be a big deal........ if it was real... that is.
  5. Someone is selling Elizabeth's dress on eBay. Complete with undergarments, poster, shoes and mannequin. He claims he bought it at the Propstore of London. Current price is $7500.00 Looks real enough. Keira Knightley Screen Worn Pirates of the Caribbean.
  6. I wouldn't mind having a few of those reports myself. *holds out hand* Archeology reports for the poor!
  7. Why do I do what I do. Humm.... this could take up an entire book for myself! I got into the piracy thang when I learned that my maternal Grandfather's true last name was Roberts, and his father was Welsh. Well, to make a long story short, nope, I'm not related to Bartholomew Roberts that I have found. (Just too many missing records.) But, I'm more of the "historian" type (no I dont consider myself a pirate historian, but more of a researcher and only a wanna be at that, how about pirate geek?). I try to learn how people lived hundreds of years ago. To learn what people had to do to just survive and exist never ceases to amaze me. To learn how people had to live just to survive never ceases to amaze me. Thru wars, plagues, fires, starvation for starters, to this day, I still don't know how people managed to live. "Roughing" it, I have experienced as my father came from a single log cabin on top of a mountain in West Virginia in the early 1920's and even to this day, my father prefers to hunt, grow and can his own food in his age of 80. He wont cook on anything unless it is cast-iron. He even makes his own bread, and his own soap. He has an armory that would make any pirate proud, and has an extensive knowledge of black powder, weapons, and knives (including casting his own slugs and pressing his own bullets). He even made his own moonshine. So I grew up in an environment that was a few years behind everyone else's and not quite like everyone else's. He had an old town canoe that was often found on the nearby lake. And camping of course was a requisite every so often. My mother knitted hats, sweaters, gloves and scarves. And she also made all my fathers work shirts. (He was an Industrial Engineer/Chemical Engineer) By the time I was 9 or 10 I could fire a shotgun (although I ended up on my butt evertime), skin a rabbit, make a fire, and basically cook it. I grew up where although my parents had electricity, they preferred to not use it. (Meaning no AC in summer, and not much heat in winter in the NW corner of Ohio, and doing homework at times by the light of a oil lamp.) And we always lived at least 20 miles from the nearest town. But that doesn't even touch on the way that people had to live hundreds of years ago. But in all honesty, I love my TP, I love my cable modem, and I love my central air.
  8. Oh to live in CA. All the fun seems to happen on the West coast, from this to the Royalist!
  9. The flag does look red. I'm not sure what the French Flag looked like at that time, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now... LOL
  10. Around here meant around here where I live. There's not too many here, and I can't seem to figure out why. I mean I live basically in Blackbeard's old stomping grounds.
  11. Amazon states they will be ready to ship as of November 5th! So you don't have to wait until the end of November to get them!
  12. Ahh Mermaid, there be more pirates in the ocean! Now if I could only find one around here.....................
  13. I absolutely LOVED that movie. It's pretty gosh darn accurate when it comes to sailing. (Even down to the accurate portrayal of the ships bells, 2, pause, 2, pause, 2, pause, 2) And it's a good tale too, you'll learn about the lesser of two "weevels". (Although the movie portrayal of a weevel I think is incorrect, I dont think it's a worm or a larva, I think its a beetle.) Is that picure of the French ship the Acheron, or the HMS Surprise? Crow does a fine job as a "Master and Commander" it's well worth the time to watch if only for a learning experience if nothing else.
  14. This one isn't piratesrus, but a slick one. Advertised as "Pirates of the Seven Seas 4-Figure Set" The four figures include: Blackbeard (who mysteriously is dressed just like Barbossa) William (who mysteriously is dressed just like Will) John (who mysteriously is dressed just like Jack) Mary (who mysteriously is dressed just like Elizabeth) All four figures are standing at top a mound of gold with a chest that mysteriously looks just like the Aztec chest in POTC. This one's name is collectorsnetusa*com and has a Feedback score of 99.5% out of 7951 sales. The buy it now price is $19.95. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 However, I found this also. So is this legal? http://www.toymania.com/news/messages/4974.shtml
  15. Wuzzent me dat started it!
  16. Just saw this on Yahoo. Where is this man going to find time to do all these movies? Between POTC 2 & 3, the Piano movie, and now this? This man needs to take a vacation sometime! LOS ANGELES/SYDNEY (Hollywood Reporter) - Geoffrey Rush is in negotiations to join Russell Crowe in the big-screen adaptation of Australian author Murray Bail's award-winning novel "Eucalyptus." Rush would play Australian widower Holland, a man who plants hundreds of types eucalyptus trees on his plantation west of Sydney. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...nm/film_rush_dc And no prequel huh? Hummmm.... gotta be something with the curse then. Maybe the "heathen gods" weren't too happy with Jack and they bring back Barbossa and make a deal with him. He will become "alive" again if he "takes care" of Jack for the "heathen gods". (Gotta feeling those "heathen gods" are gonna be in there somewhere.. they are touchy and vengeful aren't they?)
  17. I read somewhere that, I think it was Buckheimer, that said it was really interesting how they, the writers, brought Barbossa back. And then he said, when asked for more details, "Its a surprise". It's gotta be curse related or either they are going back to a pre COTBP.
  18. Glad to hear things are okie fine! Looking at your website, it looks like your really close to a canal. No flooding?
  19. I think I read in another article on this that initially they thought all the bones came from different people, but somehow they determined that they all came from one individual. Ill see if I can find the article again. I found them. I had them bookmarked... http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/0...ce.sailor.reut/ http://news.independent.co.uk/world/scienc...sp?story=560544 http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...5E30417,00.html http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5962424/
  20. BlackJohn, I had read about that a few weeks ago, and infact just used him as a reference on another post. It's pretty amazing how much they can tell about someone, considering the conditions he was found in. And it also gives quite a bit of light upon how running around in the loft would have effected a person, even at such a young age. I wonder though, how long he had been running around in the loft? Since he was 10-12? Or did that happen over just a few years?
  21. I just didn't want to discourage anyone, no matter their age, if they have an honorable interest in piracy. But, you have put it in words better than I could have.
  22. So Sharky how did you fare the storm? We should be getting the left overs from it here within the next few hours.
  23. I thought I was the only one who noticed a bit of mish-mash going on. One thing the youngin' need to remember is that its not a race about "ranks" in posting. Its quality not quantity that matters. Ten quality posts that are on topic are much better, don't waste space, don't cost the owner of this board, and are productive to the topic of piracy are 100 times better than 200 posts of "chat" that are not on topic. I'm not trying to discourage anyone interest in piracy, a true interest in piracy, but if something is of a chat nature or off topic, there is a forum at the bottom of the Pub page for such topics and items. The best way to learn about piracy is to study, read, research and ask questions regarding piracy. *hops off soapbox, hops up on the capstan, pulls out fiddle and begins to play the "Last Shanty". "M'father often told me, when I was just a lad, A sailor's life was very hard, the food was always bad, But now I've joined the navy, I'm on board a man-o-war, And now I find a sailor ain't a sailor anymore! Don't haul on the rope, don't climb up the mast, If you see a sailing ship it might be your last Get your civvies ready for another run ashore, A sailor ain't a sailor ain't a sailor anymore!"
  24. I gotta agree with you Hawkins, I am a computer "geek" by profession, but I would gladly throw it all away to enjoy a more simple life of the ocean, "weathering" the elements, looking up to a night sky full of stars so bright you can make out the milky way, and falling to sleep to the rocking of a ship/boat. The knowledge that is required to "run a ship" or boat (navigation, charts, rigging, sails, etc) is not something that is not easily learned, and does take alot of education by actually experiencing the events. Books can only teach so much, but just like anything else, it takes experience to actually be a master of the subject. Although the days of the Golden Era are long gone, there are those who want to "learn the ropes" of what it would have been like to handle a ship powered only by the winds in the sails, your hands raw or calloused from hauling on the lines, your arms and back aching from hauling on the lines, where you are at the mercy of mother nature where you have no control. Do you know they found the skeleton of a sailor that was in Cromwell's army, and by the bones that found the man had the body of a trapeze artist? He had a hip condition that was from jumping around six feet? And at the early age of around 22-25 the man already had arthritis? It wasn't an easy job or life to be aloft in the rigging. Being a computer geek is nice, but to be able to look up at the clouds, the way the birds fly, the way the sails are hanging and know that you are soon going to need to change tack or change sails is a knowledge that I envy of those who have it. And Z, I wouldn't advise to posting information regarding pirating of music on a public website.
  25. I gotta tell ya Charity, trying to "decode" the ranks, duties, and everything else that goes with the Royal Navy is seriously like trying to decode an encrypted message. They were sometimes very precise on matters in their "manuals" or "handbooks", and at other times they were very vague. And then you have to take into consideration how they changed over several hundred years. And to agree with Pyrate, it would depend upon the size of the ship and how many crew members/troops would have been on board. Some ships had only a bare bones crew, while full fledged ships of the line may have had 20+ "officers", not including their assistants (Cooks Mate, Carpenters Mate, Gunners Mate, etc.) I think on a pirate ship, they would have had a chain of command, but they would not have had all the specified officers. Basically a Captain (however he came to the position he did), a Quartermaster, a Bosun, some kind of Navigator and Pilot, and a Master Gunner. Other than that, they probably did the best they could with other matters, such as a Surgeon or Cook. (If they even had a person that had any medical background for a Surgeon or Doc.) They wouldn't have done the ships bells or anything really official like the Royal Navy. However, some like Drake and Roberts did do things a little more officially than others. If you had a small ship like a sloop, you wouldn't need all the extra "officers", but if you had a larger ship, say a Brig, you would need the extra "officers", and with a ship of the line you would need all the "officers". As for my website, I only had it up about a week or so, and as I added things from my library I quickly realized that I needed to organize it in a much easier fashion to navigate on the web. Im not really sure if I'm gonna have it reorganized with what I had on it in a few days, especially since I'm doing all the graphics and adding flash menus to it. And BTW, this is a little bit OT, but does anyone know what the advantages of using Dreamweaver vs. Front Page is other than the ability to do flash menus on the fly? If so, will you PM me please.
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