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Silver Steele

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Everything posted by Silver Steele

  1. Those pics are part of Larry Voyer's website. He has amassed a TON of information on books, entertainment, magazines, stamps, cig cards, etc that relate to pirates. His site is GRAPHICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES
  2. I found one quick reference to a wooden astrolabe, assumed for maritime use, because of the user. Source: Websters Instrument Makers Database - Letter F Ruy Falerior, Spain, 1519, MIM Made one wooden astrolabe and six wooden quadrants for Magellan. HERE
  3. Lady Steele, Though me starting point is already from within the Commonwealth of Virginia, me own carriage ride to Hampton is 4 hours in the one direction, I think the trip is well worth making. I'm thinkin' I'm going to be heading that way for that weekend! Iffin' I can find a hotel room that won't cost me all me plunder! A pirate's got to have a little treasure....
  4. Captain Jack's Pirate Hats I just recently received the Barbossa hat from here. It's an awesome hat!
  5. Seein' that it's only a five hour trip up the coast, I'm thinkin' of going.
  6. Unfortunately, the argument whether or not the wreck found was Blackbeard's has been going on here on the coast of NC since the day it was found.
  7. I've got a few shells, rocks and driftwood that I've picked up off the beach here after the Hurricane... wait.. the driftwood could have been part of Blackbeard's, Stede Bonnet's, or Charles Vane's ship from close to three hundred years ago! The stones could have been from the ballast! And the shells, they could have been from the time when pirates once walked the beach! CHA CHING, CHA CHING, CHA CHING!
  8. Hawkins, you are correct. It does come down to deceit. A consentual open marriage, agreed upon by both parties, and known by all parties is another matter, although I personally would not choose to involve myself in a polygamy situation, and do not personally agree to the sitation. But hey, if it works for two people, that's their business, just please don't ask me to agree to it, as those are not my beliefs and we will get along just fine. :) Please don't get me wrong, to each their own. I however, am selfish, and I would want to be keepin' me man all fer meself! I was speaking however, on one married person portraying themself as being "single" or looking for an affair while the other person knowning that the said person is married in the previous post.
  9. Perhaps my thinking is flawed in this day and age, but if a married individual, man OR woman, feels the need to have an affair, then that individual has no business being married. So many people seem to forget their vows... "Till death do us part".......... or divorce court. I was raised and I still believe, although at the age of 37 and never married, that marriage involves honor. And if there is no honor, then there should be no marriage. How can you even respect an individual who is married, and wants to have an affair? The days of honor seem to be ancient history. (Yes there are those who do still honor their vows, I'm not slamming everyone.) If you don't like your partner, separate and divorce. If you think of having a relationship with a married individual, how can you be sure they mean what they say, while going home to their significant other everynight? Actions always speak louder than words. ~~Starting to believe that my "prince" has either been kicked off his white horse and has lost his memory, lives on another continent and we shall never meet, or he died at birth........~~~
  10. Well, that's what makes this world so fun at times. Everyone has free will, and opinions to live and think the way they want! The movie biz, however, caters to the general population's interests. Let's just hope that Disney cuts them that check soon.
  11. I thought it was about "Pirates of the Caribbean"?
  12. What I find interesting is that nothing is stated about POTC2? Perhaps Barbossa won't be in POTC2? (I remember Bess saying something about a scheduling conflict, but he might have a small role in POTC2, and a larger role in POTC3.) POTC just wouldn't be the same without Barbossa and his miscreant crew. Without Barbossa, you might as well call it "The Continuing Tales of 'Captain' Jack Sparrow" instead of POTC.
  13. They would be nice to have, however, the current set is impossible to be found anywhere other than on the web. At least it's like that in my area.
  14. Official HMS Bounty PageMore news: 12/13/2004 St. Petersburg - The tall ship Bounty, now appearing in the move "SpongeBob SquarePants," is en route to its winter port at The Pier and is scheduled to arrive Wednesday. The Bounty, which will remain until spring, is a replica of the 18th century Bounty sailed by Capt. William Bligh and was used in the 1962 movie "Mutiny on the Bounty". The 169-foot ship normally spends its summers sailing along the East Coast and Great Lakes, attracting more than 250,000 visitors annually. The nonprofit Tall Ship HMS Bounty Foundation maintains the ship. It has been a seasonal visitor to St. Petersburg, off and on, since 1965. For SpongeBob SquarePants, the Bounty's white masts were painted brown. THe ship is preparing to be refitted for the sequel "Pirates of the Caribbean, II", starring Johnny Depp. No release date is set for that movie. Tall Ship Bounty
  15. Does anyone know where on the East coast they are planning to take her? *Sets sight on the Chieftan if she be comin around the NC coastline.* Muhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
  16. Can I ask what the big deal is with this question? You have posted this question on several other pirate related message boards across the net.
  17. You could always give him a St. Christophers medallion to give him hope of safe passage and protection to return to you. St. Christopher is the patron saint for travelers.
  18. The offical outcome.... Winning bid: US $9,102.00 Wonder if the person who bid $9,100.00 is kicking himself or thanking himself at this point.
  19. That "thing" now has six bids on it... $7,056.00 Now here be a boat worth having! 72' LOA / 55' LOD Classic Italian Schooner, 1870/1966
  20. Those were my exact thoughts......... That thing looks like its been sittin dead in the water for a LONG time yet the seller quotes "Hull is solid with maybe a few bad boards...." Uh... yea... right... just look at the patching that has already been done on it, the rubs from a dock on the side. Look at the "deck" and all the ripped out wood, but hey, they left the toilet,a sink, and a paint roller for the lucky buyer!. The engine looks like its been rigged and the prop looks like an ad for Barnacle Bill. But then again... it would make good for target practice or a nice "fireship".....
  21. I'd like to know how a boat, stated as being worth over 200 grand two years ago, is now a piece of timber waiting for a match worth only 5 grand. BTW, there's now two bids on the junk.
  22. I think it would be more to pay for the "box" or canvas that they would be buried in (if one at all) and the minister's fee, than an actual formal funeral.
  23. You guys are not gonna believe this.... I was looking thru piratesrus completed sales HERE. And I found an entry for a www.rareprops.com as a buyer of the "POTC prop coin set" which includes 8 coins. So I took a gander at www.rareprops.com. And guess what I found at the bottom of the page? A single coin described as "POTC, This is a prop coin used in the cave sequence of the film as set dressing, this is metal and quite detailed, cast for the film from a real horde of pirate treasure". Hes selling it for 15.00 pounds. Hes also selling the entire set of 8 for 80.00 pounds. The site states if you have any questions to email, yet I couldn't find an email address anywhere on the site. Single POTC coin Eight POTC coins Additionally, rare props also has the following for sale. Pirates of the Caribbean - Cutlass Pirates of the Caribbean Sword Pirates of the Caribbean Sword This is just getting more and more funnier by the day... and it doesn't seem that Disney is going to do anything. Piratesrus still has many many many POTC "prop" items for sale. Just seems funny to me that Disney is letting him get away with this. I thought Bess said they were shutting him down?
  24. I have found a reference to an old Dutch Maritime law that stated that Dutch sailors must wear an earring to pay for their funeral. However, I can not find a source for Dutch Maritime law. One other thing that I think we need to take into consideration that has not been mentioned. The rounding of the Horn. There's an old custom that was started, as far as I have found, back in the era of the clipper ships, when they sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific during the gold rush in California. [Mid 1800's] However, in Richard Dana's "Two Year's Before The Mast" [1850's], there is no mention of an earring or tradition associated with rounding the Horn. But it is a well known tradition, and a well respected sign of a great sailor. There are only two sailors in the world, at this time, that have rounded the Horn more than ten times. They both live in Liverpool England.
  25. Broadside at the end of the 16th century and a little into the 17th, it was the style for men to wear earrings. And yes there are accounts of Drake wearing earrings at court. Unfortunately men wearing earrings went out of style in the early to mid 17th century and virtually all accounts of men wearing earrings disappeared. Red Maria, good luck on finding a print/plate/woodcut from the late 17th to early 18th century of a sailor wearing an earring. I haven't found one yet.
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