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Silver Steele

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Everything posted by Silver Steele

  1. You have got to be kidding me. They are actually making a second episode of this? DOH.
  2. Okay Im curious as to know why they are reshooting a few scenes with the release only four months away. In addition it seems around January 8th Orlando and Keira were seen in Hawaii filming what has been described as a "very romantic" scene. (I've left out the details to not give a spoiler....)
  3. As someone who use to live on the NC coast and use to live on Carolina Beach (which is about ohh.. an hour from where they are at depending upon whether you take the ferry off the island south or go back north across the bridge and then back south) and has gone thru their share of tropical storm and hurricanes, lemme tell ya sumptin Bad McCrack about the shallows, inlets and rivers that come off the Carolinas. Depending upon the tide, the weather, the direction of the wind, the shore line, the way the river/inlet turns and the current, sand bars can pop up within minutes. They don't call the Atlantic off the Carolinas the "Ships Graveyard" or the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" fer nuffin. Additionally just north of where Gary's boat ran aground, just across the border in NC in the Cape Fear river is where Stede Bonnet also ran aground and was captured. (Now Bonnet was an idiot of a pirate, but also Colonel Rhett along with his other ship ran around.) And if you don't believe that rivers and inlets change on the Carolina's shore, the river mouth where Bonnet was captured is now nothing more than a stream about a foot wide and maybe five inches deep. Additionally the lighthouse off the Cape is a very good example. When it was built in 1870 it was 1600 feet from the ocean. In 1920 it was 300 feet from the ocean. In 1996 that same lighthouse was now only 130 feet from the ocean. It does not matter if they had charts. It does not matter if they had a depth sounder. The bottom can go from 14' to 4' in a matter of well.. feet. Unfortunately due to the nasty laws of physics, ships under sail or on motor can not stop on a dime and you can not control Mother Nature.
  4. Hows this for an idea? Since prior the Royaliste was used by the Canadian War Museum, the Discovery Channel and the History Channel, has anyone thought of contacting them for a wee bit of assistance? Personal funds are only going to carry so much and only for so long. The benefit concerts well... may not come fast enough, and it sounds like they need a bit of corporate assistance. Just an idea. And everything is expensive in SC. I use to live in Carolina Beach NC (not too far from where they are now). Piracy still exists when it comes to anything dealing with boating especially if there is no other option available. And no it does not surprise me that they were boarded overnight at all considering their location. There are some nice people and civil people in the Carolinas, then there are the others for lack of using profanity here. If it's not tied down, its gone.
  5. Every winter I always gain weight. Mostly because I'm sitting on my butt more than in the nicer weather, but also due to the holidays. Generally I follow two rules. When it consistantly begins to be 65F everyday, then time to start hitting the weights. I really hate doing that because it seems so boring to me. Once the weather consistantly hits 75F then it's nothing but swimming for me. I just feel more productive swimming for an hour doing laps than walking or hitting the weights for an hour. Plus, it's an all over workout and burns more calories than just hitting the weights! And since I'm in Vegas now, probably about another 14 - 21 days and it will be 65F every day.... eep. The last few days of enjoying chocolate!
  6. $119.00 marked down to $115.95 for a freakin' full/queen size sheet set?!?!?!!? Pyracy still exists today! Seems like you could make those yourself with simple white sheets, a rubber stamp and cloth paint.
  7. As usual if this isn't "Official" then you know what to do! Found em HERE on LiveJournal
  8. They might have, if their ship wasn't under construction, therefore no show. Okay, that's really wierd. It was just shut down towards the end of Nov and early Dec for three weeks, as I understand it, to clean out the pond. It was insteresting, they gave the "pirates" & "sirens" the option to either help clean with pay or gave them three weeks off. My other half and I went down there on Christmas Eve and I noticed half the siren's crew was gone. Guess they didn't like the idea of having to actually do manual labor... bad pirate. Guess I'll have to take a run down there this weekend. Yep, TI is a total and complete joke. Even their junk stores inside don't carry any pirate themed items. And going inside, it looks like every other casino. The "pirate" movie over at the Luxor was tempting, but not the $18.00 to see it. It's cool to live in Vegas because you have different shows to go to all the time, but the price is set at tourist price. Next time check out the "Half Price Show" place to see if you can get them cheaper. But you are right, MB is the most "pirate" themed, if you will, in Vegas as it has the tropical theme. Theres a Mel Fisher's Treasure down in Henderson though. Steele
  9. If that's what every well dressed modern pirate is wearing this coming season, ummmm.... ahh.... count me out.
  10. What? Don't the "Sirens of TI" count as porn?
  11. My other half and I happened to find another one that isn't listed here. It's on the same screen as the Bruckheimer Photo feature. Rumba stated there is the patch of grass at the bottom of the screen that plays the coconut man. There is another one on this page about the painter. Its on the right hand side of the screen, towards the top right above the word "tales". A leaf will highlight.
  12. Don't know if it's an official release or not. Delete the URL if so. But it has six AWESOME prints. Six pics at Ain't It Cool
  13. The Jack Sparrow "Bump and Go" (sheessh.. that sounds so personal...) is marked down at my local Wal-Mart here in Vegas to $3.00. And last week at the closest Rite-Aid the manager sold me the series one and two figures for $4.00 each. Steele
  14. If anyone really wants to find it (including a picture of Johnny,Keith & Marty together in pirate garb that does not look like a crew shot, it looks like a professional shot), it took me all of two minutes searching via yahoo to find it, up to and including a report of the trailer of POTC 3 from Comic Con, with the entire script of the trailer. Let your fingers do the walking on the keyboard via Yahoo. Steele
  15. Please forgive my stupidity here but there are a few things I am wrestling with here on this topic and the posts that follow. 1. Are we speaking of the Golden Age or are we speaking only of the 19thC? To compare the etiquette of the 19thC vs 1650ish to 1720ish would be like comparing cannons or better yet, clothing styles from the same. 2. Are we speaking of etiquette of pirates or of noble and upper class citizens? For as we all know, there is quite a bit of a difference between the two. To assume that pirates had etiquette that paralleled that of the nobles and upper crust would be absurd. Do you think these men cared if they had the proper tea at the right time of day? Do you think they left calling cards? Do you think they took off their hats everytime they were inside or in the presence of a woman? Do you think they dressed for meals? Remember the origins of piracy in the 1650s originated in the Caribbean as a revolt to the way sailors were treated from merchant and RN ship officers. So thus to follow the etiquette of the sea (within reason of course) would be defeating the purpose of "going on account". Of course one exception does come to mind.. ... Stede Bonnet. And we all remember what Blackbeard thought of "Gentleman" Stede walking on the deck in his dressing gown...... Steele
  16. Neptune yields tiny treasure October 28,2006 PATRICIA SMITH Daily news staff ATLANTIC BEACH — Underwater archaeologists found something to crow about this week on the Queen Anne’s Revenge shipwreck site. Divers discovered a 1-inch-high brass rooster, the decorative top to something — but they don’t know what. “On the base, you can tell where the metal broke off,” said Linda Carnes-McNaughton, a historical archaeologist with Fort Bragg who volunteered this week with the QAR Project. Such finials adorned a wide variety of items in the 18th century, so it could have broken off of a weapon or even a personal box, Carnes-McNaughton said. Divers found the cockerel in the same excavation unit of the shipwreck as an apothecary weight, so it may somehow be associated with measuring scales, possibly an ornament on the box where weights were kept, Carnes-McNaugton said. The fixture features little eyes, a beak and a rooster tail. “It’s made of cast brass,” Carnes-McNaughton said. It would have been made in a mold, but it is well-crafted, she said. There are no marks identifying a maker. “We’re not sure where the little cockerel came from,” Carnes-McNaughton said. And that makes drawing any symbolic conclusions difficult since roosters had different meanings in different parts of the world in the 18th century, she said. “In some cultures it could be associated with Christianity,” Carnes-McNaughtons said. In Germany, for instance, there were many cockerels on the tops of churches. QAR archaeologists will need to research decorative arts of the period to find out more, said Dave Moore, nautical archaeologist with the N.C. Maritime Museum. The QAR staff is also researching the marks on the apothecary weight to see what they mean, Moore said. The weight is marked with a Roman numeral “XVII” on top, an Arabic numeral “8” on the left, a “1/2” on the bottom and a visible “R” on the right, which Moore said can be seen as “Rx” under a microscope. The weight was found in the same general area of the shipwreck where other surgical instruments were found in earlier dives, the archaeologists said. Archaeologists believe the shipwreck is that of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the pirate Blackbeard’s flagship, which ran aground in Beaufort Inlet in June 1718. Just weeks earlier Blackbeard had attacked Charleston, S.C., capturing gold and other valuables and demanding medical supplies. Among other items recovered from the shipwreck this week were unidentifiable concretions, lead shot, gold dust and ceramic pieces. One of the ceramic shards was not lead-glazed like the other pieces archaeologists have been finding for years, Carnes-McNaughton said. It would have been part of an oil jar or olive jar, and though it is the first of its kind found at this site, it would certainly have not have been rare to find them aboard a pirate ship, Carnes-McNaughton said. “These are the ones we call them cardboard boxes of the 18th century they’re so generic,” she said.
  17. There's only one issue with this that I can think of. In the 1500-1600s the Spanish Main was the round for the treasure fleet. By the late 1600s-early 1700s the Spanish Main, the real Spanish Main (meaning Spain's treasure fleet round) was pretty non-existant. I think the term "Spanish Main" has been Hollywoodized to mean anything dealing with the Caribbean and pirates no matter what era.
  18. Pirates Info GoF's Website Foxe's Pirate Mythtory And of course I have to shamelessly plug my own, althugh it seriously needs updating....... one day. Steele's Pyrates These four should give you a good bit of information as I know the other three, as well as my own, try to research pretty in depth for historical accuracy as possible, from original source documents when possible.
  19. Daniel, why don't you ask another stupid quoestion? Yes, please! Or email them to me! If you have scanned copies, also send along and I will see if I can help you with the transcription!
  20. It is my belief, whether it actually be right or wrong, that since these articles were for the "Ship's Company" they thus were in effect only while on board that ship. However, I have nothing to back that up other than theory and opinion. I believe that on land, when off ship for a bit of pyrate R&R, that there were no rules in force based upon the Ship's Aricles other than a man's personal morals and values. As for the raping a woman, I do know that when Morgan was sacking around the Spanish Main, specifically around Mexico that there are accounts of Morgan's men raping women while sacking towns inland. But to Morgan, the Spanish were not.. well.. civilized? They were the enemy whether it be male or female.
  21. I unfortunately will not be able to make it this year. I am in the process of moving and becoming a "Desert Pyrate". But I will be there in spirit. *Where's me rum?* Take lots of pictures! There's always Pip in the Fall!
  22. MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD - Nobody sue me... I found these on the web. Here's Barbossa. Look just to the right of Jack..... then to the left. And four more... but I'm wondering if these aren't from POTC3
  23. Aye, thank ye BlackJohn, tis good to be back. And I brought my own torch with me. In reference to who actually divided the shares, it was the Quartermaster. While the Captain was in charge in times of battle, the Quartermaster was often in charge of leading raids and boarding parties The Quartermaster took responsibility for prize vessels and picked the treasure that the crew would take from the prize. He was also responsible for counting the booty and splitting the shares and as such the Quartermaster (and only the Quartermaster) decided what of value was to be taken, and what was to be left behind. Ta'
  24. I though deadlights also meant eyes.... *shruggs* "Close yer deadlights!"
  25. If a seaman were "pressed" into service of a pirate, and they signed the articles, provided that the articles did state that each man were entitled to a share of the prize, then yes, they would recieve a share. This taking of the share or NOT taking of the share is what made many a pirate swing or not swing. There are accounts of seamen pressed into service, yet not taking a share and when they were captured, they were found not guilty of piracy. Hows that Black John?
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