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Everything posted by blenderwench

  1. nope, but I do have the muppet show greatest hits... I love it!
  2. OK, this is sort-a cross posted. Crimson Corsair was trying to figure out how we will all identify one another @ the meeting places (again, will be there on Sunday). I personally have a pin w/ my name on it, so that is pretty simple, but overall.. maybe this is too much organization, but anyways.. his suggestion was to show the letters PP somewhere on your garb for Pyracy Pub. pins are seeming to be pricey or hard to find, stickers wear off.... so... here's another PP idea - i think a lot of people have garb pins, or just use a safety pin... anyways, what if we just took a fabric swatch and permanent marker and write a PP on it, and pin it somewhere in a VISIBLE location (like not on a pouch) to identify each other? Ok - now discuss.......
  3. here's another PP idea - since pins are hard to find, and stickers seem to just fall off. I know I have pins, like my blender wench pin, and also my pyrate hat pin (but not wearing pyrate garb opening day, but more middle eastern turkish period style)... anyways, what if we just took a fabric swatch and permanent marker and write a PP on it, and pin it somewhere in a VISIBLE location (like not on a pouch) to identify each other? Ok - now discuss.......
  4. if you go to Hot Topic, the goth store, they have LOTS of pirate stuff. Its for a punk band called.. Floggin Molly! I have the 'kiss me i'm a pirate' sticker, and the 'another pirate chasing booty" sticker. Look there and at Sam Goodys too. Just read this - gotta say I love flogging molly!
  5. nanny nanny boo boo.. i have a pewter pin w/ my name on it..... So, as long as "Blender Wench" is not forgettable, we are all good, right? If all else fails, I can print stickers. not period, so I dunno if I really want to wear one, but it is an idea.
  6. ya know, Gute, I think I had too many drinks to recall exactly.... I "think" so... but me thinkin is not so good when I be drinkin. have you checked their website? hope to see ya in PA on Sunday, and, if not, definately opening day at MDRF.
  7. Really? hmph. I wasn't sure.. and maybe it was while I was in my drunken stupor on the pyrate cruise, that I thought Duncan was talkin me into goin to PA this weekend. (crosses arms, taps foot, looks around for Duncan.) Damn. what the hell... I need a drink. hmmm - I know he is at Pennsic. Maybe that was it. oh well.. (shrug shoulders, goes to pub)
  8. I know on Sunday it is: Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him
  9. OK, following this idea that Crimson Corsair had... He thought it would be neat to identify people w/ piracy pub to meet up. I am assuming that the final word for SUNDAY (I can't speak for Saturday) is meeting at the outdoor pub behind the pirate ship at 1:00. Crimson Corsair suggested we all have some indicator like a "PP" on our garb, or something of that nature. I can print up black and white stickers that say Pyracy Pub and if we meet up, I will stick ya! I can't be missed. I have a pewter pin on reading "Blender Wench". It will be on my bosom, a very well-exposed location. Also, as always, this wench will give out free kisses for beer! Extra Red Kisses! Here's a pic to show you what I mean.. https://pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...3&mode=lightbox Huzzah!
  10. OK. Worked it out w/ Crimson Corsair, I am in! yee hee!!!!!
  11. me thinks this is a right good idea! We'll wait 'til we parley next month and decide on a name for ourselves. Those o' us what been plannin' this band o' pyrates 'ad more 'r less settled on a name fer our motley crew, but bein' pyrates, we be all democratic and such, so we'll let the new recruits 'ave a vote 'fore we finalize the name. Then we be creatin' our own forum. Til then, we'll jus' make a nuisance o' ourselves in everybody else's bloody forum. Gute - I vote to be called the "Bawdy Bunch!" tee hee..... Ok, seems me arm is being twisted quites a few times on my attendance at this event. I really really want to go and meet up with everyone, however purse strings are runnin a tad tight. But, relyin on the kindness of others, and the twistin of Crimson Corsair, MoonShadow, and Madame Macaw, it looks like I very well may go!! I will have a definate answer on Saturday. happy dance and tankard of brew spills on the deck. whoops - better stop that for now.
  12. ooooh - that sounds just fantastic! I'm game!
  13. Just to be sure, Queen Rogue, is that the Kilt Company near the Market Stage area (Wolf something...) on Saturdays, right? And ton Sundays, the leather shop - which one? The one near the bend of Meadow Lane and Queen's path that sells hides, the leather one near White Hart that sells boots, or the leather one near the Rock Climbing Wall that sells leather toys and such?
  14. only there on Sunday? That's when I will, but a bunch o people will be there Saturday and both days! With driving up from Baltimore, not sure if we will be there promptly when the gates open.
  15. I got a foto up in the gallery of Little Miss Crimson Corsair Jr. https://pyracy.com/gallery/member.php
  16. Aye! I second that. Here's a tankard for good thinking!! I was a wee bit confused, me-self, reading the same topic and different meeting times/places on different threads.... ugh - think I just made meself dizzy all over again. I need to sit down for a wee moment.
  17. I will definately visit, maybe bring a band of pub members with me and we will BRING THE PARTY TO YOU~ I am not sure about Sunday on Opening Weekend. Rumor has it that the following Sunday, the 5th, I will be kidnapped to the faire, hungover and w/o any sleep. Hmmm - let's see how I will react. I have a feelin I will be at the pub, in the shade most the day~
  18. Havin' not been t' the PA Renfaire, I not be knowin' where the bloody pirate ship is. Is it inside the gate? I'm sure we can find it. Assumin' PA opens at 10, and allowin' time to get our bloody tickets (like a lunkheaded lubber, I was waitin' t' the last minute to get me tickets online, in case of rain, and assumin' they had a will call window--but, NOOOO, they have t' mail ye yer bleedin' tickets, so it be too damn late to get me tickets online), p'raps we should meet at the pirate ship at 10:30? If'n any o' yuse Juryrig folks are gonna be at PA on 21 August, give us a time and we'd be proud t' meet up with ye! aye, can't make it till Sunday... but iffen you be there on Sunday, how about same place, at the OUTDOOR pub next to pyrate ship, at 1:00?
  19. Meetin place - still not sure if I can make it, but here is a fair time/estimate for those be meetin (and hopefully I will be one of them!!) and need some direction - But, iffen I can make it on SUNDAY, Meet at the outdoor pub near the pyrate ship at 1:00 (this is to the right, near the entrance). So people recognize each other, keep doing loud obnoxious toasts, especially to the PYRACY PUB! Iffin I can (financially) make it, i will be wearin a pewter pin that says "Blender Wench" - garb is questionable, as my newest pirate attire is not yet complete. I think the plan is also to meet on Saturday at the same location at 10:30 (this is noted under the pirate crews, and Jury Rig thread)
  20. awww - er, I mean, congrats. Think you can try to work in a break at 1:45 on opening day at the white heart? Of course, I will make sure I pay you PLENTY of visits, too, and keep ya entertained!
  21. Aye, I be not sure on this, but tryin my mightiest to be there on Sunday... (conflicts - too many requests for my presence in too many locations!) I found out I have a chauffeur iffen I do. Mighty thanks, Crimson Corsair. Next round is on me! Saturday tis a day to celebrate the 4th birfday of Crimson Corsair's wee itty bitty pyrate girl, a lass after me own heart. Crimson Corsair, let's get some fotos of her up here for all to gaze at her splender! Needless to say, she takes after her papa, she does! --- Hey! I just noticed! My picture is the right-hand side of the exact same foto where Crimson Corsair is on the left hand side! too funny... tee hee... ok, maybe I need to set my tankard down before I spill it laughing from the amusement of it all..... here it tis... http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/dr_dewman/de...hBX8dBBzflRmgHT
  22. yay! thanks... you don't know how far a little support goes.
  23. aye Black John! See ya at the MD Renn Fest on Pyrate Weekend!
  24. awww I be away dealin w/ family business, and I miss a slumber party? Any room left for me? huh? huh? I be wantin to get into this group hug right about now. My week has been terrible. Purely terrible.
  25. And, from what little I know, this Jury Rig crew is quite a bawdy bunch o' folk, who iffen you ever have the chance, have a stout or two with these folks. you will not regret it. forgetting it, perhaps, but not regretting it!
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