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Everything posted by blenderwench

  1. Methinks that there should be a special sort of PP's for the lassies, seeing as how the rogues have one... tee hee... ...evil perverted plotting mind... sinister laugh... devlish grin.
  2. Hey Mick! Glad to see ya!!!!! Woo hoo!!! I may find an extra PP for ya... tee hee.... (or, just look down????) Phil - that was just classic. Truly classic. May have to print for those to read at the opening day of MDRF! Crimson Corsair has the photos, from what I be told, he plans on uploading this week, but I have him shackled to a sewin machine before this weekend, so who knows~!??? But soon, I promise.
  3. hmm - for opening day, I want to just stick w/ the white hart at 1:45. We are having a bunch of wee ones, and can't keep them at the tavern all day, but actually will have to do stuff w/ them in the a.m. It is hard enuf coordinating w/ a large group, and it slows ya down on doin what you want to do, so I don't want to commit to an earlier time on opening day other than what we have set...
  4. Is this me wee one with the sore feet? yup, that be her!
  5. Ohhh - Marona will be there. She is one of my wee mateys! I will make the intros right proper, I will... you shall see... tee hee
  6. grrrrrrrrrr - I typed up my story, and then lost it! Here's a re-count of our activities on Sunday, in no particular order, and of course, what I do remember...... Started out really early on Sunday. Crimson Corsair picked me up, along with Marona and Wee Chris at 7:30 a.m. We trekked up to kidnap Madame Macaw at 8:00, who was running late. As usual (snicker). We hit the road at 8:30 a.m. Crimson Corsair’s vehicle was transformed into a black ship on four wheels with a pirate flag that blew in the wind thru the entire ride up. That was great. We were on a mission – the Bawdy Bunch was out to play! We tried to come up with lyrics for our “Bawdy Bunch” song, but without enough coffee in our systems, and crust in our eyes, that task was very short-lived. As soon as we arrived, we found MoonShadow, where her and I immediately noticed the REALLY FINE Corsair w/ the long hair was sitting at the pub, which was pretty empty. Well, that seemed to be the perfect time to fill our tankards and uh… drool, I mean… gaze at the beauty of it all. Then we went to go watch the Corsairs perform. After that, we saw a female group, the "Sultry Sirens of Sin" and a few of the members of this group were also in the "Banshees" group at the Celtic Fling, and did the same songs. That just made Crimson Corsair's day. He got a compilation CD that we listened to over n over on the ride home, all singing along - especially to my personal favorite "Drunken Sailor!" tee hee... Well, went to the 1:00 meeting place, and saw a lot of folks I have met online, most from the pyracy.com message board. Including Indigo Jack, Mack, Cuthroat Cate, Scarlett Jenny, Pirate Phil, and a few other folks I have met through Live Journal. I hope I am not missing anyone’s name! That was about the time that my wanderings were put to a halt, and I was pub and drinkward-bound for the rest of the faire. I have an interesting idea for displaying my PP at future faires.. tee hee.. just don't know if I would want wee children to see... snicker. MoonShadow, that crafty one, was giving out coin trinkets that were fastened to her bodice. My tounge swiped one off pretty quickly. She also made great patches that said "2004 MDRF" and a sunflower on them. That was soo sweet! I love my patch and will be sporting it to EVERY EVENT THIS SEASON. I also got to observe the local IWG chapter wench walk, and a wenching in action. They let me tag along in the back of the walk procession. That was really neat. I don’t think the MDRF does these wench walks, or I am too deep in the pub to notice! During the wenching of two rogues, Madame Macaw pointed out someone we have met before at the Spoutwood Farm’s May Day Fairy Festival. I was glad to see her finally be able to enjoy some festivities instead of over-exerting herself working the event. Later that afternoon, Marona and I took a drunken walk …er….stumble around the faire, and got ass-backwards lost and could not stop laughing. Poor baby's feet were killing her, tho, and that laughter turned into painful tears. We just sat for a spell, bonded, talked, and enjoyed the scenery. Food - yes, I was on a quest for Haggas. No, never found it. Did gnaw on a turkey leg and stake on a stake this time. YES I MADE SURE I ATE AT THIS FAIRE. (background for those who don’t know.. I have a hard time eating at faires, and am always scolded over this. I much prefer the drink!!) There was this cutie of a bartender in a kilt. I had it set in my mind to make it my personal mission to taunt him every chance I could. And I did. But he taunted back. It was funny the different exchanges we had. AND NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS, YES I DID SEE HIM PICK HIS BELLY BUTTON! One time he tells me to "go away!" So I say "No, you go away!...er... oh...wait, you are the bartender... stay where you are!" Got quite a few patrons laughing. I had a convo for a while with that cutie of a Corsair I mentioned above (his name is James), as well as Queen Maggie from MDRF. We talked a lot about the anticipation of opening day of MDRF. Rumor has it that Nelson from the Rogues is not coming back this year. 8o( Towards the end of the day, I picked up a really small treasure chest keepsake box for Crimson Corsair, as a thank you for taking all of us up to the faire. We were all exhausted by the end of faire, but really enjoyed it, and drove home singing most the way, I snored for the other half! Tee hee… I am sure I am missing some things, but when they come back to me, I will add them. Still in my renn haze, and just all that much more anxious for our home faire to start. HUZZAH!!!
  7. what a great photo! Can't wait to see the others.
  8. crimson and blenderwench, thanks for the complements on the pin, i like how it came out. crimson as for openind day i will be there but i'll be working. nevertheless i will have my pin on. blenderwench is bringing a gang over to see me at work, you should join them. Crimson is a very good friend of mine for about 16 years and running now.. (I turned him onto this site) ... so he MOST DEFINATELY will be accompanying me to your workplace. Even if by threat of my cat!
  9. Ahhh, Marona, my wee one. You be meetin the crew this weekend, for sure!
  10. PP? YOU HAVE A PP? tee heee.....
  11. Oh, QueenRogue, that pin is soooo beautiful! I adore it. The lettering is so fantastically regal. As far as KOA on Pirate Invastion - will have to talk to Hubby, but it is a very possible consideration. Would be fun to be in an encampment and continue the pyracy after the MDRF gates close~!
  12. YAY! That will be fantastic! But I do have it on my "dance card" so to speak this comin Saturday to wander over to the Kilt Co. to bring the pyracy rabble to you! So, hopefully we can get your attention for a few moments.... hmmm... wouldn't that be a nice time to take a break??? Can't wait to see pics of your ideas. How far is the KOA from faire? I don't live too far, about 30-40 minutes away, but I love campin too, so maybe making a weekend out of it - especially pyrate weekend - that could be fun.
  13. Welcome back, Capt'n! Have lots of fun stories for ya, will share my tales over a pint or two next weekend, but I am sure your adventures at Pennsic are FAR MORE ENTERTAINING! I will be "official" mid-September.
  14. HEY THERE! YAY~!!! Yeah, the sash may be a winnin idea...
  15. I'm in! This time, I will hide from the pending tounge-lashing by your partner who was silly enough to think that I would be responsible for ye!
  16. Thanks, Jack, I am so glad you made it out! We did miss Jim. Yes, this past weekend's events was a fine, fine time! It just got me all that much more ready for my home faire, at Maryland. This weekend will be fantastic! hope to see everyone there!
  17. Gute, will let you know. I know a bunch of folks goin saturday, but I am not one of them, have solid plans of the all-nighter sort. Sunday is a possibility, but I cannot be sure until the day-of. As far as other weekends and days, MOST DEFINATELY.
  18. depending on who you are talkin to, methinks it can go either way.
  19. aaahhh, dear Gute what a wonderful idea! I will be there quite a bit, just randomly but will definately post here for a heads-up once the season is under way.
  20. tee hee - maybe a SATURDAY thread and a SUNDAY thread... I think a page or two back on this thread are some folks goin Saturday. I am a Sunday gal, meself.
  21. Kate - I will be there at PARF on Sunday! A whole bunch of us will be... there is an entire thread on this under "raids" but the gist is... Meet @ 1:00 at the outdoor pub behind the pyrate ship. The thread is discussing if we should have anything on our garb w/ distinguishing marks.... also, I have a pewter pin on my bodice that says "Blender Wench" - remember my name and you will be set! OK, rest of the gang - there is so many discussions of meet-ups in so many various threads, I be gettin confused. For the record, just started a thread to discuss the Pirate Invasion at the Maryland Renn Fest. Go there if ye be curious. http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2979
  22. (Blenderwench stands on the top of the bar to get the bawdy bunch's attention....) AHEM! Me reason for starting this thread is this particular event weekend is being brought up in a lot of other "raids" threads for local events, and me wee brain is gettin a tad confused as to what place, who, when, whatever With that said (pause for sip of the tankard).... THIS THREAD IS FOR THE MEETING PLACE OF THE PIRATE INVASION AT THE MARYLAND RENN FEST ON SEPTEMBER 25th and 26th. Ok, for me, I will be there on Saturday. With a LARGE Group o'folks. Sunday, well, I want to be there, but depends on me head the next mornin. Now - here's the discussion - Part 1 - Suggestions on a time/place to meet up? Part 2 - Anything we should do to distinguish ourselves so we know the other members of the pyracy pub? (Pirate Phil's dead rat idea is entertaining... tee hee.... Crimson Corsair thinks of somehow having the letters "PP" displayed on our garb in a visible location. This is a great idea, but grounds for a lot of "hey, I see you have a PP!" kind of comments.... ) Ready, set, discuss!!!!!! (scrambles down from bar, using Crimson Corsair's shoulder for leverage, and summons barkeep for a refill)
  23. awww, sweet Gute, don't worry, we will find ye. MDRF is not just a one or two day thing for most the people, it is a many many many weekends events. I am thinkin of startin a new thread for MDRF pirate invasion for meeting place, time, etc....
  24. Gute - yes, Duncan's crew will be there opening day, labor day weekend (both days, I think) and also most definately pyrate invasion, as well as a myriad of other dates. Yeah, I am speaking for Duncan! Tee hee.. I think he is still @ Pennsic, so relaying the info he shared w/ me earlier in the month. I think I am being kidnapped to be there on Sunday on Labor Day, hungover, about 3 hours of sleep.. argh! I always have me blender wench pin on.... I am so sorry I will miss ya this weekend.
  25. aaaahhh - I didn't hear of the dead rat one. I like that, too, even more so, as I was having the same PP apprehension... "hey blenderwench, I didn't know you had a pp..." I am also going to have favours to bestow on folks. Seeing as how I am a blender wench, probably drink umbrellas! (thanks for the idea, moon shadow)...
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