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Everything posted by blenderwench

  1. UPDATE: I want everyone to be clear, that although the details of this event have not been completely revealed to me, the target audience is the *normal* people. It will not be like our April Pub Crawl, which caters to more of the Renaissance community and I do intend to do again next spring. This is more of a block party festival, there will be a pub crawl, and if folks want to come out in garb to lend itself to the atmosphere, it will be appreicated. For me, personally, it is worth a look-see to check things out and see what ideas I can get for our RENNIE pub crawl next spring. Of course, I will share more once I know more. This is all just a hunch.
  2. I will be there! If anyone is looking for me, here's a hint: I will be wearing plaid.
  3. Ok, so the date is September 10th. I KNOW it is far in advance, and I KNOW it is during renn season (Deaf Awareness Weekend). So I KNOW that many folks won't be making it. But anywhoo, just throwing it *out there* in case anyone is interested: The Fells Point Development Corporation (non-profit) is hosting a Pirate Festival in Fells Point, Baltimore on September 10th. It starts at noon and festivities run all night. I have been told that the blocks will be closed off, and they will have entertainment in various forms (they have shanty singers, storytellers, comedy acts, etc..) and pirate-esque ships docked for tours. The block party will run from noon until 6:00 p.m. AFTERWARDS, starting at 6:00, there will be a pub crawl until bar closing time. Captain Morgan will be running some MAJOR drink promotions.. rum, rum, rum rum... So those that want to continue the festivities AFTER Maryland Renn Fest, you can always come by for the pub crawl after faire closes. And, of course, those that want to forego a day at MDRF should come out in all their garb regalia and celebrate PIRATES! I am helping this non-profit group get the word out as best as I can. I was told that they would love it if there were some pirates mingling around in garb. So, there's the gist of what I know, I am sure I will have more details later to come, but if interested, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! The Blender Wench To see pictures from our Fells Point Pirate Invasion in April, go to www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com PS - Pirate Invasion at the Maryland Renaissance Festival is September 25-26
  4. Sorry for the delayed response, but...... We would like to thank everyone who came out to the FIRST ever Pyrate Invasion of Fells Point. We estimate there were about 100 brave souls who decided to venture out and join us for an evening of merriment. Also, a very very hearty HUZZAH and Congratulations to Blossom for winning the "Booty Game"!!! We are hoping to make this event an annual one, and when we begin next year's planning we will be sure to email those that registered and let you know! We are uploading various collections of photos from this event as they are being sent to us. So be check to check back at the website often and search for that picture of YOU!!! www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com Many thanks again, The Crimson Corsair (Kenny) and The Blender Wench (Vicki) PS - If you have photos you would like to have posted, please email them to: fells_point_invasion@hotmail.com
  5. Just an FYI - At the Cat's Eye Pub, which is smack dab in the middle of the crawl, they will have a celtic band, which starts at 9:00 p.m. - I called to check just because I think the group would really like this, and would hate to see us being too early or too late. But, I think the timing for that band is PERFECT! YAY! Also, the Cat's Eye pub does charge a cover, but as long as you show your sticker and let them know you are part of the crawl, and make sure drinks are purchased from the bar in the back, the cover will be waived. For the folks attending - remember, the first stop is at One Eyed Mike's at 6 pm, and we move on at 7:30, then crawl at your own pace until the final stop at midnight. Please make sure you come by One Eyed Mike's to register so that you can get your participation sticker, goodie bag (up to the first 100 participants) and have some time to enjoy the atmosphere. This pub is pirated out, and Crimson Corsair and I are also contributing some of our own decorations. The folks at One Eyed Mikes have really helped us out with this crawl and coordinating all the bars to get on board, and also have set up large 6-ft long canvas banners to be printed and displayed at each bar. In addition, the food there is AWESOME and they will be cooking up burgers/dogs for a nominal fee so folks can grab a bite to eat before they start crawling. Looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday! Vicki / Blender Wench www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com
  6. tee hee - Crimson Corsair and I have the exact same idea... Hey, Crimson... GIVE ME BACK MY BRAIN! I had the following message composed, and right when I was about to post, he did. Ah well, I will anyways... Just putting a reminder out there to folks that are interested in attending the Pyrate Invasion of Fells Point (Pub Crawl) that it is THIS WEEKEND! There has been have had an overwhelming response to this, and we anticipate a rather large group. We will have goodie bags for the first 100 participants, there will be games throughout the crawl, a celtic band at one of the taverns, nifty historical trivia for the majority of the pubs as well as information on the privateer industry that once ran rampant in this area. If you are interested, be sure to visit the website at www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com MAKE SURE YOU PRINT A TREASURE MAP! This gives the pub crawl route, and some information on the pubs (like how to avoid paying a cover charge...) If anyone needs to spot either of us in the crowd, well, er, good luck. Both of us will be wearing pewter pins with our names - Crimson Corsair and Blender Wench. And, of course, you can ask any of the folks in garb, I am sure someone has gotta be in the know! AND REMEMBER NO WEAPONS ALLOWED.
  7. So, as the Pub Crawl date is coming upon us, Crimson Corsair and I have been doing some research on the history of Fells Point - especially the privateer activity in Fells Point. Lots of really interesting stuff. From the establishment of the first shipyard in the 1730s until the mid-19th century, Fells Point was the engine that drove Baltimore's maritime commerce and international politics. Privateers, shipbuilders, immigrants, merchants, and sailors sought their fortunes in this waterfront community, home to the world-famous Baltimore clipper schooners. These vessels, known then as pilot-boat schooners, were the fastest in the world and carried cargoes both legal and illegal. Privateers were so effective at running the British blockade and harassing the British merchant fleet that the ship yards, which built them, became primary targets for British revenge. The most notorious of these were at Fell's Point (Baltimore) Maryland. Fell’s Point was known to the British as “that den of pirates” since many of the captains who lived in the neighborhood had Letters of Marque from the President that allowed them to legally loot British ships. They referred to themselves as Privateers. A lot of the grander homes in the neighborhood were captain’s houses. One defunct bar in the neighborhood (large, abandoned looking formstone buildings across from Friends Tavern) was a big captain’s hangout. The bar had no stools because the proprietor felt that a gentleman should be able to hold his liquor and once he had to sit down it was time to go home. Bond Street (where One Eyed Mike’s is) was lined with boardinghouses where all the sailors would stay. The lady who ran One Eyed Mike’s would have the sailors who wanted to stay there sign an insurance policy naming her the beneficiary. She didn’t have to do anything illegal since she knew that with all the drinking and carousing sailors would often meet untimely deaths all on their own. At the Admiral’s Cup, beware because there was a practice in Fell’s Point called “shanghaiing” (one of Fell’s Point’s nicknames was Shanghaitown) where crews low on manpower would drug unsuspecting people in bars, bring them to waterside buildings, which had tunnels in the basement that led out to the water, and pass them onto boats. When they awoke, their only way back to land was to work on the ship! Supposedly the Admiral’s Cup has one of these tunnels. Five out of the Six stops hold ghost stories - Max’s, Wharf Rat, Cat’s Eye, Admiral’s Cup and Horse. When you are in Max’s if you find yourself getting either amorous or hungry both are appropriate responses since at one time Max’s was a chicken slaughterhouse in the basement and a brothel upstairs so you could get your chicken and your chick at the same time! A bouncer went down to the basement and was startled to see the ghosts of headless chickens running around. There will be more to come, but that won't be seen until during the pub crawl. www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com - updated 3/28/2005
  8. ahh - the day of snafu got ye? you would be more than welcome to join if ye are in town.... you wouldn't be the auspicious quite one in the corner for very long with this bawdy bunch!
  9. Flint - way cool! I really hope to see you. The website has been updated YET again, and probably will be revised and updated quite often for a little while. Tonight Corsair and I are walking the pubs and talking to owners. One of the pubs, One Eyed Mikes, is decorated out with a pirate theme. They are really helping out with this one. Nothing is 100% set in stone, but a few things that we do have going on are: 1) cookout fare at a nominal fee at the meetup place. 2) sponsorship from a few alcohol vendors (reduced prices and they will make banners for each bar w/ the pub crawl logo!) 3) Registration area so crawlers will have something like a sticker to identify them at locations. 4) trying to get Captain Morgan to come out and run promotions - a guy comes out dressed exactly like the Capt'n! 5) goodie bags for the first 100 pub crawlers... 6) making sure we are not charged ANY cover charges, or that tavern will be off the map. Most likely cover charges will be waived for our group, with the idea that money will be spent at each establishment. ...and so on. As I said above, this is NOT 100% confirmed AT ALL at this point. this event is growing beyond my wildest dream. It started out as a brainchild of mostly Corsair, then we were working together, thinking a group of about 10-15 souls. WOW WAS I MISTAKEN. As it stands now, I can safely venture to say there will be at least 50-60 folks out and about in pyrate garb, maybe more...... WOW! This will be an INVASION by every sense of the word.
  10. I seriously doubt THAT would be a problem!
  11. I do recall a campground almost directly across the street from the fairgrounds... hmmm... well, Corsair, my ole camping buddy, what do you say? I am game....
  12. http://www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com/ The website for the invasion has been updated, with a (preliminary) treasure map of locations. Crimson Corsair and I are going to be walking the map route this Thursday and talking with pub owners. I will make another post once it is 100% finalized.
  13. I don't know if this is prom-style or not, but I am making my own pirate jewelry. I ordered off of ebay a faux gold medallion charm hanging from a skull, then some skull beads that have been carved out of stone. I am stringing them together using jewelry wire/thread, and using round 6 mm hematite stones in between the skulls (this is a shiny black). That is the necklace. Then I am intending to make matching earrings and bracelet. But, if you look up jewelry on ebay and "pirate" or "skull" I believe there is a lot out there... and if you would rather have ornate jewelry, ebay is key for that, too.
  14. oh Mick me dear, I certainly hope to be able to attend these festivities!!! I am sure many o' the jury rig will be comin out again to play.
  15. It is not a Jury Rig sponsored event, but being as how we both are members of that crew, the invite has been extended to our brethren, along with several other ports o'call. I am sure a lot of those Jury Rig drinking savage scurvy-ridden scoundrels will appear and join us in doin no good thru the streets of Fells Point! PS - I have been advised that our Capt. McGuyver will be otherwise engaged the evening of this event.
  16. mm- I know at the Maryland Faire, pins are pretty popular, especially the pewter ones. Ones w/ funny phrases are pretty neat. And, well, we wear it on our garb, bodices, hats, etc... just like the privateers pins many folks may wear (including me) to represent our guild.
  17. Pewter Pins for Sale A friend of mine has an overstock of pewter pins she is trying to sell, and is selling them at $8.50 a peice. She does accept paypal. She has a total of 19 "Official Bodice Inspector" pins, and 37 "Lusty Lady" pins. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. If you want photos w/ size and images of the pins, drop me an email at blenderwench@gmail.com or PM me here w/ your email info. Questions and payment coordination can be made directly to the seller, Meredith, at icequeen1874@yahoo.com
  18. That be a great idea! Also, along the same note, I know the local IWG chapter is preparin a privateers feast. Logistics are bein worked out now, but I know the proceeds go to charity, and I will post more when I learn more. However, somethin more intimate for this here pub crew is a mighty fyne idea. Maybe a room of sorts could be reserved somewhere like squires or one of the taverns in town? Also, I am sure I can line up a happy hour at the Green Turtle in a heartbeat, with a reserved section for our crew, but it would have be on a Friday eve.
  19. Crimson Corsair got the group photos, two of them to be exact, but some folks are cut off.... http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/cnm81600/alb...h9uZ0BBVFRUpqvP
  20. I am enjoying this thread, and there are a lot of valuable points made, and really, I don't think that there is a comfortable solution for everyone. Just make sure we are thoughful and creative in our posts instead of one liners just to get rank. Like this one. (now I AM THE POST WHORE...er..... WENCH!!! WHOO HOOOO)
  21. All - I am still speechless and recovering....... But this weekend will be one of those events that you would look back on and never forget! I am so happy to meet everyone, even if I was a bit flighty on sensory overload. I know there was a bunch of pics taken of the pyracy pub crew (and what a LARGE crew it was..) If anyone could post them, I would love to see them. Next time, folks, hopefully my dear unattentive hubby won't walk in front of the camera, but rather be occupied BEHIND the photographer from the get-go! tee hee....
  22. Sure, Gute. Not sure if I can join, will keep ya posted on it (plus, I work very very close to the Wharf Rat), but you are looking for a group on October 21st at the Annapolis sing, right?
  23. Chaos - I will have some extra lime green fabric, and will reserve on for ye.
  24. Stynky made a very good point on the other Pyrate Invasion thread - lookin at the show schedule, white hart at 11:00 a.m. is more feasable. see you mateys there!
  25. Huzzah on 11:00!!!!! Watch out, looks like the blender wench will be drinkin early in the mornin! (what do you do with a drunken sailor...)
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