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Everything posted by blenderwench

  1. My persona is not quite as developed.... but, here goes: Born Victoria LeVine, a merchant's daughter. I was betrothed to a terrible creature, and ran away from home at the age of 14. I found employment in the taverns, at the docks of Fells Point, in Baltimore. I was then named "Blender Wench". Although I was a tavern wench by trade, I was deeply intrigued by the rabble that came into port and drained their tankards to the sweet nectar that I concoct in a blender, I started to yearn for life at sea. I found pyrates seemed so intimidating and rugged on the outside, but were really compassionate, huggable and loyal - more so than any common merchant that I have known. The were also the sorts to protect a lass such as me, with no kin to be made mention of. Of course, I would never dream of crossing these men, but there was never a reason given to even consider switching my loyalties. So, one day after the pubs closed, I accompanied several pyrantical lads back to their ship, where I was requested to make more of my fantastic rum drinks. As the party continued, we all became merry, danced, told stories, snuggled... as I was in a hazy stupor, at dawn, I noticed the ship was leaving port, going out to sea. These fine men wanted me to accompany them on their adventures, serve my drinks, keep folks merry (when work did not have to be done) and (after the fact that the ship was at sea...) I was more than happy to oblige~! I am a sassy sort, who can be quick on the tounge, with a smile to melt the hardest of hearts. On occasion I have been known to dance on tables and bars iffen the music gets to me, and the attention is right. I am also notorious for offering kisses in exchange for beer/rum/drink of any kind. (those that may approach me at the MD Renaissance Festival do know 'tis true!) Am I a tramp? Not often. I am more of a flirty, rowdy, independant little thing that protects "my boys" and makes sure they are all happy and well-kept. ------- Now - reality.... at least, so I am told..... My pop's family insists that our ancestry can be traced back to Blackbeard. Of course, I am not sure if that is a legend they grew up telling us wee ones, but me likes to thinks tis true~!
  2. Blimey! Where DID I put my tankard???? Looking around aimlessly...... Tis a shame for a gal to turn down a free drink. Ahh - what the hell, I got an idea.... :::::::gets on knees, tosses head back so drink can be poured directly in::::::::
  3. Captin' Jack! Me wonders if he knows my dear friend Capt'n Morgan?
  4. i am getting tickets this weekend (after payday) but OOOHHH YEAH gonna garb up.
  5. Pyrates Royale ( http://www.pyrates.com )is having a Pyrate Cruise in Annapolis, MD on July 22nd. Boarding is at 6:45, entertainment and appetizers provided, cash bar. This is on a Thursday night. This is sponsored by First Night Annapolis. Tickets are $35 + service charge - They can be ordered from http://www.firstnightannapolis.org/ online, or you can call the phone number on the website and give your order, or go by the City Dock in Annapolis to purchase. The cruise docks at 6:45, leaves port around 7:00, and returns around 10:00. It is a CASH BAR, not free booze.... they will have plates of hours de' ouvers that will be served. A few of my bawdy crew will be there, so if anyone is interested, please let me know and maybe we can meet up?
  6. Alas, I was there, but did not find this site until last week.... We were a bawdy crew of pyrates including a wee one to swab the deck, and a barbaric sort in a kilt. ....however, I did make friends with several pyrates... who knows, maybe a few from this board? Would show pics, but not sure how to upload fotos on this post as of yet.
  7. oye! has it been that long since I showed up at the theater in all of my finery with a bawdy crew? hmmmm... Well, break out the Captain Morgan, looks like I have plans for tonite!
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