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Everything posted by blenderwench

  1. go on, keep braggin, wench.
  2. Actually, you are really on to somethin, ya know? One drop off, the other pick up.
  3. ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Madame Macaw, Marona is plannin a strawberry and cream shooter - - - using tuaca.
  4. TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! In lookin at this thread, here is the list of folks that I am aware of who are showin up or workin there on opening day, and meet at White Hart at 1:45. Note: this is separate from the pyrate invasion, where there will be many more folks, and the identifying notion for pyrate invasion is a lime green band on the arm. Not for opening day, as not enuf time. QueenRogue - Kilt Company - gotta bring PP crew to see her since she is working. Pyracy Pub folks meeting at white hart - Duncan and crew Indigo Jack and Jim (?) Major Chaos Paisley Zorg Stynky Tudor Mick Pyrate Phil Moon Shadow Crimson Corsair Madame Macaw Marona the Marauder (sp?) Blender Wench
  5. A BIG HIP HIP HORRAY!!!!!! Sooo glad you got weekends off.... (we should look into cost of cab fares to split so neither of us have to drive during season.. tee hee.. I threatened me mate that he can drop me off and pick me up)
  6. ya know you got transportation here. I am considerin a season pass, too, but can't this weekend cuz of DOTC comin out of same pay. gah! I hate livin paycheck to paycheck.
  7. yeah, a whole bunch of folks, but that discussion is in the opening day thread. I been makin a list of folks, will share w/ya tomorrow a.m.
  8. not sure iffen I will have time before this weekend to go to fabric store, but I will be @ faire a few times before pyrate invasion, and will bring ya one. fugeddaboudit!
  9. sweetie - i am going to get a yard of $2 cotton and just strip it, I will have more than enuf. put your money back in yer pocket. yer pin be loverly enuf, and maybe the two can be even incorporated together?
  10. I thought sashes were to go around our arm, like in a band, so it is visible? I can make our troupe sashes w/o a problem.
  11. LIME GREEN! this is for pyrate invasion, not this weekend, right? I second that motion....
  12. So, here is the offical word on the encampment, for those interested. Regarding encampment for Pyrate weekend at the KOA campground near faire - Saturday night: Some folks will be at MDRF both days, some may just visit the camp, some may stay at the camp and go home the next day. Me thinks personally, I will set up after faireand go to faire w/ supplies and coolers and hot dogs packed So........ For all interested in the Pyrates weekend encampment, KOA is going to have a group set up under "pyracy pub". When making your reservation mention the group name to get ajoining campsites. a tent camp site is $34 for the night $3 for each additional child, and $5 for each additional adult. if you want to call and make reservations the number is (410) 923-2771 The base $34 covers two people. Note: For those with kinder pirates, please be aware that this will be a LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS group, with R-rated conversations and actions, so please use your best discretion. And a special THANK YOU TO QUEENROGUE for setting this up, and I think many of us owe her several rounds of ale! huzzah!!!!
  13. Me too! I just sent you a PM - keep an eye out!
  14. I have an extra tent you can use. I have two, but neither are quite that big, but they work! Go with Pyracy Pub for the group. Now, that $34 a night is for how many people base? 2 adults, 2 children? (thinkin Bawdy Bunch or Jury Rig for a name, but Pyracy Pub may be more fittin) Now, should it just be for Sat. evening, or Friday and Saturday.... me purse strings say maybe just Saturday, and that way I won't be too hungover.
  15. Can we get them Labor Day weekend Captain? Aye - Not a problem dear - The Captian never travels at faire without his evil "Soul Stealer" :) aye, labor day I be preoccupied with the organization of the DOTC that eve, but, there will be plenty of after-renn-hours opportunities, as well! (but I may not be completely period)... it will work, it will happen, plus the collection we have will work, as well. Personally, if it were up to me, I would suggest this one, as it be most fitting!! http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...404&mode=search
  16. I will have mee kinder Pirates opening weekend as well - maybe we should meet up early, since kids tend to keep themselves entertained that be a mighty fine idea, as many kinders will be in our charge... er... rather... we be in THEIR CHARGE. I be a bit nervous about the white heart all day, which is where I am more than fyne at stayin in the pub, but the kinders may not. Methinks the crew will be taking rounds on bringin the wee ones on various excursions, and one lassie in our group is planning on bringing period board games for the kinders while at the pub. Knowing meself, I will make a B-line for white hart as soon as I get there to kinda check in and get a roll-call.
  17. EXCELLENT! Party on, dudes!!!!!!
  18. well, that just bites, but understandable.... I will confirm once it gets closer, but if I am doing the encampment that weekend, I will most likely be able to escort you on Sunday... *(gotta see what hubby is up to)
  19. no i did not. duncan, not sure if you remember, but i took a picture of you and your friend on the top deck of the pyrates cruise in the rain. i saw the pic on the juryrig site. alright so if we are going to do an encampment at the KOA on pyrate weekend should i just get a camp site or should i stick to my one room cabin, it sleeps 3 and i'm willing to share it. Let's get a campsite, maybe two adjoining, and pitch tents and such. My tent is as period as a Coleman can be... tee hee... but that's alright. Perhaps I will decorate it w/ fabric on the outside. What be the costs, and we can anty up? Sash colors - mmmm - this is not for this weekend, but pyrate invasion? I suggest something peculiar and that stands out... maybe not pink, but like a green, orange, or yellow? Reason is, there will be a lot of blues, blacks, and reds and burgundy's pirate weekend, and if it does not stand out on the arm, how is one to tell? Just cheap cotton at fabric store should do. OK, there's sash suggestions, so pick a color... discuss.
  20. I am VERY interested, however, I need to figure it out, as I am chaperoning my 9-year old neice and she is staying the night (not really thrilled about this, but not much choice in the matter)...... So, let's keep it as very interested, and let's see what kind of shape I am in by the end of faire. If not this time around, definately 100% on pirate invasion. Looking like the encampment idea may just fly!
  21. Photos from this past Sunday at PARF, courtesy of Crimson Corsair http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/cnm81600/alb...del%3as,1%3af,0
  22. Sorry, luv, it'll 'ave t' be Saturday of Pyrate Invasion Weekend. Already got somethin' planned this weekend. fine, fine, all this cross planning has got this lass cross-eyed. (sits and pouts) pyrate weekend is a 100% most definate, considerin both days and the encampment concept.
  23. GUTE!!!! gotta see ya this weekend!!!
  24. yay! me likes pillaging! I want to go by Michael's as they have tons of neat notions and beads, but, I will be shackled to the sewin machine, instead...
  25. For that cost, I would suggest take up sewing or a find a friend who can sew, then you will be in business! Iffen you look for a good bodice, you will be hard-pressed to find just that peice for that price, much less an entire outfit. But - keep an eye out for EBay. Maybe look under "SCA" and "Renaissance" as well.
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