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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Reputation points?!?! Hmmm The Good, Bad and The Ugly....Hmmm I think I would fall under the catergory.......Good..... cause Im such a sweet little Angel...Right Stynky? *prods him with her Trident*

  2. Our name is quite deceiving, Pyrates, makes us sound like that is all we are, which could not be farther from the truth. Although our primary focus is on colonial seamanship and maritime activities, we also bring a wide range of colonial life along with us. We bring to the table the lives of colonial family life, their daily routines and occupations of the time.

    Here you find all the information you need about our events and activities.

    Looking for a crew to join? Contact us here!

    Captain John Black (Black Jack)

  3. If you would like your crew to be listed please take a look at those already listed and the info they have provided for their crew. If you send me more information about your crew besides just a name I can place it among the others. Please contact me if you have any questions.

    Cap'n Black Jack I will have yours up shortly....

  4. Footsteps seemed overloud and competed with her own heartbeat as she made her way aft and had to pause to shuffle things to open the door to the surgery. In the dark she stumbled as she clumsily booted the door closed with her heel and made her way haltingly towards the middle of the room. Luigi and Wellings were both awake though Wellings was still a bit groggy Ajayi seeming to sleep peacefully. “Weapons gentleman.” She murmured. Seeing Luigi’s shadowy figure slowly rise she passed him his musket and powder then propped Welling’s by his bedside and his powder upon his narrow bunk.

    “Let’s get some air in here shall we?” Now that her eyes had more fully adjusted she made her way unerringly towards the first porthole and quickly unlatched it then to the next and so on till they were open. At once the muted noise became more discernible whispers. A rustling to her left had her peering through the darkness to make out Luigi and behind him further to the right she could make out Wellings trying to sit up.

    “Stay there, there is no sense for you to be moving about at this moment. I doubt we shall see any of the action.” She tried assuring him and heard his grunted assent as he laid still once more. Argus however was quiet and she searched the shadows of the room to find him laying to the left of her under another bunk. “And if we do then I doubt we shall be boarded and if we are….” She broke off and Luigi trying to lighten the mood joked “There be a lot of but’s in there lass.” Wellings gave a muffled chortle and she shrugged “Aye but I never mentioned what would happen if those but’s became truth’s.”

    Holding the musket was comforting, and she and Luigi once more grew silent and peered out at the night. Ajayi watching quietly and taking note of tones used as well as body language knew that trouble had once more come.

  5. So it would come to this…for a moment her world narrowed, sounds muted as adrenaline caused her heart to leap wildly in her chest like a wild thing. Taking a deep breath her hands clutched the rail and she sought the inky darkness surrounding them. A hand upon her shoulder revealed Ciaran too searching the unknown his hand a mute testament to the camaderie all shared in this moment his face carved in stone. Alan stood at her other shoulder seeming to lean more casually against the rail, easy and relaxed. How she envied the stance of both in that moment, for her it was like waiting for a physical blow, she knew it was coming, just a matter of when. Her eyes darkened, her features moody with anxiety and fear.

    Another deep breath was taken deep into her lungs, holding it, letting the familiar scent ease her thoughts before releasing it slowly. Men scattered about and a muted call for Marines to line up came. Looking to her companions she smiled, her lips quivering a bit but her nerves holding steady as she turned from the rail “Shall we gentlemen?”

    In that moment come what may she was a marine first and foremost, a woman second and the threat that lay out of sight challenged that, “Let’s give the bastards a taste of the Dog.” The trio moved towards the other gathered marines and a heavy weight bumped her thigh causing her to glance down and see Argus at her side. His ruff was again high, his body on alert and she ran fingers through his fur causing him to look up at her before dropping his head once more watching and waiting.

    All on board stood united and yet in a few hours depending on the outcome some could well be maimed or even killed. Her chest grew tight at the thought of death, the face of her little brother suddenly swam before her and her hand crept up to grip the cross at her neck and she muttered a swift prayer for all aboard. Another deep breath and her nerves steadied thought the taste of fear coated her tongue and it was a taste she was familiar with.

    Ciaran said something and she drew her thoughts back away from the fear and back to the situation at hand and listened intently to the other marines speaking low as weapons were handed out.

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