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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. I have yet to hear anything further myself. I did send my sister a message on myspace because several have asked about sending a gift so Im trying to find out from her if it will be ok to do so, so just bear with me...and I was a good kid..I really was and snakes?!? I HATE snakes!!!!

  2. The only reason I am sending this out is because in my spam folder two days ago I did receive an e-mail that said Osama Bin Laden Hung!!! And I deleted it as I do not open any of my spam unless I know for certain who it's from. anyhow I received this from a friend of mine last night so thought to pass it on...






    > Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the

    > moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not

    > be able to fix it!






    > 1.) If you get an e-mail along the lines of 'Osama Bin Laden Captured' or

    > 'Osama Hanged' , don't open the Attachment!!!!






    > This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe ,

    > but!mainly in the US and Israel






    > Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.












    > 2.) You should be alert during the next few days:






    > Do not open any message with an attached file called 'Invitation'

    > regardless of who sent it.






    > It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which 'burns' the whole hard

    > disc C of your computer!!!!






    > This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail ad dress in

    > his/her contact list ,that is why you should send this E-mail to all your

    > contacts.






    > It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus

    > and open it






    > If you receive e-mail called 'invitation', even though sent by a friend.

    > Do not open it!!! Shut down your computer immediately!!!!






    > This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by

    > Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.






    > This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair

    > yet for this kind of virus...






    > This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where=2 0ther

    > vital information is kept.








    > Please forward to all core and interim seekers

  3. *Grins* She is quite a doll..Daddy will have his hands full so it's good yer a pirate!

    As for being Loud..Well all Lasses have to be heard and belligerent? Perhaps you have that confused with she has you wrapped about her wee finger lol!

  4. The scoop is..I was very quiet. I loved school, came home cleaned house then stayed in my room where my drafting table, books and TV was. I shared a room with Brennan's mom who is also my sister. When we were grounded for doing something bad then everyone had to stay home but me. Since I liked to hide in my room I had to go out and do things. And yes that is true...Im a very tame person.

  5. still looking into that armband..dangit it is calling my name!!!!!

    As for Etsy..lots of hits but so far no one has bought anything but we are up to our necks in comissions. Four purses, Two diaper bags and two wall hangings as well as some other stuff. So I guess I cannot complain.

    Currently trying to get another few bags/purses up on Etsy as well as our christmas line. just finished my peppermint candy christmas tree skirt which is all hand painted canvas. Working on the stockings to match it as well.

    A Pirate Gingerbread Man treeskirt, hand painted canvas with matching christmas stockings and hand painted gingerbread ornaments with candycane peglegs!

    And some traditional stuff as well. Even if none of the Etsy stuff sells Im still having fun painting and being creative!

  6. I keep getting this message

    found - connection failure

    Oops! This link appears to be broken.Suggestions:

    View cached copy of page from Google

    Reload this page later

    Search on Google:

    Google Toolbar Help - Why am I seeing this page?

    ©2009 Google - Google Home

    And then when I can get in it moves reallllly slow. I had to call William to make sure it was not just me. Is anyone else having issues?

  7. Well Brennan it does indeed seem you have earned a Pirate name...Broadside Brennan! Ye are a Pirate now lad and since ye are under my wing you shall be my cabin boy, at least till you are well enough to be a Powder Monkey and assist with loading the cannons.

    As for the others wanting stories about your Aunt Syren pay them no heed..I was a perfect angel.


  8. The ship continued to rock to and fro seeming more rough now than before and so she spread her feet to keep her balance and felt Argus sit upon her foot. She was tired and she could tell that Alan and Manus were as well, but it was the men they were holding that stirred compassion in her breast. They were a small bedraggled lot, streaked with blood and grime and yet their eyes still held a boldness, a pride.

    She watched as a sandy haired man rubbed at his stomach and looked to Alan and Manus before moving back enough to catch a passing lads attention. “Bring leftovers and a bucket of water will ye lad.” She asked tiredly not even bothering to try and remember the lads name. It did not matter in that moment for he was soon gone and later returning carrying a bucket of slop and a half full bucket of water. She gestured for him to place the buckets nearby then waved him off and watched him flee the room as if the devil whispered in his ear.

    “If you are hungry or thirsty you may have what is left in these twin buckets. If not ..” She shrugged and braced her feet once more, Argus once more sitting upon her foot.

  9. *Big Hugs* Sorry to hear you are not feelin well and I hope we are cheering you up and make you laugh. And pay then no heed about wanting stories bout your Aunt Syren cause there are really no stories to tell. *grins* And if the nurses are mean just tell them you know a LOT of pirates! I love you Brennan!

  10. Ok everyone this is my very handsome 9 year old nephew Brennan. As you all know as he is on your prayer lists Brennan has cancer and he likes Pirates and has internet access I am hoping to cheer him up by some get well wishes from real pirates. And as a surprise he needs a Pirate name so any suggestions?


    So if you would like to send him a message his mom assures me he will read them.

    Brennan darlin you get well soon!

  11. LOL I am currently working on a few comissions but do have some more hand painted bags to post and of course working on the hand painted canvas christmas tree skirts and stockings so will let you know when those go up. Thanks Ransom this is a grand idea!

    These are some of the past stuff we have done and of course we take these on comission.

    Flying Dutchman Ships Wheel


    The Compass Rose


    These are hand painted and sealed on canvas so that they are durable and will last. These are not yet up on Etsy as comission samples but will be soon.

  12. For the most part members of the Pub pretty much all know one another and know their crews. I have been a 'Family Member' here for a long while and never have I seen or heard one of our own acting irresponsibly. Much planning goes into these events for safety reasons for everyone involved. May I ask what events you have been to that you have seen such? Perhaps you may remember a crew name or the parties name of which you are basing your information?

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