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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Ok Lady B here are the bags. The first one is the front, back and inside of the one your mother liked.




    This second one is the lighthouse bag. Again Front, Back and Inside.




    The third is my Orca Bag and it is Front, Back and Inside. As you can see they are lined and the handles are changed and they are sealed.




    The prices are all different so let me know….our Etsy shop should be open soon if you are looking for something else.

  2. I am going for diplomacy here so gents please bear with me. First of all I have seen nothing wrong with this thread..No one putting the Sea Rats down..in fact far from it. I have seen razzing back and forth as Sterling and a few others have said. That is what makes what all of you do special. Everyone learns and works together when it all comes down to it and everyone helps each other out and of course the teasing.

    As for Hawkyn's...well he is entitled to his opinion same as everyone else and I did not find fault with his post. Everyone works hard to make sure their kit is spot on for events and he brought up his insights just as many of you here did as well. He does take what he does seriously and with great pride as do you all. I think the last sentence of his post showed exactly what he was meaning with no disrespect to any in this thread or about this topic and I quote "They're young, no great hurry. Take it slow, concentrate on one thing and get it right, before starting the next, and then put the same effort in before you take it into the field.


    Everyone starts somewhere and these guys The Sea Rats look good to me but I know as do you all that true perfection takes time and years and does not just happen overnight. And if you tell me it does Ill be the first to naysay you because Im still working on my own kit after several years.

    And that is my two cents.

    The Black Syren

  3. To see the look of men who felt they had nothing left to lose eye her as if she were the only thing that stood atween them and freedom was a startling thing. To say she was not afraid for her very life in that one moment of time would have been a vast understatement. Time seemed to slow, her vision seemed to tunnel focusing upon those grimy unknown faces before her, her ears seemed to ring blocking out any sounds or words that may or may not have been passed. She could feel a cold sweat break over her skin, could feel the droplets as they rolled over her skin. She could have cowed before them, her body wanted to but something even deeper within her urged her spine to stiffen, her chin to tilt and her blue green eyes to become cold. A smile curved her full lips as she all but dared them to come and as one began to move towards her she could see Alan and Manus also beginning to move. However their aid was not needed for at that very moment a nasty growl swept the shadowed interior and Argus pushed in front of her crouching and as he crouched fangs bared he promised deadly retribution.

  4. Ransom we are still in the process of having more merchandise ready to put up. However I think we should have have something up within the next few weeks. And we sold our first comission....one handpainted bag for $100.00. So we are excited.

    Lady Brower..I too was looking at the stays and petticoats..really nice work though at the moment no money for me to buy....

    Lady B definitely put up the Captain's Share..it is really reasonable to work with Etsy!

  5. The winds seemed to have picked up blowing the smoke past the three ships like ghostly specters fleeing their graves. This caused her to shiver and tighten her hold upon her musket and Argus sensing that nudged her leg with his head bringing her gaze from the smoke and towards her new duties. Her free hand buried itself in the thick fur at Argus’s neck and she spoke reassuringly to him or maybe it was to herself. Now that the action seemed to have died down and sailors scurried to and fro to save what they could from the snow she trembled. Her senses rang with shouts and the pattering of feet, orders being called and obeyed and the scent of death. Gruesome business death…..

    She fell in behind Alan and Manus Hingerty as they herded their prisoners towards the Fo’c’sle deck and then below it where the great forward facing guns sat in silent glory. Just moments ago their voices had cried to the heavens with all the wrath of an avenging angel and to see them so silent was mute testimony that indeed they had avenged any injury dealt them and then some.

    As they began to crowd into the small space she realized that she had no clue just how many prisoners there were and the confines were tight if indeed there was further trouble. She gave Argus the command to guard and he immediately went on the alert causing the prisoners closest to them to shrink away. There was a rumble of further discontent from their captives and Manus glared at the offender who spat at Alan’s feet. Alan merely shrugged showing he did not seem to much care the thoughts of this sailor. Argus growled low as several of them finally noted her prescence and thinking her an easy target debated rushing her in a bid for whatever freedom or mercy they may find abovedecks.

  6. Thank you all so much for ALL the information and resources. I am currently using latex but looking to go with a more period correct milk paint for my other projects. Again thanks for all the tips, the recipes, the links and mainly answering the question of how long it keeps! I shall definitley look forward to trying this.

  7. What is it?? Where do you get it and is it easy to use? Does it dry fast, slow? I have not had much luck finding out much about this over the net either so Im thinking Im not looking in the right places. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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