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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Syren... YES! Books! Definitely BOOKS! Though we be pirates, we are not that illiterate!

    ~Lady B

    SHHHH! Im reading....ok well actually I am looking at the lovely pictures..I think someone colored in this one.. :D

  2. LOL I agree Patrick and I have used that wee trick in the past however sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. I tried it yesterday on one of my old sites I had coded and it worked on the main page but the other pages it did not.

    Ransom we just wanted a diffrent place rather than Etsy for our more period correct stuff.

  3. Amity? How about New Hope? With a promising name like that Im sure we would have ample oppurtunity to charge harbor taxes and of course have some merchandise conveniently disappear. Although Im really partial to names like Sleepy Hollow or Salem...

  4. Ill take a look into in when I get back from running errands..at a quick glance I did not see a template source and while I have some knowledge about HTML I do not know enough to create my own. But again I shall look further into it on my return. Thanks Michael!

  5. Ok my partner and I are working on getting our stuff on a website. We are temporarily housed on Maxpages and since we are currently free they have tons of ads. Eventually we will buy our domain name and such..but can anyone give pointers as to a good place to host and so forth as Im completely clueless. And of course someplace that has really good templates until I can actually afford to have a more professional one done.

  6. Actually Sir Black Fox I would indeed like to think I have a level of intelligence. Perhaps I am not as clever as you seemingly are. Afterall I must have indeed been lacking in wit to try and diplomatically point out concerns that members have. And No i would not have said it's Syren from the Pub as that should not make a diffrence in my order. Perhaps I am too lacking in wit to fully understand such a concept.

    However what I do know is that whilst your feelings may have been hurt *especially as an ADMIN did not notice* you have not been aboveboard yourself. One should not toss stones sir unless one's own stoop is clear.

  7. *Raps his knuckles with a ruler* That was when I was titled Notoriously Naughty and Im no longer Notorious nor Naughty! *Raps his knuckles again then hides the ruler*

    No longer Naughty?? What a shame. Now where did ye hide that ruler.....

    It grew to a...................TRIDENT!!!

    Actually Gentleman Scotty gave me the idea to use the Trident as my signature on my floorcloths.

  8. Normally I would not post here as this is not my forum..but I am admin and as such I will try to be diplomatic. Notice I did say try. All of you know me and know Im not going to deliberately ruffle feathers. And that is by no means my intentions to ruffle feathers but to rather soothe things..

    Sir Black Fox you were nice enough to run my Tavern in your magazine…however I do find it unfair that you call people whiners, liars and lazy. You are a member of this forum and as such you should hold yourself and others in some respect or esteem. All of us are brethren here and though we have had our Debates and Misunderstandings we have always returned to an even keel and Camaraderie. As a businessman the way to promote is not stooping to name calling but to listen to concerns and work things out, not take frustrations out on others..

    As someone who orders things I do not put my pirate name on it so how can you tell people they have not ordered when you do not know their real names? These people do have right to be angry when you tell then they have not ordered when it is very clear that they have, and have documentation to prove it.

    As for your forum, I too am a member and when there is not a lot of activity I generally do not peruse it. Even my beloved Tavern is not active and is only used for when the Pub is down, in fact if the Pub is down Stynky will post here and the Tavern and I do so as well for the Tavern here if it will be closed. I double post on both places to make sure that all concerned are aware.

    However I am ALWAYS on here and if you can update on your forum as you do would it truly behoove you to have made a post here to explain any issues? You post here as it is and a simple post letting others know what is amiss would have gone a long way to easing those “Whining concerns”.

    My mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say then it is best to say nothing at all.

    Highest Regards,

    The Black Syren

  9. *Eyes Animal Sternly* Not the Church!...Wait we have a church....So who is the Pastor/Father????

    *Scratches Animal neath his chin*

    Well, ain't you a Nun? Ye could open "Good Syster Syrens Orphanage Fer Wayward Pyrates" :P

    *Raps his knuckles with a ruler* That was when I was titled Notoriously Naughty and Im no longer Notorious nor Naughty! *Raps his knuckles again then hides the ruler*

  10. *Eyes Animal Sternly* Not the Church!...Wait we have a church....So who is the Pastor/Father????

    *Scratches Animal neath his chin*


    Have ye noticed how many women serve as Nautical Acquisition Specialist...me thinks Im in the wrong line of work cept I cannot be mean...never mind carry on...

    Oh and Pew..Thank you

  11. *Quietly takes Pew aside...Im not a seamstress, Lady Barbossa,Lady Brower and Rumba Rue and some of the others are skilled beyond belief. I am a mere maker of simple floorcloths.*

    Captain Sterling your lovely lass would be more than welcome to spend time with me whilst you are at sea. My home is perfectly situated to watch the harbour and of course the storms that rush in. I would be honored to have someone to converse with.

    **And all kidding aside...William you should sketch out St. Pyratesburg like you did the draughts for the WatchDog and Mercury so we can actually see where we would all live in this new towne. Now to only find some land for sale just big enough to actually have a real towne.**

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