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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. *Rolls Eyes* Milk with a side of orange juice....Champagne for breakfast? Cannot fathom champagne for breakfast..even in Orange juice however I am willing to give it a go.

  2. This morning I am ravenous...Im thinking a really big breakfast..gingerbread crepes..yum....and a tall glass of milk...with orange juice. And I'll do the dishes..lol


    Brennan is going for his second week of chemo today, he has 42 weeks of chemo and once a month he will have to stay overnight in Houston. The Doctors my sister is currently bringing Brennan to is confident that the chemo will cure his cancer. Again keep him in your thoughts and prayers....

  4. *Snickers and gives Ransom a High Five* Thanks..Im enjoying it so far and already have some other stuff planned for christmas so keep watch!

    And thanks Silkie...we are working really hard to make them creative and unique.


    My nephew underwent another MRI and CT scan and the results are showing the tumor has grown and moved up from the base of the brain and now lies between the skull and the brain. He just had his first chemo treatment as of yesterday in Houston at Texas Children's Hospital. A little girl who is 12 has taken him under her wing and told him all about chemo and to not feel bad if he gets sick cause she does as well. Little Angels guiding one another.....Please continue to keep Brennan in your prayers.

    God Bless,


  6. Hmm had this happen on the Tavern and on some other sites I have run in the past and it was always fixed by making the font smaller so that the whole program shrunk enough to actually "Fit". Im not sure this would fix the problem for Cheeky or not.

  7. Revised list...


    Lady Barbossa


    William Red Wake


    Briar Rose

    Stynky Tudor

    Haunting Lily

    Edward O Keefe


    Red-Handed Jill

    Cheeky Actress Briefly while she was at an event

    Mary Diamond


    Iron Bess

    M.A.dDogge Recently about St. Judes for my nephew

    Zephaniah W. Nash Today about the missed TRF weekend


    Salty Pots *Before they leave for PiP*

    Tried to surprise Animal but he must have a new number lol

  8. welcome aboard Francis Spriggs and I do hope you enjoy your stay with us. There be plenty to meet and I shall warn ye now..I hope your purse be deep as you will be buying first round.

  9. Some of you may know already from my facebook posts that my 9 year old nephew was put into the hospital recently for a brain tumor. Brennan had massive headaches and they went from La. to Houston for treatment. The tumor is really big and at the base of his brain. Recently he had a biopsy done and they sent him home as they awaited results....

    They came in today. Brennan has a really aggressive cancer. It is so bad the Dr.'s told my step sister that they held no hope for him, that if it had been found in an arm or a leg they would have amputated the limb. But with it being so close to the brain, so big and so aggressive they think even with him starting chemo that it will merely prolong his life and not cure it. They claim there is no way for it to go into remission.

    Medicine has come a long way and Im asking you for prayers....



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