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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Oh I did rumba..Thank you so very much..it was completely unexpected. Im still working on your gift..I have had a couple of diffrent things planned for your gift and Im not sure which I want to go with..but it is still being worked on...

  2. The shot caused a frenzied excitement and there was much shoving and pushing as Marines sought the cause. With the lanterns lit and the smoke dissipating she could make out the snows decks and the peaceful or seemingly peaceful surrender taking place. She could make out harried sailors, those of the Dog mixing with the Lucy and the snow. But who had made the shot and why? Raising the musket to her shoulder as Argus tensed up she could see Captain William and Dorian both seeking the cause, the man before Dorian held in place with that good Captains own cutlass had her looking quickly elsewhere.

    But where and to whom had the first shot been meant? She sighted along the barrel as excitement began to turn to alarm that the shooter had yet to be found. Her finger itched on the trigger and she could feel a cold sweat break upon her, Arguss big body both comforting and a signal for trouble for his body remained tense and he growled low in his throat.

  3. Word was called that the Snow had surrendered and she barely had time to move back before the door slammed open and the injured began to trickle in. The surgery would soon become crammed and she slipped out to make room but kept her weapon ready. Adrenaline still ran high on the Dog and making the weather deck she looked up to see Ciaran still aloft and keeping his eye on the activity below. Argus bumped against her thigh with a whine though his hackles remained raised, his body suggesting aggression. They wended through those less injured, and those taking inventory of the damage to the Dog.

    Reaching the rail which was a riot of confusion she settled with Argus amidst her fellow marines and kept her gaze on what she could make out in the dim light and smoke. About her the Dog’s lanterns were being re-lit though it seemed to be a slow process. Argus whined once and shifted and she signaled him to sit and wait. It was clear to her he had no liking for the thunderous cannon fire but now he was clearly eager to partake in the aftermath. At this point it was best to keep him quiet for he would be quite the surprise if any tried to board, yet the way things looked now it was unlikely that would be tried. Poor Argus would have to wait to test his cunning in battle though she figured this was a good test to see if he would do as commanded.

    She could only imagine what they must look like..three ships locked together in an intimate embrace. Quickly she raised her gaze to the sea to make sure there was nothing further hidden.

  4. *Grins impishly at Mad L* I thought ye might see things my way... :D

    And I have to say your my Favorite M.A.d'Dogge! *At least as long as you keep yer irons and chains and such way way way way WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over there*

  5. Thanks Rogue Mermaid I did find a nice hat blank..several of them in fact for $18.00. I may have to go back for two of them. But otherwise it was all mostly intresting but way too expensive. However I did find a bacon Wallet for William Red Wake as well as Bacon Mints, Bacon Gum and a Bacon Air Freshner..Who knew..lol

    Ohhhh Silkie...Dances her wildly about the room..CHERRIES!!!!!!! Thanks Ray *Gives him a quick kiss on the cheek*

  6. Sutler Jon I have set aside my Trident for this day as it's a day of frivolity and friendship..at least for me. However I will take that ship o' cherries.

    Thanks Christine! And my girlfriend and myself along with our girls are off for a wonderful day of window shopping and exploring antique stores and other ecclectic little shops downtown. So This will indeed be a fun day for me.

  7. As they began to turn she cursed not being in upon the action for the fever of the fight made her blood run hot and bold. Her eyes were bright with it and she looked once towards the door and yet focused ehr attention upon Welling's who had yet to stir. Catching sight of the twin surgeons now covered in Claude's blood she knew they would be busy for a while yet so it was a blessing that Welling's stayed asleep. Still she found herself venturing closer to make sure that his blood loss was not significant and it did not appear to be so once the makeshift bandage had been removed. Still she pressed it back and tore another strip from her shirt and folded it and quickly replaced the other pad. By then the sound of gunfire and cannon resounded and The Dog was once more savagely nipping and tearing into the heels of the enemy. She turned away wanting to continue the fight as did Argus if his frenzied actions were anything to go by. Hefting her musket higher upon her shoulder she moved with purpose to the door, her duty to see to it that if they were boarded none not of The Dog would enter. She watched as Argus sniffed the floor before moving to her side and whining, his ears pricked as much as his breed allowed, hackles raised, tail low between his rear legs. Signs of fear and aggression, signaling him he sat but kept a wary eye upon the door and his tail thumped once then was still as the fight raged on.

    Ajayi was struggling to sit up, Luigi speaking firmly and puching the bigger man back into a supine position and weakly Ajayi had no choice but to give ground in that moment.

  8. Way to go Lady Brower..That reminds me that I did slap one of the bullies bullying me. Pushed me up against the lockers so I whacked him one. Forgot all about that...

  9. Welcome to the Pub and hope you enjoy your stay. By the way no Mai Tai's for me however I will take a Plunder Me Cherry with extra cherries o' course..and Ill take Bess's umbrella in my drink.

  10. Even though the Dog was passing quickly she was in a prime location able to shot as they were coming up, and now passing. Loading as quickly as she could she continued the barrage of musketfire with Wellings and Luigi. A shot rang through the room lodging against the far wall, and she returned the volley. Reloading yet again she heard a whine and Wellings crying out before falling to his back upon the floor. Luigi in the process of firing quickly crawled to Wellings and finding the wound high in the right shoulder. It bled profusely and not being able to see in the dark ripped the tail of her shirt and folded it to make a bandage and half drug, half carried Welling’s back to his bed. The move had knocked him out. There was nothing further she could do at the point and she quickly crawled back to her musket. Luigi asked about Welling’s and she reported the ball was still lodged but it was not life threatening.

    Then she rose up just as a ball buried itself in the frame of her window and splinters of wood shot off one scratching her cheek leaving a bloody trail. Cursing she quickly ducked and once the volley was quiet sighted once more and took out a lookout in the snow’s rigging. By now shots were going to be harder if at all possible….

  11. Argus beyond excited continued to bark and Treasure sternly eyed him and debated a short sharp tap upon his muzzle but let him bark. As they passed the snows wake and the cannons barked she could see the british ensign of the enemy. She could see the debris as it flew through the air to land in the sea or on the decks of the now injured snow. Faces peered over the rail and the marines began firing upon the Dog and thrusting her own musket out the port window took careful aim and shot the nearest british marine between the eyes, his musket falling to the sea below. She quickly jerked her musket back in and loaded as Luigi managed to fire off another round taking another marine.

    Time was of the essence and she was glad that they had been trained so vigourously that loading and firing was so much second nature they could do so in darkness, and so so quickly. Ready to fire again she rose up only to duck as a round passed into the wood near her head. Muttering an oath she rose again thrust out her musket, quickly sighted her target and brought him down and then began to load all over again as Luigi quickly took his shot. Wellings was trying to sit up and where he found the will Treasure had no clue but Wellings soon had joined them though he trembled like a leaf in a storm. She nodded at him then was suddenly glad of his aid as the cannons fired again and more debris rained down.

    Argus continued to growl and bark and leapt upon the nearest bed biting at the wood as if to gnaw through and attack their enemies, Treasure managed to pull him down then raising to the window fired again.

  12. Events have to be given to a moderator or Admin so that we can put them up as we have to post it diffrently. So if you have all the information about the event you can forward it to me and I can post it in the Raids section for you or him.

  13. Hmm for me...I think this looks like fun!

    The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is the ultimate street car. Factory-specified performance of 0-62 mph of 2.5 seconds and a top speed of over 250 mph. 8.0-liter, fuel-injected, quad-turbocharged, DOHC with 4 valves / cylinder, 987 HP W-16 and it's a coupe.


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