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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Replaces the broom and shakes out her skirts and hums softly as she lights more candles to dipel the gloom before moving behind the bar to wipe down the glasses.

  2. At the sound of gunfire Treasure leapt from where she reclined and towards the rail to better take in the Navarra. Nothing appeared to be amiss and yet something must be, but what. She gripped the rail watching as they closed distance on the Navarra and she could hear the Captain calling over. She could not see what transpired but felt the Dog slowly drift back to it's original state. Eager to see what had transpired she went to turn from the rail only to run into Moira who beckoned her back to work. Groaning she followed and was soon put back to work for the evening meal and that soon had her attension firmly affixed and the gunfire and what may or may not have happened far from her mind.

    At one point she flexed her spine hands to her lower back kneading and glanced up catching the cool regards of Antonio, tossing her head she glared at him then shifted around and went back to work self consciously feeling his eyes upon her.

  3. *Grins* Been spreading the news about at work and one of my co-worers wee ones is about 4 and she asked me if I was a Pirate Princess...(lol) Of course I had to tell her no. My co-workers all think im deranged to celebrate on Pirate Days..I just grin and tell them they have no idea what they are missing!

  4. *elbows Lady B out of the way and smiles charmingly* Ello and welcome to the Pub, hope ye find it to yer likin' and as for that drink..A Plunder Me Cherry if'n ye please....Extra cherries O' course.

  5. *Awww Blushes* Thankee kindly..just for that Ill buy you a Plunder Me Cherry..though the extra cherries be mine..still ill share one or two..but only that many as Im partial to them and I would hate to have to introduce your hands to my Trident...*Grins with mischief*

  6. Sorry for the belated welcome and hope that you are finding us on our best behaviours. ok well not really on our best but close...as for a drink...A Plunder Me Cherry m'lady with extra cherries o' course!

  7. I do not think we should let this one slide. TLAPD is fun and we can talk like Pirates but it's nice to actually not have to repeatedly tell people that just cause it's TLAPD does not mean we cannot dress up as well. And it's nice to have our own holiday minus the fanfare of TLAPD. So let's get the word out and celebrate in High Fashion! Thank you William for queing us in on this!

  8. Which is May 9th and not to be confused with TLAPD on Sept. 19th. *Thanks William Red Wake for finding this tidbit*

    So what are ya'll planning for this May holiday? Parties? Going to the movies dressed as yourselves- pirates that ye are? Just what will you be doing? And if nothing perhaps it's time we start celebrating in May as well as September.

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