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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. I know it's early but I wanted to be sure I had put this down just in case I was at work. To one of my Bestest Friends in the whole world..Im so very glad we have met through the Pub and someday we shall meet face to face and what mischief we shall get into. I hope that your day is blessed and that grand surprises await you all day long and everyday. Tell Sophie to let you sit on the couch for once *Grins*. Again wishing you all the very best on this most wonderful of days. Love you!!!!

  2. Other things Im hand painting


    The handles on this bag will be changed out to blue and the back of this bag is all black.


    The turtle on this one is being re-done..my wee one bumped me. But the bag will look all wood on the back.


    The front of this bag is a lone treasure chest washed ashore.

    The back shows a treasure map with the words "A Pirate's Life For Me" and has beaded fringe across the top.


  3. Ok..My uncle is still in the hospital, he is on oxygen for the collapsed lung still and they were forced to put him in a straight jacket as he kept pulling the tubes and IV's out and due to his age the straps they used to tie him down was tearing into his skin. They also discovered he had broken his leg in the fall and he had to undergo emergency surgery and now has a pin in his leg. He still is hanging in there though he weakens everyday and though his family keeps hope the Doctors say he does not have much longer.

    As for my Grandma...she no longer remembers my uncle is in the hospital and does not even remember when we call her.

  4. Lady B tis lovely and so is the quilted confection you showed off! Now if only I had a talent...

    ok I have to post the unfinished pic of it..mind you this is already finished and Haunting Lily and Edward O'Keefe are already in possesion of it.


    It was going to be a christmas tree skirt but it ended up as a wall hanging. This is hand painted canvas and it took me oodles of time to paint it. Captain William hopefully I can ship yours and Lady B's out soon as well. And yes I do make and sell these.

  5. Perhaps..But I do believe we are all more than able to carry on such a request. ;) Besides are we not pirates that thrive on adventure and cunning? What makes it all the more excitable is the Challenge of it all...... :blink:

  6. For all those of you that have contacted me via PM over the Tavern to ask about the issue with the wait in between PM's this was done to protect against Spam. I do not have the particulars on if this will be permanant or not. I do not know if we can shorten the time between PM's. I sent a message to the other Mods as well as Stynky and WE shall let you know when we find out.

    Till then carry on as normal as you can.



  7. Okay, I'm a little confused here. How can this guy claim the other neighbor's house cat was in his yard? Does he have pictures? I mean, it's just his word against the cat owner. Without proof, how does Animal Control know who is telling the truth? How do they fine someone with no proof the cat was ever in the guys yard? I can understand the trapped ones, but house cats that never go out! That makes no sense at all. :lol:

    Maybe someone needs to set a trap for the dog. Does it go around the neighborhood like the cats? Bait a dog trap with some hamburger and then call Animal Control. See how he likes being on the other end of the stick. Shesh.

    Actually we are unsure how he knows unless he overheard the wee ones talking. and no his dog stays in his backyard but his fence is not sturdy and he is supposed to have a lock on his gate which he still does not. It's a big mess, and apparently this guy works for the Fire dept or some such and we think that is why Animal Control is not saying anything about his dog or the fact that it is still not locked.

    As for baby geese..I think that is awesome, we had one who was a lap baby...

    And I have learned I like rats as well. I would love to have one but they have such a short life and I would become to attached and be devastated to lose one. Nora's teacher bought a new one and we had them over easter weekend and she actually sounded like she was humming. And she was a minx..into everything! LOL but she was a sweetheart as well.

  8. Sorry for the delay guys I was at work..however he has been banned! Once Stynky can get in he will make sure this spammer is given a broadside..afterall Dead Men Tale No Tales....

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