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Red Maria

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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. There are things I could say right now regarding slang terms for cats and eating but I will be I will be a good girl.
  2. Cats were aboard ships. Pirate or otherwise. So common they were rarely mentioned. Why? Rats! that's why! Praticality outwieghs some superstitions. (Scratch ship's aged kitty behind ears)
  3. How I became a Pirate / by Melinda Long and David Shannon Do Pirates Take Baths? /by Kathy Tucker, Nadine Bernard Westcott Everything I Know About Pirates / by Tom Lichtenheld That should get you started. :)
  4. Some friends of mine Michelle & Ray Amsbury should have their Pirate's Cove booth there. Hopefully next to their build a necklace booth. Stop by and say Maria from Southern Faire sent you! :)
  5. How the heck is Mario these days? I haven't talked with him in about two years. tell him I said hi next time you meet up; though he won't know me by the MJ name. As luck would have it not one of us in the HMCA is able to get History Int., so I'll have to rely on the good graces of someone who taped it. Gareth Thomas www.HistoricalMaritimeCombat.com I will say Hi to Mario for your Gareth. Luckily for me someone taped the Conquest episode for me back in 2003. Mario has been busy fight directing.
  6. Actually it wasn't bad. I've scene it before as a friend of mine, Mario Perez is in it. Mario teaches historical combat and taught it for Master & commander. In fact if you look at the last battle scene in the movie you'll see him attack himself . The odd coincedence for me in this episode is that at the end where the 'pirates' attack the merchant vessal Mario 'kills' my friend Capt. Erik Berliner capt of the Argus (the ship on sail on e-bay). A case of six degrees of Red Maria! This is one of the better episodes of Conquest and I do recommend it. :)
  7. This is shameful. I know that ship and her captain. The Argus is 101 years young and those scurvy dogs at Sea Base are tossing her aside like rubbish for faster newer ships the nuveau riche of Newport Beach want their kids to sail. Yes she need rerubishment (to the tune of $500, 000.00 -$1,000,000.00) but she's the real deal and she's the thrid oldest tallship in the U.S. Who would need rerfrubishment at 101 years old? Also she's on my desktop. It's hard to see such a fine ship treated this way.
  8. Not entirely true. New Providence will have it's own encampment but members may or may not be in PRP. Port of New Providence is a performance encampment with a stage and rest area for performers. There may or may not be camping there I don't know.
  9. I'll be there with the Port Royal Privateers and performing with New Providence. Come see us sing! :) BTW shouldn't this thread be in RAIDS?
  10. Fair winds and calm waters Gary. And no road problem too. I'll miss you and Kathy and the rest of your motlly crew. :)
  11. Oddly enough this term doesn't appear in Henry Manwearing Seaman's Dictionary of 1644. The earilest refernce the OED gives is Smollet (sorry about that) in 1751. So the term is not all that old.
  12. Congrats MJ it looks great! :)
  13. As shanties go well there were period ones but we just don't reliablely what they were (see the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians). As to pirate songs Captian Kidd is a period broadside ballad that appeared at the time of Kidd's execution in 1701. The Downfall of Piracy is a bit later but does have the distiction of being possibly penned by a very young Ben Franklin (gotta love ol' Ben). To be honest almost any period song would be appropiate. From all the primary source documents I've pirates sang or played anything that was popular at the time. One thing that could be definately said is that music was important to pirates. Even to the point of pressing musicians into service aboard pirate vessels. Ooops! I don't have a greybeard!
  14. It's certainly a winner in the cute but evil Hallmark catagory.
  15. I'm just waiting for the sailor's jacket to appear. <sigh>
  16. Chief O'Nutty Yeah it fits. :)
  17. Before the Mast: Life and Daeth Aboard the Mary Rose /Julie Gardiner & Michael Allen editors. series Achaeology of the Mary Rose v.4 ISBN 0954402944 grat of amtterialcutlutre of the Tudor Navt during Henry VIII's time I love reconstruction of the fiddle found on board!
  18. Hmmm! I wonder just who Barber -Surgeon is ....
  19. Pyschopaths can be very 'nice' and charming when they want to be. Having said that I'm not sure BB was a true psychopath. Looking at what is really known that he did it was very well calculated. I recall somewhere someone suggestid that BB even paid people to tell what a badass (or the 18th c. equalvilent was) . There was definately method to his madness. As to the locations well money, time and dramtic affect, may have been a factor. All in all this si still a film and no matter what there are things that may not make our exceptations. I know a guy who was very dissappointed the LOTR Fellowship of the Ring didn't have the whole Council of Elrond it it! Can you imagine that much talking heads? Geez the film was long enough as it was! All in all it was a good film with fine acting and for the most part good production. I'd buy the DVD in a minute especially if it had bounus material, deleted scenes etc.
  20. I remember a booth at the California International Antiquarian Book Fair had a case with glass eyes. All difernt colors and shade so a person could match eye shade perfectly or tonear perfect as possible. I seem to recall it was mid-19th century. Inever asked how early glass eyes were. BTW there was a pair of late 17th-early 18th century spectacles at the booth. Too expensive for me though. Sorry for not having a better answer.
  21. Apparantly you missed my posting here on the previous page: (Boston News-Letter Feb. 23-Mar 3, 1719) If you ook at this discussion a second time, you'll see that a lot more than bucket boots has been mentioned. While on the subject of costuming, the coat BB was wearing fits a period illustration of BB. The only differnece in the illustration BB is wearing breeches, stocking & shoes not bucket boots. Who know why the bucket boots instead of shoes? Maybe the art director thought Purefoy looked better the boots. This is after all a film. :)
  22. Saturday's battle sail was wonderful! It rained till about 1pm and was clear by 1:20pm. And mean crystal clear! The weather was beautiful and ocean not too choppy. Kathy did a fine job as captain and the Royaliste new guns are great. One of the older guns maissued a smoke ring when it was fired (which I missed seeing ). I want to thank Gary for allowing me to crew and play my fiddle as we made into port. Also for feeding me when I missed my train (I got the departure time wrong ). All in all a wonderful day. I hope the rain didn't hamper your sail on Sunday. Thanks again Gary! :)
  23. Yes there were many things that weren't correct and many thing I'd love to see (the legendary party at Oroeekokee (sp?) , the skuttliing err I mean the running agorund of the QAR) but one thing I think was done right was the performance of Blackbeard by James Purfoy. It was an amazing perfomance. No he wasn't channeling Rush as Barabossa he was making Balckbeard what he is usually was considered to be, a Bristol man. That was defiantely a Britstol accent. He made BB the smart, wiely badass he was. It was such a departure from what Purfoy normally does. Kudos to James Purfoy on a job well done. The rest of the cast was equally good. The only other thing I I had problem with was BB's death scene. Instead of the beheading by highlander with a broadsword with BB saying, one of the best last lines in history "Well done lad" when the higlander first cut BB's neck. to which the higlander replied "If not well done, I'll do better". then he cuts BB's head off. Now that's a death scene! That whole grabbing Maynard and sying the bit about hidtory was incongruous. I can't wait for the DVD. :)
  24. According to an eyewitmess on board ship account ( a captive) Anne Bonney & Mary Read wore women's clothing except when they prepared for action when they changed to men's clothing. It's a lot easier to fight in trousers that skirts! So you could have added women's clothing. :)
  25. There is The Dress of the British Seaman from the Revolution to the Peace of 1748 Mariner's Mirror v.10, 1924 pg.31-48. I used to have a master copy of this but it's packed away some where. However the bound volume (there is a complete run of Mariner's Mirror here) is here in the Huntington and I can make a photocopy of it for you if you wish. Please just reimburse me for copying and postage. If you want it PM me.
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