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Red Maria

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. The Pirates' Pact: The Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial America by Douglas Burgess The Buccaneer King: The Biography of Sir Henry Morgan, 1635-1688 by Dudley Pope Shakspeare's Wife by Germaine Greer And lots of articles
  2. What Palace would that be Grymm? Perhaps Hampton Court Palace? Are you one of Marc Meltonville's crew?
  3. Try Pirates & Privateers of the Americas by David F. Marley. I know it at least mentions the names of taverns in Port Royal. Cheap used copies can be found on Amamzon.com
  4. Our own Foxe has has an article published in International Journal of Maritime History (v.22 no.2 Dec 2010) It's titles Jacobitism & the "Golden Age" of Piracy, 1715-1725 / by E.T. Foxe. I just photocaopied it so I can take it home to read at my leisure. Way to go Ed!
  5. I transcribed it verbatum (sans long s) from the book itself. I thought it would be more readable for modern readers. As too getting a digital image of the actual article, the Huntington has strict policies about that and I wouldn't be able to do it. There's a book here of watercolors early 18th c. of ships flags (including on black flag with skull and cross bones dated 1704 and a flag that looks like Tew's that I think is earlier)that I can't even post to friends. I just have high res photos of two of them (and only allowed two photos). I am so sorry I can't post them but that's institutional policy. If we ever meet at an event I'll show them to anyone.
  6. That's OK Eye. You meant well.
  7. Yes nice find Oderlesseye. Too bad you didn't say you got it from me. That it is from a book at the Huntington Library where I work. Red Maria
  8. Rob you will I Arrrgh!
  9. Tells you how many people have the same first, last and the first & last together http://www.howmanyofme.com Maria 1,267,280 Blumberg 3,286 Maria Blumberg 14
  10. You might be able to get the following trough an ILL at your local library The world's lighthouses before 1820 / D. Alan Stevenson London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1959 Great American lighthouses /F. Ross Holland, Jr. ; foreword by George J. Mitchell. Washington, D.C. : Preservation Press, 1989. Historically famous lighthouses [Wash., D.C. :|bU.S. Coast Guard,|c1986]
  11. I have seen period depictions of Black Bart clean shaven. I've seen period depictions of Blackbeard with a neat trimmed beard. There were plenty of barber-surgeons around who could do cheap shave. The Sweeny Todd fable started as an 18th c. story. Here's some illustrations from Laroon's Cryes of London: http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/johnson/exhibition/104.htm These are for the most part the poor of London yet there is nary a facial hair.
  12. Congrats on enlarging your fleet Tito!
  13. I have been a member of Mystic Seaport before I wa born! Just kidding the Huntington has had a membership since before I was bonr. Some years ago I called to claim an issue of]The Log of Mystic Seaport (now ceased publication). The lady I talked to got my name and addressed the issue to me. Ever since then my name has appeared on the membeship card. Nothing I've done seems to make them remove it. So when one year we got a guest membership card under my name I lent it to some friends who were going to visit. One is a tall ship captain the other a pirate historian (both are in PRP). They asked if there was anything they could get me anything and I said nothing in particular but if they saw something they think I'd like to get it. Well they went to the Skull & Crossbones Pub in Mystic and bought me this http://www.emerchandise.com/product/TSSXB0...0001/s.I0TfgJk8 The Pub's motto is "Strong Ales and Loose Women" Great huh! They said the Pub was great too. So when you go to Mystic, CT check out the Skull & Crossbones Pub. It's pirate friendly and pirate approved.
  14. Aye Happy Natal Day Rory me bandmate. You're the finest, harper, ukelele, concertina, penny whistle player there is!
  15. Happiest of Natal days Capt. miss you dearly but I hope you and your family are doing well. I raise glass to you and offer the same.
  16. All hail the Giant Spaghetti Monster! I have been touched by his noodlely appedage! Priases Cheeses!
  17. I am checking in with a fiend at work who works at one of the booths.
  18. Thanks your Ladyship!
  19. Yup that's it. Whose wedding?
  21. No but I will be going last day. A friend gave me a pass.
  22. Hon you psoted the wrong test!You just posted the Lifer, Talent Mandaruin test in the What kind of sports car test. Go up to Red Jill's second post in this topic there's a link.
  23. Hon you psoted the wrong test!You just posted the Lifer, Talent Mandaruin test in the What kind of sports car test. Go up to the first post in this topic there's a link.
  24. Bess This is for the Oceanside festival in September.
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