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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. We aim to please
  2. We get a huge load of Barge Traffic here and the occaisional freighter or Collier. I used to work on a 100 foot Dinner Cruise Boat that ran between Newburgh and West Point. Each fall we'd head all the way down river to NYC, around the Battery, up the East River, through Hells Gate into the Sound where we'd head for Norwalk Ct and our winter home port. They had the closest Travel Lift big enought to lift her out of the water. We'd spend all winter chipping, painting, rebuilding engines and generators, all kinds of maintenance. We'd meet the Lobstermen as they came in and pick up "culls" for a couple bucks a pound. Steamed Lobster nearly every night.
  3. I have a small Jolly Roger and USMC flag on my desk. Uniformed Public servant so individuality is heavily frowned upon.
  4. I think I can scare up some Mead M'Lady. Steak? Medium with onions and mushrooms if ye can find 'em.
  5. A little pat, rub, caress - in any order- repeat as needed.....
  6. Only three days? So yer sayin my aroma after a mid day multiple alarm fire in the middle of August isn't what yer lookin for? The Mighty Hudson runs from the Adirondack Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. Where I am she's about 2 miles wide and the color of coffee. In this area we're an estuary so we get tides that keep the bottom sediment stirred up which accounts for the color. Upstate, she's not much more than a stream- couple yards wide and a foot deep.
  7. *hands Syren a towel and a tankard* Though I am enjoyin the effects of the night breeze on yer damp body....
  8. **Weighing the pain of being gutted vs the pleasure of a little pinch on Merry's fine bum* Me thinks it'd be worth it..... Cutlass vs cutlery? Cutlass every time
  9. Enticed by the Syren's Song I was. Been a looong time since my shadow darkened this place. Evening Ladies.... anybody care for some libation?
  10. And things that go BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM. A thirst for adventure and a hunger for freedom
  11. Are ye sayin we stink Lass? I usually smell of lacquer thinner, paint and/or sawdust. As luck would have it I'm close to the Hudson River. The part I'm near isn't the prettiest part though.
  12. chickpea noir.... Little dab behind each ear maybe I like to be on top!... sounds delicious -you have ghosts? ...yup like taxes.. shudders.... yuck Not as often as I'd like- amen. ....gotta be a cure for that Depends on the hand you are holding at the poker game... Never gamble wi my money, only my life. cooking wouldnt deface it, just make it hot... like you flattery will get you everywhare...
  13. Let's see: Scent of Humus?... Check On Her?... Like to be Spirits?... Kegs of em... Check Work?.... Evil 4 letter word Getting Done?.... Not as often as I'd like Great Stake?.... metal, plastic, or wood? Likes to cook change?...Isn't defacing money a crime?
  14. Feel like sharing with the class?
  15. Like death slightly warmed over. Head is stuffed with oatmeal. Chest is full of wall paper paste. Headache, slight fever, dizziness... it's the misery combo pack. Off to the real sawbones in the AM for a proper diagnosis as I'm sure "walking death" doesen't have a standard diagnosis code number.
  16. You all say you want a man wi a sense of humor... if that's the case why isn't Bozo the Clown beatin th females off wi a stick??? Why isn't Ronald McDonald hanging out at after parties with hotties hangin off him? In truth, a Woman wants everything from One Man while a Man wants One thing from Every Woman
  17. Ne'er was any good at sums but I figger I can work it out. Placing my stethoscope in, on, or around yer mammery grams might make my stethoscope hard to use.
  18. You on the couch in need of some special attention can't think of anything better. I'm real good at playin doctor. So yer sayin I can feel my way around ?
  19. 'til Yer Clothes fall off is it? I was hopin somethin like that would result. Just the Uniform is Blue, well half blue, since the promotion my shirt is white. No notes? What if I get lost?
  20. What about after ye fall over? Should he continue kissing or are there other things he should do? strictly askin out of academic curiosity O'course. *Notebook in hand* Blue? well darlin I wear blue every stinkin day (uniform). I make coffee near every mornin Hot? why hell.... I'm on fire.... well in fire
  21. Just back in from moving 8 inches of the dreaded white from the Jeep so I can get out among the living for a while.
  22. Slid on some ice this morning caught myself on the door handle of the truck and wrenched the bad shoulder yet again. Hurts like hell. Just shoot me.... full of rum,,,,
  23. Just came in from checking my camp stove out in a mini blizzard snow wind and cold so the stove got a real world workout after its 4 month hibernation.
  24. Wait a Mushy Pyrate? That turnt ye into a puddle? Damn Lass that weren't even my best stuff.
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