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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. I was gonna volunteer but the damn soup beat me to it.... Not gonna tell ye how warm it is here, it suffices to say that I'm out and about in a t-shirt and have the windows open. sorry. Cours we'll pay for it come February,
  2. I fear yer gonna has a long wait Luv. Winter's jest startin. There's Gotta be some indoor activities to keep ye occupied...
  3. 'specially with you around... Welcome to the pub lad, now be a good mate and buy me a stout.
  4. Hail and well met Lad, Since yer buyin, I'll be drinkin,.... a Guiness if'n ye please
  5. Tower Hobbies has 'em www.towerhobbies.com It's a two channel radio one for the motor (Electronic Speed Control) and one for the rudder. The sails are more for show than "go". The reviewers say its a nice pond or pool boat but won't handle big water or heavy winds. Might be a good place to start. Then up the motor size, enlarge the rudder and add in a few mods like moving/firing cannons and some sound effects.
  6. Ran across this in my latest Radio Control Journals. It's an RC electric Pyrate Ship. LOA 40.5 inches with a 10.5 inch beam. 6 Cannon and a handful of crewe. Good for ponds, pools or other small slow moving water. Ready to run for a mere $300 US. Got one on my holiday list.
  7. Hard to pick a fave. I blast the new FM CD as loud as the player will allow. Got the Pogues new one as well. Drives my buddy nuts when we take a road trip. He calls it "crushing the cat" music. Apparently he's not fond of the Pipes. So I blast FM, the Pogues, Seven Nations/Clan Na Gael, and Enter the Haggis for him. Beats the 70's dance stuff he listens to.
  8. *whips out the notebook... hmmm Vickies and chocolate...Check, sense of humor...Check, respect...Check, Rennie/Pyrate...check, blue eyes... check, dark hair...damn... where's the boot blacK?*
  9. *imaginin how the sweatshirt covers the curve of Merry's stern* mmmm *Imaginin the sweatshirt in a heap on the deck* double mmmm
  10. Me Ex used to sleep in me football jersey gotta say it looked fine on her but even better in a heap on the deck....
  11. No Patrick, Sadly, I've only met MD online.
  12. 81% which isn't surprising... I'm crushed that I'm 19% normal
  13. A stylus harder than Chinese Algebra...
  14. Truth be told ,I like my ladies with substance. Anorexic model types do nothing for me. A nice set of curves in the right places and I like me ladies on the short side. Not sure why...
  15. Curses, folied again...
  16. need a warmin up do ye?
  17. Fair Winds and Following Seas Cap'n
  18. no web cam, will an etching do?
  19. OOH RAH... Just got home from NAMC reunion and our Marine Ball. NAMC stands for National Association of Medics and Corpsmen. Every year we meet over Veterans Day Weekend at the Viet Nam Memorial in DC. We head over to Arlington and pay our respects then have our own Birthday Ball. For those who don't know, the F225 in my handle stands for Foxtrot Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment. My last unit assignment. I served 13 years in the Corps and am a member in good standing of the Persian Gulf Yacht Club and the Greater Beirut Rod and Gun Club. I'm a veteran of Gulf War Senior and a bunch of other places I'm not at liberty to discuss. Do me a favor and keep all the young folks serving their Country throughout the world, especially those in harms way in the sandbox, in your thoughts and prayers.
  20. Christine, not you? Dear heavens, yer but a young lass. Must remember to scold myself fer all my impure thoughts 'bout such a youngin. Hi, My name is Doc and I'm a Star Wars Geek.... I was working at a Summer Camp in the middle of nowhere when Star Wars came out. I had just finished my a Junior year High School. We took the camp bus into town for "Staff Night Out" and went to the Theater in town. There were two movies playing but I was the only one to go to see Star Wars. I was blown away. I must admit that I was (and still am) a Sci Fi nut but the Star Wars universe became my favorite. When Empire came out, I went to see it at the drive in with my GF. She wanted to get into the back seat, but my attention was glued to the screen. (What a Geek!!!) She left me and found another back seat and another guy. I took my GF (ver 2.0) to see Jedi three times. (Shoulda married that one...) Now, my kid sister tells me that my Nephew (and Godson) is a huge Star Wars nut... the next generation of geek. Now I can break out all my figures, games and toys from storage. Except for my original Luke who still rides "shot gun" in my Jeep. (oh, I am such a geek)
  21. I get paid to run into burning buildings. I'm a LT with a career Fire Dept. I'm also a Nationally certified Fire and Explosion Investigator.
  22. Welcome aboard M'Lady. Always good to have new comers to our corner of the world especially when they're buyin.
  23. prove it! Where and When?
  24. Some, but I make it a point not to snooze whilst I'm wearin it.
  25. Nothin like a sea breeze while yer climbing the riggin.....
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