Christine, not you? Dear heavens, yer but a young lass.
Must remember to scold myself fer all my impure thoughts 'bout such a youngin.
Hi, My name is Doc and I'm a Star Wars Geek....
I was working at a Summer Camp in the middle of nowhere when Star Wars came out. I had just finished my a Junior year High School. We took the camp bus into town for "Staff Night Out" and went to the Theater in town. There were two movies playing but I was the only one to go to see Star Wars. I was blown away. I must admit that I was (and still am) a Sci Fi nut but the Star Wars universe became my favorite.
When Empire came out, I went to see it at the drive in with my GF. She wanted to get into the back seat, but my attention was glued to the screen. (What a Geek!!!) She left me and found another back seat and another guy.
I took my GF (ver 2.0) to see Jedi three times. (Shoulda married that one...)
Now, my kid sister tells me that my Nephew (and Godson) is a huge Star Wars nut... the next generation of geek. Now I can break out all my figures, games and toys from storage. Except for my original Luke who still rides "shot gun" in my Jeep. (oh, I am such a geek)