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Everything posted by privateer

  1. any time , lass any time. mind if'n I just sit in the corner with a drink ? don't much feel like socializin' ,'n I've been on the water to much lately ta be sitt'n by me onesie's
  2. Cut off the rubber bands that secure the lobster claws. Place live lobsters in the freezer for 15 minutes to disable movement. Fill a large kettle 3/4 full of water, allowing about 2 1/2 quarts of water for each lobster. Add 2 TBSP. of salt for each quart of water. When water boils, put in the live lobsters one at a time headfirst, completely submerging them. Let the water boil again. Lower the heat, cover and simmer. 15 minutes for 1 - 1 1/4 pound hard-shell lobsters 20 minutes for 1 1/2 - 2 pound hard-shell lobsters Reduce cooking time by 3 minutes for new-shell lobsters Lobsters are done when the outer shell is bright red and the tails curl up or the antennae pull out easily. Serve with melted butter. Remove lobsters from boiling liquid with tongs. sorry ta barge in like that but with all that racket and laughing I had ta take a peek.
  3. I agree :) a bit hard to follow a lot of the rigging referances. I had to keep looking up some of the things he was talking about.
  4. here here !!!!! nothing as sexy as a lass in a billowing shirt and not besides.
  5. there's one off the 91 just east of the 605. in Cerritos. (in L.A. every thing is done by the freeway,s )
  6. same thing pirates of old were after .................... MONEY !!! they just don't have the common curtisie to take the whole ship and recruit those who want to join them. deffirent mind set now adays. less honor. the modern pirates are only on the water long enough to steal what they can. pirates of old had to be on the water a long time just to get to their victoms...er .......umm .....spoils ? look how much the mind set has changed shorebound.
  7. I might be remembering wrong but didn't the U.S marines owe alot of there "fame" to hunting pirate's ?
  8. very true, very true . like many have stated before, it is a loaded question. lafitte has always held a slight fasination for me becouse he was so diversified.
  9. jean la'fitte very famous pirate, defended those who had try to capture and hang him. followed the ideals of america when he set up his smuggleing colony. most pirate crews had more rights than the british naval men. modern pirates ? don't know to any to ask them.
  10. always good to hear of new discovery's that are be'n preserved proper like. although the name of the news source is killing me . new sober server ?
  11. ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!
  12. yer not exited are you.
  13. a little late but..................... 'APPY BERFDAY BLOODY BUCKETS !!!! a true gift ye 'ave bestowed on all of us wayward pirates. many thanks . here's ta makeing it thru another year on account.!!!!
  14. The lil boat is coming along great there mate !! A little back up motor is never a bad idea. I've been in small channels under wind power only. it can be done and is a nice challange but when the wind is dead on up the channel it can get a bit tireing. so what did ya think of the lil 11 footer ? fun huh ? the is no substitute for time on the water.
  15. 'APPY BIRFDAY RUMBARUE !!!! here's to ya fer another succesfull year on acount. I truly 'ope yer day is going spectacular !!!!! * I finally got all my ducks in a row and someone yells DUCK SEASON *
  16. cowboy pirates !!!! pirates, no matter what era, dressed fashionable. thats why they stole pillaged and such. to be able to get what they wanted but could not afford. that fence idea is a great concept but would only work on a large ship where people don't get to near the sides on a regular basis. a cattle guard for ships.
  17. 'APPY BIRF DAY Bess !!!!!!!!! May yer futer years on account be more profitable than the past Many more great years in store fer ya !!! drink up me 'earties yo ho !!!
  18. I like these java script:emoticon(':violent2:') java script:emoticon(':sex:') java script:emoticon(':violent3:') java script:emoticon(':cussing:') O bloddy 'ell the links didn't work ............ um let me try that again when I'm sober......like tomorrow
  19. ROFLAO!!!!!!!!!!! oh bloddy 'ell that's funny. I did pirate the drinking and sing'n lil guys already. reminds me ofa good freind of mine . when we start drinking we sing. when she drinks she falls over.(doesn't stop her from drinking she just gets up and starts sing'n again). love that paper bag guy!!!!!!!!
  20. aaaarrrrrrrrr!!!!! 'APPY berthday captn.!!! congratulations fer makeing it thru another year on account. (better late then never aa wot )
  21. congrats mate!!! a fine job indeed.
  22. aye aye ready to hoist sails with any that'll have me. give me a days notice and me sword arm n'skills be yours.
  23. aye captn. Locolita gave me the two bit tour. she is a thing of beauty. and orca is lovely too. I'm trying to line up a delivery for the 30th or thirty first. if'n anything be going on those days I would be greatfull to get some deck time in. maybe we could buzz those idiots on the hook that are awful grumpy. maybe give them a 'wake up call'.
  24. arrrrrrrrrr. the Orca be up fer sale? she be a beut. finer interior wood work i've not seen. guess I'll be spend'n five dollars twice a week on lotto.
  25. well done mate. peridinos sounds like a fine name. always go with what you like and has a bit of personal meaning behind it. glad to hear it's come'n along so smooth.
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