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Everything posted by privateer

  1. well done mate !!! dang ............if'n ya keep this pace ye'll be done in no time. I think she will be able ta handle the bay no problem. keep post' them pictures. It looks great!!!!!!!
  2. sorry to hear of the cancelation captn.
  3. well mates their we be !!! so It be looking like a raid is in order. hoist the jolly roger and we be off. ummm Pearl ? do I want to know how you got those photo's ? and more importantly ......... do you have more and maybe how the security is layed out.
  4. thanks mate. I was begin'n ta lose hope and start figuring out how ta make me own.
  5. ye be look'n at it all wrong me purple pal. ifn he stay's busy doing all these movies and swoon'n the ladys, he'll never notice that we've taken his island till AFTER we have all the fortifications up.
  6. anything that had alcohol. ................and payed cash.
  7. there is one there. the middle thumbnail of you and someone else as a close up. if you click on it it's a group shot in front of the landshark.
  8. 'ell that's half the draw. my favorite line is we rape ,we kill ,we pillage, we burn drink up me hardy's yo ho
  9. very nice. is that a old sea shanty ?
  10. congrats mate. ye be promoted !!!
  11. not quite sure which was worse....... I did get a chuckle out of both though
  12. Aye mate, just a short jont up the 5. if'n ya get a chance cruise up to the harbour. neat little harbor and not a bad little beach community. not a whole 'ell of a lot of night life though. Hennesseys isn't to bad. great outside patio and steak sandwiches.
  13. here ! here !!!!!!!!!!!! ravage and pillage yer measly black guts out !! just remember you'll be stuck in a holding cell til tuesday if'n ye be caught. so keep it out o'sight and above all ............. HAVE SOME FUN!!!!
  14. 'appy birthday !!! congrats on make'n it another year on account.
  15. It's a disney cartoon from the late eighty's early ninty's . the main charecter is Ballue the bear (jungle book) and he runs a sea plane service. (higher for hire). they do reruns on the disney channel if i remember right.
  16. 'ell that's half the fun ! be sure ta post the dates. If'n I be in the country I'll be there.
  17. blast yer hide ......... now I have that stuck in me nogin .
  18. wow nice work !!!! ah don carnage. " fire at will !" " WAIT " do not fire at will he is my first mate......... SHOOT THE SEA DUCK !!" I miss tailspin.
  19. ahoy mate 'n just where did ye precure dat fine libation ?
  20. welll mate that would work but yer gona look a wee bit uncomfortable in the 'wolfs' bodice.
  21. here ye be http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/piratefestpg1.html should be fun
  22. a little late but. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.!!!!!!! congratulations on makeing it another year on account.
  23. aye.. tis hard ta keep yer hair in order when yer doing six knots tight hulled in a 15 knot wind.
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