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Everything posted by privateer

  1. ya know... I used ta do that on a 37' yorktown with no roller furling. run forward raise the main. run back to the wheel. run forward raise the genoa, run back . the only part that makes me nervous about single handing a BIG boat is if'n things do go awry. a sudden wind shift or winds like yer riden out. damn near put that yorktown into the breakwater when the fog was so thick I could barely see the bow. and the dang fog horn wasn't soundin.I had already droped sail. but it could of been real interesting....... that n if'n I run charters their probably going to want to actually go to certain spots in a somewhat timely manner. (rude ba***ds). I do thank ya fer the tips tho.
  2. arrr that went a stray. I be between boats as it were ..but many a day is spent on the water in a newport 27 or a catalina. 30 or when I really feel like moving I drag me brothers Nacra down ta belmont shores and fly a hull. as ta the title o' captain tis hard ta say. I've know a few boat owners who I wouldn't trust to to untie a mooring line. (learned that the hardway after snapping the boom from the mast, ripping the traveler out and loosing a man overboard all because I listened to the "captain") and near every time I step aboard my hand be on the till an sett'n the sails . don't know if'n I 'earned the title o' captain or not but tis an internet ocean we be saili'n in these parts an 'aff da fun be liven da dream. good wind 'n plentiful plunder to ya
  3. reeeally ??? . yea I usually go to the 'beer can ' races on tues. out of redondo beach yacht club. not to many single females. fun to race though.and I have met some great people. a good freind I sail with is one of the officers. the bad thing it means no more raceing his boat on race day. ifn those ladies be still looking let me know. I thank ya fer the info royaliste. best defense for anything is knowledge.
  4. aye captn. those catalina's and hunters sail easy 'n fast but what fun is that? I would like to find a nice fermosa. it 's got a bit o' style but still new enough to be "comfortable" and no wood hull to be eatn'by them dang termites . I am kind of curiouse as to how hard id be to single hand though. granted most people would like to pull sails on a real sailboat, or the electric wenches but I just can't bring myself to trust 'em. that and I can't quit find a 'wench' with the same dream. ah well ,se la vie! oh good luck with that gail ya got blow'n
  5. aye. that's why I've been lean'n more twords mexico, or the caribean. I would love ta sail the south pacific. but like ya said,ya better have a deck sweeper (shotgun) and have no qualms about using it. they loose hundreds of boats a year to piracy. they either kidnap ya and hold ya fer ransom ,or throw ya overboard and take off with yer boat. south america and southern cental america is not as bad but it does happen. as far as the six pack license goes ,it's more for the hotels and booking agency's than anything. the trick is to get hooked in with a hotel / resort and offer three hour sail tours (' experiance the thrill and romance of sailing' ) or set up private multiday sailing cruises. there area few companies that if you put up the down payment, they pay for EVERYTHING else. they book all your reservations and the boat is only yours for a few off peak weeks a year. and the end of your multi year contract the boat is yours free and clear. ya don't get paid much to live on but ya have no expenses. a thirty five ta forty -two foot boat would be ideal. big enough to be comfortable but small enough ta single hand.
  6. cool site. thank ya kindly !!
  7. look a lil down the page at tales of the seven seas costume ideas
  8. ne'er give up the boat. if'n all else goes ta blazes ya still have a place to lay yer head and a way ta unwind at the end of the day. aah well if'n ya did fer yer love ........ I knew there was a reason I be single. no quarter given
  9. it's only illegall if you get caught. I've been thinking of taking a small sailboat up and down the west coast and hitting a few festivals on the trip. and the nice part is the winds free!!!
  10. ahoy harbormaster I've been sav'n an sailin' looking to set up a sailing charter in far off lands. anyone in that area doing day sails or week long sailboat charters? I heard there be a lot o' modern day pirates in that area doin' kindnappings and such. but ell , a good deck sweeper and being known locally usually takes care of such problems.in just under a year I'll ave me six pack license. and then it's just a matter of setting the sails and makeing the right connections at the right resort. iffn ya can give me a bit o' info inta the area it'll be greatly apreciated.
  11. go to the Errol Flynn catalog. against all flags, the seahawks is a great one . another favorite of mine is the black swan. there is one that came out in the early ninty's that is escapen' me right now but in the move they end up high and dry on the chain that's strung across the entrance to a harbor................. dang that's going to drive me nuts until I kin think o the movie. twas a bit cheesey and so so acting but had some great parts to it.
  12. I've not done alot o'checkin' but ifn ya come across seahawks or the black swan er against all flags sound off . Errol Flynn be a hero o mine since i was a wee tike.
  13. giv em hell captn!!!!! no quarter!
  14. i thanks ya kindly. that be xactly what I be look'n fer. barkeep ..... the rounds are on me tonight.
  15. thanks for the tip I'm looking for fenceing classes that can be translated to the cutlass or similar weapons. I'm already well versed in hand to hand and knife fighting styles. I be want'n to ave a little formal lern'n cheers
  16. I've always wanted to do some fenceing . but slashing around on the boat is hard on da rigin' . Any sugestions on were to get classes in socal or a good jump off spot would be much appreciated.
  17. aye it be a bit plastic but a good distraction from the pirate dealers at the tables. its free and a bit crowded but you can usually find a spot to watch without much ado. the heat is gawd awful this time o' year. I was there friday on a delivery and the mercury topped 108. the crowds were scarce. do the strolling in the early eve and you'll be fine. watch out for the scally wags at margaritaville . it may av jimmy's name on it but they charge heartily for a margarita and it comes in a little 8 ounce plastic cup. best o'luck love
  18. Me and me mates are sailing on a li'll 27' coronado out of king harbor. we secured a campsite at two harbors. lots of buffalo milk,rum, and a warm campfire after a day on the water is a great way to spend the weekend. we wont be back till late sunday.
  19. appy berthday lass. congrats on servive'n another year on account.
  20. be that a regler occurance? I be hoist'n sails for two harbors on sat. but would be abliged to check out the party pyrats. any other pub partys on the horizon?
  21. sounds like a right good time. how does one go about securing tickets for the tall ships? I was at the one in san pedro a few years back and it was great. didn't see to many pirates about though. and never got a chance to join in the battles they ad in the harbor. email me when the days get closer. also is anyone going to buccaneer days in catalina? .........and where are they holding the cannon battles ? (if I can't secure a ride on a tall ship I might as well get real close and join in.)
  22. hi there . im abit new thees parts but if movins what ya need and we can trade fer passes give me a call. i've been doin that very thing fer neer on four years now. ne'r been to a fair but i do live the life o'r privateer. my definition of a privateer be a pirate wit morals.................. tis the internet but i've a referance or three.
  23. a pirate then? born and raised aye I've a strong imunity, luck , and a lust for rum and freedom. I work very hard when i afta . and spend many a day avoiden it. ifn i was plucked up today and thrown in the mix. I'd last a bit off of charm and smarts and the ability to re-create the modern things. twas a lot of hardship and even more luck in the day... aah but to dream.* goes glassey eyed* tis a great dream o'mine to travel back and have rank on a ship sailing the carib.
  24. i still have a vivid memory of waking up my older brother to read the captions in an old timelife book on the sea, because i was to young to know how to read. I've been facinated with the ocean ever since. ( and this was in spokane. hadn't even seen the sea yet) after many years and a few to many mis-adventures I ended upliveing on a 37 foot sailboat and soon learned to sail. not long after i learned how to single hand and was on the water three days a week. after a few to many years working for other people i walked away from the paycheck thing. I sail when I can find a sailboat. work doing whatever pays cash and enjoy life. I plan to have my sixpack license in two years and then I'm gone......mexico or the caribbean. with my own boat and maybe even work for windjammers or someother outfit that does all the booking. the life of a privateer. ( of course if the IRS ask's you've not heard of me.) that and i think against all flags a great influance. (errol flynn). wasn't that impressed with PoC.
  25. I'm probably a bit late in posting this to help but ... stay busy with something that you have to work at.... the helm... pulling sheets.. what ever.. don't go below deck unless your real sure of yer belly. ginger pills ar somthing to always have in your pocket becouse they take about five to ten minutes to work. dramamine take a bit to work. avoid the smell of desiel or greasy food. stareing at the horizon helps a little .. I've found watching the waves as they hit and anticipating how they are going to effect the ship is a little better........... not five feet from the hull... more like two swells out. I hope yer well on yer way to a adventure of a lifetime and took lots of pic's. far niente
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