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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Hepburn was smokin'...
  2. Funny Girl (saw it first run on Broadway )
  3. Yay! I finally got over 100,000,000 people in my Network!!! ...so how come I still take my hand out for dinner and a movie?
  4. Doubt it. Although one of the Pub members is being quite a luv and making me an outfit, it might be a while before we get there. But if we have to plunder some lubber's ship to get there, we will! I'll give your best to Ant and Mike - thanks! The sound a doorbell makes. Oh, you mean... A Ding-Dong is a little dessert that's made commercially here by the Hostess Company - a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and a cream-filled center. Hmmm...well, either you're JC who is a peanut-butter-and-jelly nit, or you're Jack and you're a pub junky. Good one! *sigh*...yet another soul lost to Pyracy...
  5. Ladies, this week only, I'm running a special... Any female scoring less than 50% on this quiz is entitled to a FREE GROPE GROUP SESSION with the world-famous taoist, SifuPhil! COME TO POPPA!!! ...uhm, I mean - enter the temple...
  6. ROFLMAO!!! Deep Chris! ..ahem... yummy noise / menage
  7. Those were neat - thanks.
  8. OK, I get the hint.
  9. Fly in the ointment
  10. Flying Deuces (Laurel and Hardy)
  11. Pat, you know about Swish, right? The Poor-Man's Flash? Swish $100 for a great piece of studio software that makes Flash ani's.
  12. LOL! "You are in my power..."
  13. Get inventive...get pyrate!
  14. That's me. Gave up on the real world. "burrow"
  15. Insomniac in Pennsylvania
  16. Heh, heh - addictive, isn't it?
  17. ...and man thinks he's so much better than nature...
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