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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Better still..i've decided if worst comes to worst..i'll do as the Last Saskatchewan Pirate and go piratin' the North Sea
  2. It's so much fun to be wicked isn't it? Uhm..not knowing what that means i get an image of.. Having a bath (together... Nice....no fun alone though)
  3. Somehow this thread keeps making me think "bad things".. Toy boy
  4. Yeah, it's cool to hear people's experiences like this lady who was an extra wrote about it already but i think it's been posted here, i'm not sure: The Compass Rose/Experiences as extra in POTC Always fun to read such personal experience stories, and interesting to learn how such works
  5. Old Dutch Pea Soup Hmmmm (HAHAHAHAHA...i'll change this quickly Don't ask...what a mistake.. )
  6. Sure, cool i love'm Here's a big hug to warm ye up a little before for the bonfire get's going well
  7. fed up pissed off and obnoxious.. A lot better then two days ago!
  8. Yes, i get that i'm not all insane although some seem to think so..it was a joke, hence the wink...
  9. Yeah, or an extra in the movie..is there anyone here on the board who actually got lucky guys?
  10. Uhm...ohhh RED satin? *bites tongue not to go adult* "romantic" night with me favorite captain....
  11. No thanks needed Constance, that's what we are in the world for to be nice to each other and help when we can :) I know myself how much a little kindness can help!
  12. A nice spicey chili, or a tasty indian taco Hmmmm
  13. The ugly duckling
  14. On the Crossing Blades they have banner tutorials and..those who can't make them ask those who do to make them for you, that's also an option. Here's a very good tutorial site for banners withint paint shop pro: Banner tutorials It's really not that hard if you get good help :)
  15. I'm sorry to hear you are so sick. Here's some love and good stuff (whatever it is LOL) for you and everyone who needs it coming your way: May it help :)
  16. Well done :) It's beautiful, and i remember when i did my first blending..when you learn that suddenly things are much more fun to make! It's very good for a first my compliment :)
  17. WOW That is absolutely fabulous We have those things in Scheveningen in the Netherlands each year but never did i see one so brilliant :) Thanks for sharing this
  18. Bloody Mary/Pirate choir De Waterlanders
  19. Uhm.. a pair of melons..... Yeah..me too..nothing bad meant here!
  20. Who says he wants to be..don't look it to me
  21. My batteries are always charged and ready wench in action mode
  22. "Pleasure boy" (Something more adult of a cabin boy )
  23. Words..i guess this written down here: Journal entry 10th of May says perfectly how i feel, and in all honestly..have felt for weeks I try to pretend i'm only having fun and laugh my way through but it's getting hard to pretend..
  24. handsome rogue in action...
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