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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Where have ye been mates? Captain Jack and crew have been a comic book for about a year now in the Disney Adventures kids magazine. Of course, it's going to be a cartoon on the Disney channel. Same artwork, different medium. Pintel and Regatti will live forever. And Iron Bess, deary, ye bring it on yerself by dangling tidbits of treasure. Ye can't expect pirates not to try and grasp for them.
  2. I find wood bindings to be quite unreliable. Especially on something that has to be moved about. Could it possible be rope?
  3. It seems rather obivious to me that we are talking about the same pants, just at different times in their 'lifecycle'. As a mom, I can tell you that I start off the kids with trousers. Which then become shredded around the ankle, so I cut them off at the knee. Hence breeches. Next the knee gets worn, so I cut them off again. By this time, they are too small for the oldest and get passed to the youngest who is skinner. Now they are wide kneed breeches. Just as sails are cut down to eliminate the shredding on the leech, it seems to make sense that what we are seeing is the evolution of a pair of trousers in GAoP. Just my two dubloons worth.
  4. Aye, I made it to Corona. Had a grand time chatting with me friends, who, unfortunately, had to stay all day. As I paid to get in (with coupons readily available online and onsite), me and me 4 other mates all got in for under $45. Twas still Hot as hell, but Corona has trees and there is shade. Alas, there was not much food by Sunday. Huzzah! to vendors, especially the lemonaide vendor, who braved it all. There winds of gossip have indicated that it will be moved to April. Perhaps, the third time is a charm.
  5. I just spoke with someone up there. They said it's getting big media attention this year. I'm on board at this moment as long as no hurricanes squash me plans again.
  6. Well done, William Blydes! I second Christine.
  7. I think this movie moves too fast for non-fans and alot gets lost along the way. Just like the first movie, this one will build in momentum.
  8. Hmmm, I don't remember Jack munching on a toe. All I saw was Jack trimming a toenail by biting it off.
  9. Sounds like ye had a grand time, Ace.
  10. Aye, thank you for letting me know what to look for in cheaters and how to do it meself now. What! Did I say that out loud? Never mind.
  11. Aye mate, you need to catch up. I saw it 3 times in 3 days. It's like a nice aged rum, it gets better each time ye take a sip.
  12. At the midnight premiere at the El Capitan, the Disney suites said Keith Richards had signed the contract. That doesn't mean he'll stay upright long enough to shoot the scene, but I'm only repeating the word from the Disney suits.
  13. Aye, Boats may have an issue with it.
  14. If you don't want to see spoilers about the POTC movies and other pirate pop culture media, then I suggest you do not visit this forum. There will be spoilers posted. There are many other forums to visit here at the pub such was Captain Twill, Plunder and Raids. There are many pirate pop media in circulation at this time. This forum is a place where people can converse about these. The posts may contain spoilers. I will not censor for spoilers. Read the posts at your own risk. Yers in pyracy and play,
  15. Since I'm the moderator here, you stated you wanted to keep this thread "spoiler free". No where do I see that you put that in the topic. So after you whined about keeping the thread *spoiler free*, I went back and re-read all the previous posts to confirm it was *spoiler free*. The only thing I saw was a *service posting* letting other members know that there is a tidbit at the end of the credits; just as there was on the first movie. This is the PIRATE POP forum. This is a HUGE PIRATE POP movie. It is not unreasonable to expect that many of these threads might contain spoilers. If you need babysitting to avoid spoilers, visit the other forums. The Pirate Pop fourm is going to have spoilers. I will not delete posts with spoilers. You have been warned.
  16. You joined the pub on JUNE 29, 2006! If you didn't want to read spoilers, then why did you come to the pub??? No one can make you do what you don't want, mate. Don't read the posts that says *Spoilers ahead*. Also, knowing that there is something after ending credits is akin to admitting you know nothing about the first movie to begin with. It doesn't take Regatti to know that there would be something after the ending credits. My two short fused dubloons worth,
  17. Well mates, I am recovered from seeing POTC II at the El Capitan Premiere. I had a blast as I'm sure all of you read in the other POTC II threads. A special treat was the costume contest with participants selected by the suits of the theatre. Meself and one of me mates were selected. We didn't have a monkey's chance as there were many great Captain Jack Sparrows, of which one took home the prize of the new Handheld game. All participants of the contest received a World Premiere embrodired POTC II baseball cap which was quickly added to my collection. Then a raffle was held for an autographed poster and another one for Disneyland tickets. Alas I nor anyone I knew won. The theatre had props from the movies including the wedding garb and toe necklace. A mini museum paying homage to the POTC II. Finally the show started. Tis an amazing theatre as it is designed for plays as well as movies, they had an awesome opening including some wonderfuly special effects and lighting using the stage before the movie was even began. Overall, it was well worth the trip from Arizona to Hollywood, CA to see POTC II at the El Capitan.
  18. Not to impune IRon Bess, but I don't think Iron Bess would have the time to think up POTC related names for food dishes. Huzzah! to the Kitchen Goddess of the commissary at Burbank.
  19. I saw this in it's entirity (sp?) at Cutthroat Corona Pirate with Jamaica Rose and crew. It's done as well as could be expected for the budget limitations that 2 hour television segment allows. Yes, there will be visual inaccuracies as many ships have not survived from those time periods. The cannon issue may have been for overall effect. The cannons on the Royaliste are wonderful, but unless you are there on board, the camera takes away 10 lbs. Overall, I would say that the program is engaging, tries really hard for accurracy and is worth the sit down of two hours with commercials (tape it and you can skip the commercials). Overall, the best so far of the editions on the genre of GAoP. Not to mention employing those who support the history of pirates.
  20. Voyage to the Edge, a one hour recap of the 2005-2006 Volvo Ocean Race Round the World, will air on ESPN2 on Thursday, July 6, at 3PM eastern (noon pacific). The show features American skipper Paul Cayard, who won this race in 1998. He engineered an amazing comeback with Pirates of the Caribbean, taking second overall after sitting out Leg 1 with damage to his boat. Voyage to the Edge is an American show produced and narrated by Gary Jobson, written by Roger Vaughan. Jobson and Vaughan covered the Volvo Race on the web for Virtual Spectator. Their reports can be seen on www.vssailing.com Breathtaking speed, breakdowns, and hardship are the essence of this 9th round the world race, formerly known as The Whitbread. The 30,000-mile course with nine ports of call and seven in-port races took eight months to complete. It featured the debut of the Volvo Ocean 70, which quickly added 79 miles (563 nm total) to the 24-hour distance record set by a Volvo 60 in 2002. But seaworthiness became an issue. Keeping the delicate boat in one piece was half the battle. One team had to abandon its boat 300 miles at sea. And one sailor was lost when a wall of water swept him overboard in heavy weather. I hope you have a chance to watch. Best Regards, Gary Jobson
  21. You forgot this one. Cannon practice upsets Texas neighborhood
  22. Only for those, like my mate, who have had the opportunity to engorge themselves to their hearts content on the Disney magic. Others of us just now have the means to acquire it. It's a tragedy we're married to those who have overdosed on Disney already.
  23. This thread is for the discussion of POTC II for all to see, including minors. Other posts were split and sent to "the way to a pyrate's heart.
  24. So are we picking up the tentative confirmation of a release date of May 28, 2007 for POTC3? If so, that will suck for those who will still have kids in school at that time. Hello, Mr. Bruckheimer, the whole state of Arizona school systems will still be in session. I'm sure other states will still be in session as well! How about June 1? Tis a lovely Friday for a release.
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