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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Huzzah! for National Pirate Day!
  2. The arms are a little tight, so I would like to widen the arms and add cuffs. I would also like to add more pleats in the back.
  3. Have fun mateys. I wish I could be there, but alas me treasure chest is a little light this year.
  4. ohhhhhh ahhhhhh very sweet indeed. Several years ago, when I first started venturing into pyracy, I ordered a suedo coat that looked "piratey". I would wear it to special occasions in the mundane world. Now it seems, with a little alterations, I could wear it as a period correct coat. Last year, one of those speciality fabric stores in the area was having a sale on suede leather which just happens to match the leather on the coat. The question, do I dare cut into the coat to make the alterations? Is there someone I could pay to do the alterations? Opinions...thoughts?
  5. Ahoy Bess, I have a beef with a few POTC items. First, the gray shirt at Hot Topic reads "Pirate Lite for Me". I know it's suppose to say "Pirate Life for Me." but the script is too indistinct on the background, it reads "Lite". Spoiler Warning: Second, the talking parrot with the Jack Sparrow scarf needs his own sayings. Like "Jack's in prison again." or "Great escape Jack". I'm not going to say anymore because I want all the booty for meself. ARRRRH!!!!
  6. The website is a cannon blast. I really liked the pirate rules.
  7. AT&T isn't gobbling everyone up. They just avoided bankruptcy by being bought by SBC. SBC then took the AT&T name because no one knows who SBC is. That's Southwestern Bell Corporation, ie one of the baby bells that was part of the original break-up. They aren't buying up the various computer services. It's about Digital Rights Management and not just over the net, over the airwaves as well. I told you the ride was just beginning. Burst Video takes alot of bandwidth. Just ask Bloody and his crew. Why do you think the board was loading so slow for a while. It's because the bandwidth was reaching its maximum on the server. Bandwidth is being gobbled up nanosecond by nanosecond. You want the net to grind to stop, go ahead and not face the reality of changing technology. This is not about net neutrality aka not changing the web. Its about the evolution of burst video, the bandwidth it sucks up and the internet infrastructure that is over 20 years old.
  8. Ahoy Maties, I can finally view the goings on and hopefully see where I can jump in. Me access to the site had been severly disabling until DH finally got the virus off his pc. I hope to see ye all soon. And I'm sorry I missed Diego's funeral. I didn't know he had passed away.
  9. Folks, this isn't about Internet Nuetrality. It's about bankruptcy and digital rights management. AT&T owns the infastructure that the Net is built upon. If Google/Microsoft and all that can charge for video's over the internet and NOT pay a fee to to AT&T and Verizon for that service, AT&T and Verizon will go bankrupt and the net will be jeopardy. Signing a petition and writing a letter that says "Don't Change" isn't going to save the net. The ride is just beginning again.
  10. Apparently the log jam was caused by DH's puter on the network. After finally telling him several things to do to get rid of the virus. He finally listened and all puters are now free to roam the seas of the internet. Huzzah!
  11. Good Luck, Captain. Yers is a lovely ship and I'm sure the east coast pubbers will come to love ya as much as the west coasters do. ~Here's wishing ye fair winds, calm seas and no hurricanes.
  12. Well, that turkey doesn't look like a happy boy. So, who plucked the turkey. I bet Mom wasn't a happy gal with that thought. Congrats on bagging the bird.
  13. Those viking kitties were hilarious. (BHP gets strange looks from other library patrons and trys to type fast before her time runs on the government's broadband).
  14. I've resorted to sneaking off to the local library to log on. No problems here, even with censhorship and all. Bugger standing here and typing and yer only allowed 15 minutes for the express computers. Otherwise, you'll have to make an appointment. Not to mention the library has really crappy hours. Dh will be gone this week. I will try disconnecting router (means boys won't have access) and see if that makes a difference. Everyone wish me luck. I miss my pyracy pub.
  15. Newport Beach Film Festival Aye Mateys, The film will be playing April 24 @ 5pm at the Newport Beach Film Festival. There be the link to showtimes.
  16. I do not have these problems with any other site. I tried using spyware and spamware to see if a bug or virus was the problem. That ended up being its own set of problems because I was using Norton Anti-Virus and it locked up my outlook mailbox. Any thoughts on it might be the router? This is the only thing I can think of that might be causing the problem and the only thing that hasn't changed. I recently changed from broadband to DSL. That hasn't made a difference. Still loading in a untimely manner.
  17. This has been going on for over a month now. I can't load pages from the pyracy pub on my computers at home. I'm sneaking a few posts in at my son's school on the their computer. (It's good to have access ) I've written to Buckets and Booty, neither has responded as to why I can't load the pages. It takes up to 3 minutes per page to load. Recently I changed IP Providers and am still struggling with my home computers. Help, I'm going through Pyracy Pub withdrawl and have resorted to visiting a ren board that has a pirate section for a fix. Help! blackheartedpearl@endkaos.com
  18. Aye, it was a grand movie and won Festival Choice here at the Phoenix Film Festival. I had a chance to chat with the director, E.R. Nelson and will be hopefully posting a review in No Quarter Given.
  19. I'm always slipping in and out of vision.
  20. It was a good day to sail, says I.
  21. ^needs lots of hugs and kisses, gals are you up for it?
  22. astronomical is Arthur's way of appearing educated.
  23. Pirate Daughter's Lament
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