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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. I have regrets. If I didn't, it would mean I have learned nothing from my mistakes. I forgive myself for my mistakes. Regret helps me to not make the same mistake twice. ~Myself
  2. my imagination is running wild. Oops, that's right this is "Captain Twill" not "A way to a pyrate's heart." I apololgize.
  3. Aye mate, sorry about your "month from hell". Hope things are looking up for you now. Just to let you know, we appreciate you at the pub.
  4. What, a separation between church and mouse? Where is that in the constitution?
  5. I'm on several boards for the schools in my area. This is a big issue and things are going to start cracking down. If your an investor in myspace, sell your stock now. The mommies are on the war path.
  6. Ah, ye be teasing big now, I says. No fair.
  7. I believe you mean there will be no "official" ones as of yet. However, the witch doctor in me, (me grandmum was into the arts, ifn ye catch me meaning) suspects them asian pirates will be persuading the commanders at the mouse otherwise.
  8. In my younger days, the son of a family friend came over to where I was babysitting. The next thing I knew, he had whipped it out and which point I started laughing. Needless to say (pun intended) he zipped up real fast and left me alone after that.
  9. Too much information, ye be wantin someone to pirate yer identity?
  10. Me mates out in S.CA at this moment, but I'm thinkin about how to work it.
  11. It's a cute coat, but we all tend to look for more period fabrics here. We wouldn't want to be hanged by the Ren Faire Nazi's when all we be want'n is to have a good time.
  12. Get a taste of the sea, kiss a pirate.
  13. Alas me mates are calling me to LORE at Crossroad the same weekend as Pirate's weekend. Ms. Jamaica Rose will be giving lessons on how to improve your pirate personae. (Those of you with No Quarter Given subscriptions will know of what I speak). Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
  14. Now that one I liked. A Huzzah! for orignality!
  15. This will be for President's Day weekend. As far Pirate's weekend, that I be planning after President's Day Weekend. I have an annual pass and my sister is a guild member, so we will be their both weekends.
  16. A Pyracy Pub meet and greet is in the works. Let's here some suggestions for plans. The festival is open until 6:00pm each night. 1. Saturday afternoon at the pub opposite the Boathouse stage. 2. A meet-up after the festival at either A. O'Sullivan's Sports bar & Restaurant in Mesa (English style food) B. Captain's Bar & Grill in Apache Junction (Biker Bar type place) C The Friendly Irish Pub in Mesa (still working on info) I'll work the contacts for the location. What say you?
  17. Okay Mates, Here's me current plans. As me mate Sandy has to be at bagpiping event starting Friday night, we plan on raiding the War on Thursday. We plan on plundering the lovely wares of the merchants. delmar, will you be there by then? Others have spoken on going on Friday afternoon as well and then hitting the AZ Ren Festival Sat and Sun. I can't wait for the partying to begin.
  18. Unfortunately, I caught it "live" while me mate was rolling out of bed with laughter saying "That's you! That's you!" until I ran him through with me scabbard.
  19. The boys and I finally got around to watching it the other night. Didn't see any ships we recognized. The boys really liked the blood and gore parts of it. I found it remarkable how many times he kept losing his flag ships to "accidents". P.S. It was on the Discovery Times channel.
  20. Hmmm, did Buena Vista change their name? Nay, back to the good old days of "A subsidary of .....(fill in the blank)."
  21. Huh? It was more silly than cute, IMO
  22. Sorry mate, but me hubby bought me a season pass, so I not be needin tickets.
  23. Where I live, the nannies drive Hummers to pick up the kids from school. Price isn't an obstacle for these silcone ladies. But before you start thinking I'm in the same boat, you should know that I live in the only square mile that has septic tanks instead of sewers.
  24. Well, soon all the plastic mommies will be wearing this and I won't look so weird. I always knew I was ahead of the times or should I say way behind the times?
  25. The Wild Nothing much on it yet, but previews on this Disney movie make it seem like Madagascar redo. I'm very glad Pixar's people are back.
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